
Wanting more than everything!


Jung Ewon (Aeon Rhodes) 

Alright, it's time for me to stop scrapbooking for the day and start the chauffeuring portion of my job. Jisoo decided to take softball this year and Jimin in gymnastics, and wouldn't you just figure, they're on the opposite sides of town. Plus, we're short on bread and I'm not happy about how the milk smells, so I need to hit the grocery store.

I'll work more on the scrapbook later, but I'm not in a rush, it's not as if it's ever be finished. It's more like a work-in-progress that builds and gets better every time I add another memory to it.

Kind of like life.

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Chapter 23: Cute fishes lol.... always loved reading this chapter
Chapter 19: I love this flower♥
Chapter 14: Fu** you taec that was bad I feel so sad for ewon
Chapter 10: I can't stop reading
Chapter 24: it‘s over already?! I‘m glad it has a very happy ending and will be looking forwared to more new stories from you
good luck :)
Chapter 21: Omg so much hotness I can‘t... they are all good together like that‘s how they are meant to be :)
Chapter 19: hopefully it‘ll be up soon because I‘m very impatient lol jk...take your time I will wait ^^
Chapter 18: you are awsome!
will ewon finally let them do it I think it‘ll be so hot that I can‘t wait ^~
Chapter 16: oh the next chapter is already up gotta go read it!!!
thanks for the fast updates <3
Chapter 16: after their first meeting that‘s exactly what I thought shoul happen everyone of them misses a part of himself loosing someone important so they just have to be athree way relationship to get their happiness... can‘t wait for the next chapter :)