Sweet Serenity.


A tale in which an idol developes unexpected dangerous feelings for a warm loving soul.



"I can't pretend as if you don't matter, my feelings never worked like that." He sniffed, pulling her closer towards him. With his forehead pressed against hers, the tears he tried to force back finally flowed down his face freely. "I need you Riya. Please believe me when I tell you I love you....please."


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Fire_trek 394 streak #1
Chapter 8: Idk if this where it was supposed to end but it’s a great ending!! They finally consummated their relationship.. this story was everything and more. Thank you author nim for this story
Fire_trek 394 streak #2
Chapter 7: “The cold never bothered her anyway!” This was beyond adorable, they are both hot for each other but are so damn scared.. let’s see what happens next chapter
Fire_trek 394 streak #3
Chapter 6: I was going to say, Sejun you can’t get mad because she’s not your girlfriend.. but then he asked her and my heart squealed! I love them, they are my favorite new couple
Fire_trek 394 streak #4
Chapter 5: Now you can’t tell me this perfect couple isn’t dating?! They need to just make it official already.. this was a beautiful and touching chapter. She could be herself with her emotions and he let her. That’s what makes them perfect
Fire_trek 394 streak #5
Chapter 4: “ she’s just a friend” “he’s not my boyfriend”- LIES!! lol then they go on a whole list of reasons why they really like each other. They seem perfect for each other but I knew Akeno would like her too, let’s see how this pans out
Fire_trek 394 streak #6
Chapter 3: Gawd he’s so good looking! I love the slow build up of this story. Sejun is such a gentleman and Dariya is an absolute gem. Their chemistry is off the charts, too.
Fire_trek 394 streak #7
Chapter 2: See, Akeno, this is how you talk to a woman.. Sejun was direct and knew what he wanted. I also liked the atmosphere of the coffee shop, I love it when it rains.
Fire_trek 394 streak #8
Chapter 1: Cool setup to the story, I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!
Katlee #9
Chapter 8: So far is great story
Monsheba #10
Chapter 8: Daaaaaaaamn WOW