
Deep Waters


Apology from unforgettable

I wanted to apologize IMMENSELY! I know a hundred apologies isn't enough to satisfy some of you. Yes it really is my fault that I didn't update for almost half a year so I'm really sorry to all you frustrated readers. My computer conviently broken down a few months ago and my harddrive couldn't be restored which meant EVERYTHING was deleted. That also meant my most precious document which is the draft outlining the whole plot of this story. I lost that as well... I spent a week working on that document I was so depressed that I didn't want to update anymore. But after thinking from another perspective I thought I could possibly redo everything again, it might take a bit more time but at least I would still be writing. So anyways this is chapter 4. It's long so most of you might need to re-read the previous chapters to know what's going on because there are a lot of references to the past chapters. By the way, I wanted to say thankyou for having faith in this story and for keeping subscribed. It means a whole big lot to me. So thankyou (:



What happens after a destruction? It's called an aftershock. As much as all the damage has been done from the destruction it also leaves cracks in the present. As a result many things are extremely vulnerable during this aftershock, the ground after been hit by an earthquake, the beach having been crushed by a tsunami and even the very heart and soul of a person. And cracks... can never be healed. 







Yoona’s POV

That afternoon, time had stopped. Literally.

I glanced up at the clock in front of me.


I sighed as I placed my head against the wall staring at the white ceiling thinking back to everything that had happened today. But I couldn’t seem to remember when I had left the room to sit outside. Maybe it was something about the odd chilliness and the fact there was a dead person in there that just didn’t seem to mix.

It was traumatic to think that I was so close to death.

I had never been to a funeral. But in that room it certainly felt like one.

I glanced at the clock once again.


Time really had stopped.

I slumped back into my chair but straightened up again when the door next to me had slowly opened. He silently crept out barely making a sound before closing the door gently behind him. Once he saw me sitting there he made a small smile... though it seemed more forced than natural.

Minho, Taecyeon’s brother.

“How is he?” I whispered at him.

Minho took a seat next to me. “He’s asleep.”

We both breathed out heavily as we sat there in the silence. For the past few hours Taecyeon had went from frenzy to an emotional breakdown. The news of his father’s death had taken a devastating toll on him and it was as painful watching him as it was for him feeling it. One moment he was destroying everything, throwing the chairs, knocking down the tables and the other moment he was crying and physically hitting himself. There was blood and tears shed.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered forgetting the fact that the news would have hit just as hard for Minho as it did for his brother Taecyeon.

“Life goes on,” Minho answered blankly before getting up from his seat. “Want to get some coffee?”

* * *

“So... are you the girlfriend?” Minho asked as we both walked through the gardens clutching to the warmth of our coffees.

I shook my head slowly. “Actually I only met him today. He sat next to me in a lecture and we became friends.”

“Strange,” Minho commented before taking a sip of his coffee.

“What do you mean?” I asked frowning at him.

“Well when it comes to our father it’s a very sensitive issue. Taecyeon wouldn’t just bring a random girl. You’re quite special.”

I didn’t know what to say nor did I understand what he meant so I took a sip of my coffee. The bitter taste was strong but I didn’t mind because the warmth of the liquid was comforting. We both sat at a bench watching as patients came out to take a walk in the garden and take some fresh air. Some were accompanied with their family members and others were walking around alone. Some were happy and others looked grim.

I wonder what life would be if I had been a doctor.

It was my dream but seeing how Taecyeon had reacted towards the surgeon made me think of how stressful it would be. I don’t think I would have coped with the stress if I was told to give the news of death to a patient’s family.

“What are you thinking about?”

I drank my now lukewarm coffee. “Nothing.”

“You wouldn’t know but my father... was so wise. Taecyeon had done so many terrible things in the past but father was never angry with him. He always said if what he’s doing is what he thinks is right then just let him keep doing it. I’m glad that he was right after all. Taecyeon finally got that wake up call.”

“What’s going to happen now?” I asked unsure whether the question was appropriate.

“Nothing is more important than giving my father a burial. Until then nothing is going to happen... but I’m guessing Taecyeon will have to take over the company. I can’t imagine how the media is going to react to this... he’s already going through so much... he doesn’t need the media to be in his face as well,” Minho explained slowly.

“I don’t know how right I am... but it seems... to me at least that Taecyeon doesn’t want this position. Have you ever thought of taking his place as heir?”

“No... I would never take his position... and besides the media would just ruin his reputation even further... I would rather help him as best as I can in the background,” He replied.

I smiled softly. “I’m glad that Taecyeon has a brother like you.”

The more I talked to Minho the more I liked his personality. He was just so caring and considerate... and he almost reminded me of Donghae. And then I suddenly remembered about Donghae. He must have been waiting at home sick from worry. It was night time and I still wasn’t home. The worst thing was that I misplaced my phone so I wouldn’t know the amount of miscalls he had left me. For all I knew he might have even called the cops for abduction.

“Minho do you happen to have the time with you?” I asked timidly.

Minho fumbled through his pocket taking out a bright silver watch and handed it to me. I stared at the time and my heart started to panic... it was almost 9pm. I had to leave and get home but I didn’t know how to say it in a way that didn’t seem rude. As much as I was genuinely sorry for their loss it was also entirely none of my business. It would be best if I stay out and let them best deal with it.  

“I’ll call my chauffeur right now it’s dangerous for you to be walking out in the streets at this time,” Minho said as though he had read my mind.


Donghae’s POV

“Hello, this is Yoona, sorry but I can’t take your call at this moment so please leave a message!”

I placed my phone back on the table with a little too much force than needed making the table tremble slightly. I had been trying to call Yoona for the past 5 hours, it was almost 9pm and she still wasn’t home. She was supposed to be back by 4pm. I was getting increasingly worried and frustrated.

“I am going to kill her when she gets home,” I muttered as I rubbed my forehead.

Yuri’s voice spoke out from my laptop next to me. She was clearly annoyed because of the fact that I had been on my phone for 5 hours straight trying to call Yoona. “Relax seriously. It’s only 9pm it’s not even midnight yet.”

“I will relax... once she picks up the frigging phone!” I snapped back.

“I really hate your attitude sometimes. Yoona is gone for what... 5 hours? And look at you... panicking like she has been kidnapped for ransom or something. Calm down.”

I looked at her bitterly. “Of course you’re perfectly calm, you’re not the one living in New York, you’re not the one who promised to take care of her.”

Yuri smirked at me knowingly. “Oh look at you. When she’s not in your sights for one second you go on an all out panic attack. You’re like a little lost puppy.”

“If you have nothing good to say then please just shut it,” I said sighing as I re-checked my phone for any messages or miscalls.

“I really can’t wait to see your facial reaction when Yoona comes back,” Yuri muttered moodily.

“Did somebody say my name?”

I instantly looked up from the couch.

I immediately exhaled in relief once my eyes had landed on her.

“Alright Yoona is back! Anyway I’m going to umm... let you two talk and sort out whatever the problem is. Yoona, I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. Bye!” Yuri said quickly before disconnecting from the video chat.

Silence. Now it was just Yoona and me.

“Yoona where were you? Are you alright? Did you know I called you over a hundred times? I thought something happened. Do you know how worried you made me?” I said trying not to express all the emotions that had built up inside me.

How obvious that I just make myself sound?

Then I mentally slapped myself.

Why did I always make myself look so desperate?

Yoona glanced at me apologetically. “Sorry Donghae... something came up. I know I should’ve called... but I don’t think I took my phone with me when I went out.”

But that just created more questions in my head.

“What happened tonight?” I asked in a serious tone.

Yoona looked at me and I could see the look in her eyes. She definitely wanted to let me know but something ultimately made her hesitate. She then took a short breath before answering. “It’s a long story... and my head’s sort of tired. I really need to shower and sleep... I need to go lecture tomorrow.”

I slowly moved aside for her to go through.


It was all I could say.

I felt hurt somewhere... because it was for the first time that Yoona didn’t want to tell me something. But then again I had been keeping my feelings for her locked up inside me since forever and I never told her about it. I guess that made us equal.

I sighed as I thought back to the cake that I had made today and the possible chance that I would have admitted my feelings for her. I wonder when that chance would come up again.


Yoona’s POV

The next morning the news of the death of Taecyeon’s father had hit. There were headlines everywhere and media was booming. I stared at the television blankly as I ate breakfast wondering how Taecyeon and Minho were coping.

“We have received news that Red Lion Corporation’s chairman has died of liver cancer at the age of 55. Red Lion Corporation is one of the leading industries for oil and mining in America. The industry may be in a significant turmoil due to this loss. We have Kate Ashington a Wall Street journalist to discuss more about this. Kate, it is certainly a terrible loss in the financial industry today isn’t it?”

“Yes it certainly is, the news of his death has already brought significant drops in the values of their shares at the moment. There is a high chance that their stock market will continue to fall unless they give an early announcement to the press as to who the company’s successor would be.”

“Now Kate you spoke something about the company’s decision towards their next successor. Wouldn’t that position be given to Taecyeon the eldest son? Certainly he is the rightful heir of the company.”

“We can’t be sure but from what I have gathered there have been much legal disputes and complaints within the company over the position. As we all know Taecyeon does not show the necessary qualifications to become the chairperson. On the other hand Minho does and there will certainly be a substantial legal battle between these two brothers for the right to have power over the company...”

I switched off the television disgusted at the woman’s response and disgusted with the media in general. What a liar! Minho would never fight with Taecyeon for the position of power over the company. And something as farfetched as a legal battle? The media was just absurd.

“Are you okay?” Donghae asked watching me curiously.

“The media... they always think they know everything when they clearly don’t,” I muttered furiously.

I quickly finished off the last bites of my breakfast before getting ready for my lecture.

I wondered whether I would be able to see Taecyeon today... but I doubted it.

“I’ll drive you,” Donghae announced.

I nodded gently hoping to patch things up after the awkward conversation we had yesterday night.


* * *


The lecture session had started and my prediction was right, Taecyeon wasn’t here after all. I wondered what he was doing at this very moment. I couldn’t imagine all the stress that was building up inside him. His father had died and now their company was in a mess not including the fact that he might have to take leadership even if other people didn’t like it.

I glanced at the empty seat next to me and sighed.


Taecyeon’s POV

The meeting had started all the way from morning. It was a meeting with the company’s shareholders about the future of our company. The main topic however was really whether or not I was qualified to take on the position as chairperson. As long as it was something negative about me the whole room would agree.

“No I don’t approve of this at all. He may be the heir of this company but he does not have the ability to take over it.”

“Exactly I agree. If Mr Taecyeon takes over as chairperson it will only just damage our company further.”

“Our stock values are already decreasing at a huge rate. If we announce that he will take up as chairperson more shareholders will just panic. Our stocks will be worthless by then.”

There were shouts and arguments everywhere in the room and I rubbed my head furiously. I already had a headache since the morning and it was not getting any better. I glanced at my watch and sighed... it was nearly 4pm... lectures were about to finish. I thought back to Yoona... I desperately wanted to talk to her.

“Mr Taecyeon is still the heir we can’t just ignore the legal documents and not pass on the shares towards the eldest son. Once he takes on the full 61% of shares then he will automatically become the chairperson whether you like it or not,” Our secretary spoke loudly making the room argue even further.

“Well this is an outrage... he can’t take up such a position. He doesn’t even know how to look after himself let alone an entire company!”

“Exactly! This isn’t just a company you know... it’s a company that has industries all over the world!”

“Mr Minho should take over the position!”


“I agree!”

“We want Mr Minho!”

I got up in an instant out of my chair. All the anger and frustration that had built up inside had finally exploded. This whole meeting, the whole 7 hour meeting was just a discussion about me and all my negatives. They didn’t even look at me and the fact that I was trying and changing. They just looked at the old me and that just pissed me off.

If they wanted so badly for Minho to take the position then so be it. I didn’t even care. Right now I needed somebody to talk to, somebody who weren’t like them. Somebody who could talk to me without any prejudice or any knowledge of my past whether I was good or bad. That somebody was Yoona.

“Taecyeon! Where the hell are you going?”

It was Minho, he had followed quietly me all the way to the car park.

“Out of here,” I muttered as I unlocked my car.

In an instant Minho grabbed the keys out of my hand. “The meeting hasn’t even finished yet and you’re just going to leave?”

I grabbed his arm angrily and wrenched my keys off him. “Look I don’t care what they all think, if they think you should become the chairperson then I’m fine with it. I don’t want to listen to them about me all day I’ve had enough.”

Minho tried to explain but I had already got into my car. After that I couldn’t hear his voice... all I could make out were his frantic actions trying to convince me to stay. But I had already sat through 7 hours of this ... I wasn’t going to sit through another. I pumped up the engine and drove away.


* * *


“Excuse me, you know you’re parking on a no parking zone?”

I was parked outside the university entrance waiting for Yoona to come out. I desperately needed that one friend to talk to. We might have only known each other from yesterday but she understood me because in a way she was also in the same situation. As I watched for Yoona as a group of students started to walk out a random guy came up to telling me I was parked in a no parking zone.

What the ?

I can do whatever I want.

I was going to swear at him and tell him to mind his own ing business but I hesitated. I didn’t want to go back to my past again and I also didn’t want to swear and have Yoona see it.

“I know... I’m just waiting for somebody... I’m going to leave soon,” I said trying to sound as nice as possible.

“Alright then, it’s just there’s a hefty fine for parking here that’s all.”

I rolled my eyes as he walked away.

What a ing dickhead.

Is he saying I’m poor or some ? That I can’t pay for my own fines?

However all the bitterness inside me had faded away when I saw Yoona walking out. I smiled, there she was walking out with such elegance that anybody could mistake her for some goddess. But then again she could as well be. I was about to get out of my car when everything inside me dropped dead.

The same guy that had talked to me about the no parking zone had just gone up to her. Was he trying to court her or something? But as I watched their interactions closely it didn’t look like it. They looked close, extremely close. And then my heart thudded, was he the boyfriend? All my anticipation about talking to her had died as I watched her follow him towards his car.

She even had her arm wrapped around his.

There was no doubt about it.

They were together.

Something deep, deep inside me had cracked. I could feel the fury and jealousy pouring out of that crack and drowning me. The past Taecyeon was slowly taking hold of me again.


* * *














And then time started.



Anyways, sorry once again about the incredibly and ridiculously late chapter. This is finally the start of the story where we see that "crack" in Taecyeon. He's vulnerable and dependant towards Yoona, why? Because she is really the only person who he can talk to but now he realises that Yoona might not always be there for him. As a result, we can see this "crack" inside him. The past Taecyeon is really the foul and nasty part of his personality that's buried inside him and now after experiencing the fact that he's alone once again the part inside him has opened up again. 

By the way you must all be wondering what was the last part about. Remember at the start of the chapter where the clock was broken and wasn't moving? Well it's finally moved again... and this just means the story is finally beginning. 

Get ready for lots of drama ahead. 



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[deepwaters] reuploading chapter 5... ceebs waiting for aff to restore the lost chapters. Will be updating chapter 6 later on.


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Chapter 8: Is there still a tiny seed of goodness in Taecyeon or is he completely consumed by 'evil'?
Chapter 8: Omg update soon! I love this story! <3
elis031089 #3
Chapter 8: please update soon!! and make it yoonhae please!!
Chapter 8: taecyeon really gone bad and he is also good in manipulating others it makes the story more exciting with jessica for donghae
o_yuri #5
can u make it to be taecyoon pLease!
maybe he can change his attitude or yoona can change her heart.pLease...
i hope Yoona end up with Donghae...:D
GSL1999 #7
Taecyoon please
Julettums #8
Damn...Stupid Teac. Just be good and LEAVE THEM ALONE.

It's pretty obvious that Yoona can get manipulated easily...Kind of dislike her for that though.

About the sneak peek with Jessica, it seems like she's mean but she isn't. She was hurt, so I understand...I think.

And for those to think that TeacYoon is Happening in the end, Read the Foreward.
s3car91 #9
great story line
n finally some drama..
please update soon
YoonHae Fighting :)
fantacy #10
I hope Yoona can help Taecyeon to be a better person..And they can end up as a couple..