
Deep Waters



What's hidden beneath;

"it is not until a fissure has split that one can see what is truly hidden beneath the surface"









Taecyeon’s POV

I walked into the elevator taking a deep breath as I pressed the button to the 14th floor. As the elevator slowly shifted moving upwards I thought to myself how I was going to approach him. That night before I had a fight, a huge fight with him, my younger brother Minho and I wondered whether our relationship was now beyond repair. I would definitely have to apologise and ask for his forgiveness something I would never do in my life.

In all honesty I didn’t even care whether or not Minho forgave me.

Why should I care whether or not he acknowledged me as his brother anymore? He was always begging me to change, to be more mature and responsible. He was so desperate for me to change as though my reputation would ruin his. That was how I thought of him, annoying and demanding... just like father.

But I needed his forgiveness... I wasn’t going to leave until I got it.

Because I had changed my goal and it was now directed towards Yoona. It wasn’t about taking over my father’s company anymore. It was now about getting Yoona. I wanted her. And the first step would be by getting closer to her and this meant that I had to fix my relationship with my brother. I didn’t want Yoona seeing me for the person I was truly am.

That would ruin everything.

Ding! The elevator had stopped and I stepped out quietly. The media was booming when the death of our father had emerged. We had moved out from our mansion to a high security penthouse in New York City just to escape the media and reporters.

I unlocked the door silently and walked in not knowing whether he was home.

This was going to end in two different directions. Either another argument would spark again or he would forgive me. I was hoping for the latter.

“Why are you here?”

Minho was standing there staring at me with a cold expression.

I took a short breath. “I came here to apologise.”

“Really? Why aren’t you out clubbing and drinking? I thought you said that’s all you cared about,” He asked with a look of indifference.

I stared at him.

Does he really think I was here to apologise to him? This is just for a show you dumb idiot. You’re just foolish enough for believing it. Deep inside I was laughing at how pathetic he was thinking that I would actually apologise. But outside my expression was grim and desperate.

“Minho... I’m sorry... I’m your brother and I let you down,” I said sadly.

He sighed deeply and I knew this was a sign that he was ready to forgive me.

“You shouldn’t be saying sorry to me... you should be saying sorry to our father. You need to understand that the company is father’s lifelong sweat and tears... how hurt do you think he would be feeling seeing you abandoning it to relive your past? I know I shouldn’t say this again but father just died... not even a week ago and you go clubbing... I just don’t know what to feel about all this... I feel like you haven’t changed at all.”

I wasn’t even half listening. I was merely waiting for him to stop talking.

I hated all the bull he went at length about father.

It was annoying.

I spoke with a tongue slick with lies. “I know... but things were so stressful for me... I didn’t know what to do... I wasn’t going to go drink... I swear but they called me and they convinced me to come to the club and join them. They said... if I didn’t join them then they wouldn’t consider me as their friend anymore.”

Minho looked at me and I saw his face filled with concern.

Were people just gullible or was I really that skilled with lying?

My eyes started to brim with tears as I continued. “I realised what sort of people they are... they were just using me to help them buy drinks because they had no money. Minho... I know what sort of person I want to be now. I don’t want to let you or father down anymore. Will you help me?”

He stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“Taecyeon you’re my brother. You’re the only family I got. If I don’t help you... who do I help?” He said giving me a small smile.

I nodded and pulled him into an embrace. “Thanks brother.”

As we hugged each other for that brief moment I smirked to myself.

That was easy. Too easy.  


* * *


It was the next morning. I came out yawning and stretching my arms noticing that Minho was already sitting on the dining table working on his laptop. I had moved back into the penthouse last night and he was overjoyed saying how happy father would be watching us from heaven. I was happy as well knowing how gullible he was last night believing everything I had said. Everything was sealed... all I had to do now was reclaim Yoona.

“What’s for breakfast?” I asked as I sat down next to him.

He was busy typing on his laptop and didn’t look up at me. “Whatever you want.”

I nodded knowing that it meant I had to make breakfast for myself. Living in an apartment was so different to our family mansion in Beverly Hills. For one, we had chefs and servants so we didn’t have to do anything. Times were different now. I searched around the cupboard before giving up and resorting to a simple bowl of cereal.

“Why are you so busy?” I asked sitting back down next to him.

“There’s some stuff over father’s funeral that still needs to be taken care of. I didn’t ask the secretaries to do it cause they already done enough... I told them to have a break.”

Crap... I forgot all about father’s funeral.

“Oh yeah... I was going to talk to you about that,” I lied. “Do you need any help?”

He looked up at me and smiled softly. “I’m almost finished... but thanks for asking.”

Like I would actually help.

“By the way... I told Yoona to come,” I admitted slowly watching for his reaction. I wondered if he was going to protest, the funeral was only for extremely close friends and family. Yoona was neither of the two in relations to our father.

Minho looked back onto his laptop and continued typing. “No need to wait for my reaction. I already sent her an invitation card.”


“She’s our friend anyway.”

I took a deep breath about to ask something that I had been planning to ask since last night.

“Umm... could I ask you for a favour?”

He looked up at me surprised. I hardly asked him for favours. “What is it?”

Here it goes. “When Yoona comes tomorrow... could you not... umm... mention about my whole drinking thing?”

There was a moment silence.

“Don’t worry... I won’t tell and I wasn’t planning to. I see that you regard her as an important friend and I wouldn’t want to ruin that by bringing up past events.”

Relief settled in me. I had been worrying all night over the possibility that Minho would mention to Yoona about my recent drinking incident. If the news about that incident reached her ear who knows how she would react? I couldn’t take that risk because it could potentially jeopardise my relationship with her. But everything was fine now.

I smiled to myself victoriously as I started on my cereal.

Things were going smoothly.  


Yoona’s POV

I held onto the thin fragile piece of paper firmly in my hand. I gazed out the window silently watching as we drove past multiple streets and shops. Today was the day of the memorial for Taecyeon and Minho’s father. It was an early and quiet morning and Donghae was driving me to Woodlawn cemetery where the funeral was to be held.

I looked down at the piece of paper I had clutched in my hand:


In an everlasting love and memory of

Ok Ji Tae

Beloved father of Ok Taecyeon and Ok Minho

Who died from liver cancer on 30-07-2012

Aged 59


An untimely event he left his home,

Not thinking his time had come to go,

A sudden change that made him fell,

An untimely event with no farewell.


You are respectfully invited to attend the funeral,

 on Saturday, August 3rd, 2012 at 9am.

Woodlawn Cemetery.



I looked back up gazing at the window sighing slowly and smoothing out a slight crease in my black dress. I was nervous, I had never been to a funeral before and I had never thought that I would ever will. But here I was in the car being driven right there.

“Are you okay?”

I looked to Donghae beside me who was driving. “Yeah... just a bit nervous.”

“Hey if you don’t want to go... you don’t have to,” He said worriedly glancing at me.

I smiled and shook my head. “I’m alright... it would be rude not turning up when I already accepted the invitation beforehand.” 

The vehicle slowed down as we entered the gateway into the cemetery. There were reporters waiting outside the gateway... obviously trying to get some of the latest scoop on the family drama. The media was just horrendous. They were so desperate to get updates and news that they would even interfere during a memorial day? One of the reporters had even snapped a photo of us as we passed the security and into the main grounds.

Donghae drove us uphill and parked next to the pathway. I gazed nervously at the groups of people walking up that pathway. I wondered if these were all the people attending the memorial for Taecyeon’s father. I exhaled before reaching my hand for the handle.

“Hey... if you feel uncomfortable call me and I’ll come in and fetch you,” Donghae said holding up his mobile and I nodded.

“Okay I will.” I stepped out of the car. “Bye.”

“Alright then... I’ll be waiting here outside when you finish.”

I nodded at him before venturing towards the pathway following closely behind those groups of people. It wasn’t long until I could see a mass gathering of people seated in an open area. There was a coffin lying in the distance and standing behind it was Taecyeon and Minho. As I walked closer towards the seating area Taecyeon spotted me and gave me a small nod.

A quiet announcement was made.

“Please take a seat, the memorial will now begin.”


* * *


“Thank you for coming.”

The memorial had ended and Taecyeon was walking me out. I smiled at him and placed my hand on his shoulder. His eyes met mine and I could see the sadness that was welling in there. Emotional damages take time... but something as tragic as this may never heal.

“We’re friends... it’s the least I can do,” I said softly patting him on the shoulder.

He smiled sadly. “I don’t know if my father will ever rest in peace... knowing that his incapable son would be taking over his company.”

“The fact that you’re willing to change yourself is already enough. You’re not incapable... you’re just inexperienced. There’s a big difference between the two,” I replied as we started to walk down the pathway.

“Inexperienced or not... it still doesn’t change the views from other people.”

We were nearing the gateway and I could see Donghae clearly standing outside. “Minho doesn’t see you in that way. It doesn’t matter how other people view you. Family is the most important and Minho will do anything to help you.”

“You’re right...”


Taecyeon’s POV

“You’re right...” I said slowly but I couldn’t be bothered finishing off my sentence. Yoona wasn’t even paying attention and I could see her eyes looking straight ahead... towards that guy standing outside the gateway.


That barstard.

Why was it that I always had competition whenever I wanted something?

I smirked to myself as an idea drifted into my mind. I took Yoona’s arm and pulled her to me into an embrace stunning her. My eyes glanced towards Donghae who was now paying full attention. He looked stunned and I laughed bitterly inside. It suddenly became clear to me that he might be jealous. And if he was... would that mean he has feelings for Yoona?

“Umm... Taecyeon...” Yoona said gently obviously in an awkward situation.

“Thank you... I don’t know what to say other than that... but thank you. You’ve done so much for me... I can’t thank you enough. I know this might surprise you but you’re the only friend I have. I know I’m not going to let my father down anymore... for you and Minho I’m going to give it my best. I’m lucky to have a friend like you.”  

She pulled away from me making my heart drop.

“I shouldn’t take all the credit. You should really be thanking your brother... it was him that convinced your company’s shareholders to give you a chance,” She said fixing herself.

Can’t she just accept my gratitude? Why was it that everything I say gets lead to someone else?

“I’ll remember to do that,” I replied half heartedly.

As we walked out of the gateway and into the driveway Donghae came up to us. He smiled as though sneering at my failed attempt to get closer to Yoona. I knew I was hating him for all the wrong reasons but there was so little yet so much to hate about him.

He nodded at me before turning to Yoona. “Ready to go?”

And then I spoke out. “Actually could I have a little chat with you?”

Donghae stared at me and even Yoona looked a bit surprised.

“Me? Oh umm... of course,” Donghae said slowly before looking at Yoona.

“Don’t mind me... I’ll just wait in the car. Take as long as you need,” Yoona replied smiling.

She walked away across the road obviously happy that the two of us were getting to know each other. However that idea was clearly different to the idea I had in mind. I watched her enter the car and knew that she wouldn’t be able to hear our conversation.

“So how long have you known Yoona?” I asked casually.

“Since we were children,” He replied.

So they’ve known each other for that long? They must be really close. It would be difficult trying to erase Donghae out of the picture. Maybe there were other alternatives.

I smiled to myself. “You two must be really close then.”

“Pretty much.”

And soon enough you won’t be.

“I like Yoona,” I announced to Donghae.  


Donghae’s POV

My heart started to pound rapidly as I heard those three words. I regretted every second of that moment. Yuri was right... all that time that I had to confess my feelings to Yoona had all gone to waste. Now somebody was going to take that opportunity. Why was I such an idiot?

“Y-you do?” I asked nervously.

Taecyeon nodded. “Yes... I’ve never felt this way about any other girl before.”

“Why... are you telling me this?”

He edged closer to me and spoke quietly. “Would you be able to help me? I really like her so it would help a lot if you could tell me her likes and dislikes. I mean... she’s just your best friend right?”

It was as though he was cornering me trapping me into a dead end. I had no choice... either I admitted my feelings right here and right now or I refuse and make my feelings obvious.

“No,” I said slowly.

He gazed at me with a hard expression. “No? Doesn’t that seem a bit suspicious?”

“You’ve only known Yoona a bit over a week. Wouldn’t you be rushing it? I know her personality down to the core. Yoona is the type of person to fully trust that person before committing into such a relationship. And besides... at this point... I don’t think she is at that level,” I explained slowly trying to steer away from that question.

Taecyeon nodded slowly. “You’re right... it’s all about trust in the end.”

“Well it’s good that you understand... I better be going... I don’t want to keep her waiting... my condolences to you and your family,” I said before walking off.

I breathed out in relief. I was so dangerously close to revealing my feelings about Yoona. It was a closely held secret of mine that only Yuri knew about. Things would get awkward if Yoona knew my true feelings towards her. I couldn’t afford to let her know about it because I knew clearly that her feelings towards me were only as a brother.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Taecyeon... I didn’t know what to feel about this person. There was something about him that I just couldn’t put my head around. Something in his eyes... that made me suspicious. Maybe there was more to this person than what meets the eyes.

“What did you guys talk about?” Yoona asked in the car.

I stepped in and pulled the seatbelt over me trying to buy some more time to make a reply.

“Nothing much... we just got to know each other a bit more,” I lied.

Yoona smiled nudging my arm. “That’s good... I was watching you guys and I thought something serious was going on. I’m glad that you and Taecyeon are starting to become friends.”

My stomach started to churn hearing her words as I drove out.


* * *


When we got back home Yoona was deciding what to eat for dinner. I wasn’t in the mood anymore to suggest anything nor did I feel like talking. Thoughts were running into my head since we were driving back home. I wasn’t the only one to have feelings for Yoona anymore.

Does that mean I am too late?

“I think we should finish these... they’ve been in the cupboard since ages,” Yoona said holding out two cup noodles that she had found.

I sat down on the sofa and the television as she went to boil some water. I stared at the moving images in the screen pretending to watch but I was really just thinking. Should I tell her before it’s too late? Or was it too late already? I know she would never accept me in that way but it was better to say it then to keep it in me.  


Yoona passed me one of the cup noodles and I held onto it. She sat down next to me and started to watch the television. I stared down at my noodles letting the steam hit my forehead. My heart was pounding telling me to say it... but my mind was saying that I would regret it if I did. I opened my mouth.


But her eyes were fixed onto the television screen and I wondered what had gotten her so fixated. I turned my head towards the screen and was taken by surprise. It was Taecyeon.

“...shocking new footage of Red Lion Corporation’s heir Ok Taecyeon was seen entering a nightclub just a day after his father’s death. This has sparked much negative response within the public questioning his capability in managing the global company. Reporters have said that Taecyeon entered the nightclub during the afternoon and did not come out until the morning after. Currently there is no response to this by the Ok family but there will definitely be much discussion over whether or not Ok Taecyeon will be eligible for the position of chairperson...”

I glanced at Yoona who was gaping at the screen shocked.

“He was lying... the whole time,” She gasped.


* * *


“... I don’t care... it’s your life. But I thought I was your friend. So why did you have to lie to me for this whole time? Do you really think that low of me?”

I stood still overhearing the heated conversation. It was a late afternoon the next day and I had a delay in picking up Yoona from her lecture because my oil tank was almost empty. When I had gotten to the entrance of the college I realised that somebody was already with Yoona before I was. It was Taecyeon. And they were arguing.

“Yoona I can explain!”

“Does it really matter to me whether or not you were clubbing? The fact is you lied about changing yourself. I know I don’t have any right to be angry... that should really be Minho. But you really disappoint me... you could have told me the truth because I would have helped you!”

“I... I didn’t know what I was doing... it was the only way out... I swear!” He replied trying to coax Yoona but she looked back at him indifferently.

“You say you wanted to change but in the end you haven’t changed at all!” Yoona snapped back pulling herself away from him. “You keep saying how much you want to change for your father... but how would he feel seeing you acting this way right after his death?”

There was silence and sounds of quiet sobbing. I walked up to them immediately wondering if Yoona was crying but it was Taecyeon. His eyes were watery and he was almost breaking down. And then he looked up and we shared eye contact. His eyes stared back at me fiercely before looking away.

“There was so much stress on me... everybody expecting me to do this and that... so much pressure and complaints about me... I couldn’t take the stress and the only way I could get rid of it was to drink... I didn’t know it would lead to this... I’m sorry.”

Taecyeon looked devastated as he choked back tears but for some reason there was something suspicious in his tone. It almost sounded like he was acting. And then he glared at me... a tear seemingly running down his face.

“Why would you tell her? This was meant to be a secret... you promised you wouldn’t tell!” Taecyeon burst out and I stared back at him in shock.

What secret? What was he talking about?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I replied bewildered.

And then Yoona turned to face me in disbelief.

“You knew about this?” She whispered.

And then I realised that Taecyeon was trying to frame me in front of Yoona.

“I told you about this because you were the only person I could talk to... I thought you would understand! I know telling this to either Minho or Yoona would disappoint them so I didn’t want to say it... so I told you instead and now you’re betraying me!” Taecyeon cried out.

I stared at him in utter disbelief. “Taecyeon don’t turn the situation onto me! You know what you said to me and it had nothing whatsoever to do with this!”

“Why would you lie?! Do you hate me that much? Do you really hate me so much that you enjoy the fact that you’re cutting me and Yoona’s friendship?”

He was saying outright that I was jealous and I was deliberately trying to break their friendship! This was utterly absurd! He was accusing me of something that I had not even done! I was finally seeing him for the person he truly was.

“Taecyeon stop accusing me! I have nothing to do with this!” I said angrily glancing at Yoona who was standing there in silence. She didn’t try to back me up... did she not believe me? Was she really going to believe that guy?

“You promised that you wouldn’t tell Yoona. I already told you that this was just one instance and you understood. I said that everybody makes mistakes! Why are you accusing me of lying when you’re the actual person who is doing it?” Taecyeon snapped back.

“You...” I tried to say but hesitated.

“Donghae has nothing to do with this... I saw the footage of you in the news... it’s why I got mad at you... I’m sorry. You’re right... everybody makes mistakes... I shouldn’t have raged at you,” Yoona said before turning to me not even giving me eye contact. “Can we go home?”

She walked past me towards my car and I stood there not knowing what had just happened. I then looked up and saw Taecyeon looking at me. His blank expression had soon changed into something sinister looking and his lips slowly curved into a smirk. I turned around and chased after Yoona.

“Yoona! Are you really going to believe him? I’m telling you that I had nothing to do with this... I didn’t know anything about this!” I urged as I grabbed her arm stopping her.

“You knew about this... yet you never stopped me. If you had explained to me about why Taecyeon had done this then I wouldn’t have got so angry...”

She didn’t believe me.

“I... seriously didn’t know...” I tried to say.

She looked at me blankly. “Then... what did he tell you yesterday?”

I looked at her stunned not knowing what to say. Was I really going to say that Taecyeon had feelings for her? But that would only make her disbelieve me more then she already did. And it was that brief moment of thought that plunged me deeper into a hole that I had never dug.

Yoona walked away. “I thought so...”

My eyes watered as I watched after her. 



I don't feel like I've done a good job with this chapter so I'm sorry if it was boring but I'm hoping that the ending part of this chapter was exciting and dramatic for most of you. There will be lots more drama to come so stay tuned. The fissure has finally split and we're seeing Taecyeon in the real light.

and please comment  and let me know what you guys think! (:



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[deepwaters] reuploading chapter 5... ceebs waiting for aff to restore the lost chapters. Will be updating chapter 6 later on.


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Chapter 8: Is there still a tiny seed of goodness in Taecyeon or is he completely consumed by 'evil'?
Chapter 8: Omg update soon! I love this story! <3
elis031089 #3
Chapter 8: please update soon!! and make it yoonhae please!!
Chapter 8: taecyeon really gone bad and he is also good in manipulating others it makes the story more exciting with jessica for donghae
o_yuri #5
can u make it to be taecyoon pLease!
maybe he can change his attitude or yoona can change her heart.pLease...
i hope Yoona end up with Donghae...:D
GSL1999 #7
Taecyoon please
Julettums #8
Damn...Stupid Teac. Just be good and LEAVE THEM ALONE.

It's pretty obvious that Yoona can get manipulated easily...Kind of dislike her for that though.

About the sneak peek with Jessica, it seems like she's mean but she isn't. She was hurt, so I understand...I think.

And for those to think that TeacYoon is Happening in the end, Read the Foreward.
s3car91 #9
great story line
n finally some drama..
please update soon
YoonHae Fighting :)
fantacy #10
I hope Yoona can help Taecyeon to be a better person..And they can end up as a couple..