Fathers Wishes


it was only Jaehyuns second year of highschool when he already noticed something differnt, Taeyong, didn't look how he remebered looking.


"Does Taeyong look... different to you guys?" Jaehyun asked his friends Lucas and Johnny while watching Taeyong walk in.

"Kind of, so are-" Lucas wasnt able to finnish his sentance before his boyfriend Jungwoo came over running and almost falling.

Jaehyun got lost in his mind thinking

Why does he look... weaker. He looks smaller.


"LEE TAEYONG, COME DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW," Taeyong's father yelled at him before school started again.

Taeyong came downstairs and was greeted with fist to his stomach almost making him throw up, "What is this?" his father questioned him about the chocolate wrapper that he found in the trash and after asking his mother about it found out that taeyong had it, and he was furious, well furious would be an understatment.

I'm sorry if things aren't correct in spelling. But this is the first fanfic that i that i have wrote and still writing. I will try to update this whenever I can


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Crissi #1
Chapter 1: Die Geschichte ist echt gut geschrieben wann geht's weiter?
Lee_Chin-sun #2
Chapter 2: Can I kill his dad?
And whats wrong with his dad....
Its kinda creepy... Does he spy on Taeyong..
Lee_Chin-sun #3
Chapter 1: Aww poor Taeyong. Good story btw cant wait til you update again