
Deep Waters


Note from unforgettable

  • Each chapter picture will play a major theme in the chapter story. 
  • The story will take place a year or two before what happened in the prologue.
  • The story will explore the themes of revenge, love and obsession. 
  • The story will explore how Taecyeon becomes evil and what he does to force Yoona to become his. 
  • Please don't hate on me writing such a villainous role for Taecyeon, he might be evil in this story. But lol, he is DEFINITELY NOT evil in real life. 


Like the ocean; Like the journey of life

They say that something as deep and mysterious as the ocean can start off from the shallowest and simplest of waters that wash our feet as we walk along the quiet beach. Like the ocean, there is a choice whether or not you swim further away, whether or not you dive deeper down. Like life, a person is never born evil; it is through their experiences that changes their conscience and their view of life

Theft and murder is never born an instinct; it is an act of choice; a force very much like the waves that drag you further away to the deep, dark waters. The more these choices are committed, the further you are dragged away, until the day when you realise that these choices were an act of mistake. But by then it would be too late, you would be lost in the darkest of waters not knowing your way out and not knowing your direction back home.







Yoona’s POV

New York City. I always wondered to myself how the people here could cope with the ridiculous amount of noise. The noise! Sorry, I had to repeat myself. Everywhere around me was noise! From the horns of cars which sounded every minute of the day (for some odd reason) to the loud conversations of people who have developed this incredible ability to not speak softly. And then there were every other noise piled into it: Woof! Chirp! Ding! Click! Bam! Boom! Beep! Bing! Bang! Bong! The whole lot!

I mean I didn’t hate New York, I found it refreshing that the environment was noisy and loud but I couldn’t find myself adapting to it. I was homesick… I really missed Korea. It was so much more quiet and peaceful there. Well for me anyway, at least I could study without having to pull my hair out every time a loud noise erupted out of nowhere. If father had requested me to go back to Korea then I would have packed my bags in an instant and took the first flight home.

“I’m home!” I said loudly as I unlocked the door and walked in leaving my bag on the doorstep. I was extremely tired and sleepy, the couch looked incredibly inviting and I just collapsed there giving a sigh of contentment.

“Did you come back from the desert or something?”

I leaned my head towards the voice and brought my eyes up. There he was standing there giving me a serious expression as he gazed at me sprawled on the couch. I smiled at his sarcastic comment and what was then a smile had turned into a fit of laughter. I was laughing so hard that tears started to well up my eyes. At the same moment I also thought I was turning into some mental psychotic person. But having the worst day and coming back home to this made me so sensitive to even the driest of jokes. And Lee Donghae did this to me all the time. He had made my day once again.

I stopped laughing.

“Please remind me why we’re at America,” I said as I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

“Well… because your father wanted you to study overseas in financial and business marketing in the best university available so that one day you will be able to take over your father’s corporation business with your knowledge and experience. Why?” Donghae answered as he took a seat on the couch.

“I… I just feel that I’m not able to take over my father’s company. It’s just so hard sitting there in class for the whole day listening to the lecturer talk about money and finance. I don’t even have any interest in economics… I feel like it’s a waste of time and I could be studying things that I’m actually interested in,” I said seriously as I stared at the ceiling.

“And you’re also forgetting that you are the only child which means that you are an heiress and someday in the future you will have to take over the company. Your dad can’t manage the company forever… you know that.”

“I know that… I just wish my father could ask me what I want… instead of what he wants.”

There was silence as I waited for Donghae to reply. Sometimes I wished I had a brother like Donghae, gentle, understanding and compassionate plus the fact that he would be heir of father’s company instead of me. Donghae stared at me for a moment before getting up grabbing my arms and tugging me up.

“Yah! Where are you taking me? I’m exhausted, just let me sleep on the couch,” I pleaded but Donghae wouldn’t listen. I heaved an irritated sigh and stood up giving Donghae my best grumpy expression.

Donghae smiled softly. “Come on, we’re going to the kitchen.”


“Because I’m going to make you a milkshake,” Donghae answered giving a wide grin.

I snorted loudly. “A milkshake? Are you serious?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with a milkshake?”

“Err, because you never made one,” I snickered.

“Hey! I made one this morning and it tasted pretty good!”

“Oh yeah sure… we’ll see about that.”


Donghae’s POV

I couldn’t sleep that night, actually I couldn’t sleep at all, I was wide awake just staring at the ceiling deep in thought. I felt guilty because of that fact that through my actions I had gotten Yoona to study abroad making her suffer as a result. Suffer would not actually be the best word to describe Yoona’s situation but it was obvious that she was sad and depressed. Yoona had never been happy ever since her father’s announcement that she would take over the company in the future.

Yoona had a passion for medical science and always told me that she would become a doctor someday, it was a secret that she had only shared with me not even daring to speak of it in front of her parents. But the problem was that her parents weren’t abusive or unloving, they were the kindest and caring people that I met and it is because of this that Yoona couldn’t rebel on her father. She loved her parents too much and I pitied the fact because it meant that she had to throw away her passion. Yoona was truly selfless.

As for me, my parents had died a long time ago in a car crash. I was very little at that time and I didn’t understand much about life thinking that my parents would come back to me in the near future. My father used to work for Yoona’s father and I guess I was fortunate because her parents had taken me in. They gave me a home, an education and now a job working at their company, I was truly indebted to them. And most of all I got to meet Yoona, the girl who I have fallen in love with. The girl who I still haven't plucked up the courage to admit to her my feelings after all these years. 

Because then came the day when Yoona’s father announced that his daughter would be going abroad for a few years to start her studies in finances and marketing. They asked me to go with her so that I could take care of her and not make her feel lonely. They asked me it as a favour but I felt it was more of an obligation, a fee that I had to pay after everything they had done for me. I should’ve lied or made up an excuse to say no. It was my fault that Yoona was here in the first place and it was also my fault that she was suffering now.

“Yoona… I’m sorry,” I said softly as I stared up at the darkness.


Yoona’s POV

There was no need for an alarm in New York; basically the background noise was enough to wake you up. I got up irritatedly rubbing my eyes as I walked slowly towards the window, the sunlight made me go blind for a second but my eyes slowly adjusted as I looked down at the busy streets below me.

“For god’s sake… why are there so many cars? It’s only 7 in the morning,” I muttered bitterly to myself as I slouched towards the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Another boring day at the university listening to the poor old lecturer drone on and on about rising market rates and other yawn inducing money problems. Why is it that money seems to revolve around everything? Money should be going towards medical research to help save people’s lives… not on stupid handbags and jewellery. One time I walked into a Prada boutique and they sold a clutch for the price of a car! How is that even possible? I thought it was ridiculous.  

I walked out into the living room still feeling extremely tired but also grouchy. Donghae had already woken up and was having breakfast, a separate plate of bacon and eggs was laid on the table for me as I took a seat.

“Good morning,” Donghae said as he drank his coffee.

“Morning,” I replied tearing the bacon strips with the tip of my fork.

“Why so grouchy this morning?”

“The world and its economy,” I replied shoving the bacon strip into my mouth.

Donghae smiled amused. “Hmm, interesting issue.”

“You’re just happy because you have your day off from university,” I snapped pointing the fork at him.

Donghae’s smile broke into a laugh. “I can’t help the fact that my timetable likes me more than it likes you.”

“AND you can’t help the fact that you’re always mean to me,” I added as I walked over to the fridge to get out some orange juice.  Donghae chuckled to himself as I sat back down sipping my glass of juice.

“What’s so funny?” I asked suspiciously.

Donghae gave a sly smile. “You might want to check the clock behind you.”

My face suddenly turned dark as I slowly turned around, my eyes slowly reached the clock and I gaped at it before screaming. “OH MY GOD! I’M LATE!”

* * *

Stupid Donghae. He always does these tricks on me all the time, I wish I could do the same to him but he’s too clever. I walked into the lecture room in a hurry but relaxed when I saw that most of the students hadn’t arrived yet. At least I’m not late this time. I chose a table at the far back and started to take out my books and notes as the other students started to come in.  

“Another boring lecture,” I said to myself grumpily as I skimmed through my notes to revise what I had learnt yesterday.

“Excuse me.”

I looked up and my mouth opened a little as I stared at the guy standing in front of me. He was very tall with short jet black hair and he looked… big, the type of people that you didn’t want to mess with. He didn’t look familiar either… maybe he was a new student here?

“Yes?” I managed to say.

“Is anybody sitting here?” He asked in a deep voice indicating to the seat next to me.

My eyes involuntarily skimmed to the rest of the room, there were empty tables everywhere… all the best tables at the very front were still empty. So then why would he want to sit here?

“Umm… No?” I replied awkwardly glancing at him with wide eyes.

His face suddenly brightened and his lips formed a small smile. “Then may I sit here?” 




By the way, don't get too hippy-happy over this light and humourous chapter. I promise you that soon (and very soon) everything will start to tumble upside down for Yoona, Donghae, Yuri and almost everybody in the process. 

Thankyou everybody for subscribing to my story and omg the comments! You guys sent so much and it really pressured me (and made me keen and eager)  to update faster than when i was planning to update which was probably on the weekends. You guys are my inspiration so please keep commenting and tell me your opinion of the plotline and the characters' performance. 


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[deepwaters] reuploading chapter 5... ceebs waiting for aff to restore the lost chapters. Will be updating chapter 6 later on.


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Chapter 8: Is there still a tiny seed of goodness in Taecyeon or is he completely consumed by 'evil'?
Chapter 8: Omg update soon! I love this story! <3
elis031089 #3
Chapter 8: please update soon!! and make it yoonhae please!!
Chapter 8: taecyeon really gone bad and he is also good in manipulating others it makes the story more exciting with jessica for donghae
o_yuri #5
can u make it to be taecyoon pLease!
maybe he can change his attitude or yoona can change her heart.pLease...
i hope Yoona end up with Donghae...:D
GSL1999 #7
Taecyoon please
Julettums #8
Damn...Stupid Teac. Just be good and LEAVE THEM ALONE.

It's pretty obvious that Yoona can get manipulated easily...Kind of dislike her for that though.

About the sneak peek with Jessica, it seems like she's mean but she isn't. She was hurt, so I understand...I think.

And for those to think that TeacYoon is Happening in the end, Read the Foreward.
s3car91 #9
great story line
n finally some drama..
please update soon
YoonHae Fighting :)
fantacy #10
I hope Yoona can help Taecyeon to be a better person..And they can end up as a couple..