Sweetest Taboo


In which age is nothing but a number when a young idol discovers the beauty of a grown woman.


"It's funny, you know? You only doubt me because of our differences even though I've remained consistent from the beginning. You're so unfair Noona."


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Fire_trek 439 streak #1
Chapter 4: Poor lil Hyunjin.. seriously, he’s in a relationship he doesn’t want to be in and the woman he wants is mad at him for blowing her off. Subria should understand that but I get it, she’s trying to deny her feelings while she actually cares for him. This would be a good fic to finish if you were ever up to it. Thank you author nim!
Fire_trek 439 streak #2
Chapter 3: Hyunjin is more experienced than she thought lol, got her losing her mind and all. I don’t know why she insists on taking it slow, her friend Jessie is right, he’s not a baby. She really should give him a shot
Fire_trek 439 streak #3
Chapter 2: Every time he calls her Noona, I internally scream! He’s so cute but so dirty and she has him on a tight leash I see..let’s see if she can continue to control Hyunjin or will he give her a run for her money?
Fire_trek 439 streak #4
Chapter 1: Hyunjin daddy🥵 he’s gonna kill me in this fic, isn’t he?
SeBaeChan #5
Chapter 4: Yay an update!!!!..i was hoping u would continue with this story☺️
825 streak #6
Chapter 4: Thank you for updating! His ‘relationship’ sounds like it will be trouble. I’m also wondering how Subria will reply to him. Hopefully, she is ready to take a chance,
Chapter 4: Well that was unexpected 😳
againagainagain #8
Chapter 3: Woooow. Everything about this. Got caught up snd now I'm affected. You know what you're doing here!
Chapter 1: Your works of art are literally the only reason why I still visit this website
Chapter 3: 🔥🔥🔥