Pregnant or Not??

Crazy In Love!!!

Rayila had the urgent to throw up again and this time while on the way to throw up she grabs a pregnancy test that her sister managed to put it there so she grabs it quickly and heads in Chanyeol's bathroom and spewed everything...

Rayila pulls down her undies and turns on the test and leaks one drop on it and releases the rest as she sets it aside waiting for the results... "beep beep" so she grabs it and checks "++" she's positive... she's having a baby Channie soon...

Raiyla, Suho, and Chanyeol went to check if she is alright but when she came out she says " can I only speak to my sister please!" So Raiyla pulls them out of the room when Rayila sits on the bed...

Raiyla said " ok what's your problem?" Rayila gives her the test... she dropped it immediately when she yelled in excitement as Rayila said " ok but how to surprise Chanyeol though!" Raiyla said " leave it to me while you go baby shopping!"...

Chanyeol and Suho were sitting in the living room watching Dr. Phil when Raiyla asks Chanyeol " Chanyeol can you accompany me to get my sister her favorite Starbucks double chocolate chip frappucino?" Chanyeol nods leaving only Suho and Rayila alone while Raiyla takes Chanyeol out...

Rayila comes out when she spotted Suho there and asks him " Suho oppa can you promise me when they come back not to tell Chanyeol please?" He nods as she says " I'm having a baby of his!" Suho swore that millions of bricks were pushed down on him but he smiles and hugs her...

Suho said " of course I'll keep it but Chanyeol needs to-" Rayila shushed him when she goes to the table and prepares a little box with some little booties ( the color of those are blue) and the test wrapped in aluminum foil and puts them in the little box...

Suho goes and grabs a piece of paper and a pen so that she writes something but she says " ok I know me and you have the same handwriting and the signature as well so please write this... "my dear father I may not know you yet but I'm still happy that we will be a family soon since I'm in my mommy's stomach still growing but I'll be the best baby boy you'll ever had! Love baby Channie! how is that Suho?"...

Suho says " well I think Chanyeol will flip once he reads this"... Suho folds in fours and puts inside and tapes it closed as Rayila grabs it and sets in the chair where he sits... just in time to see them entering the living room...

Chanyeol pulls the chair back for him to sit when he discovers a little box on it as he grabs it and with his key he opens it finding first the letter as he reads it when he takes out the blue booties and what's the main surprise is the one that's wrapped in aluminum foil so he unfolds it and to his surprise he sees "++" on it as his smile went even bigger...

Rayila smiles while her tears kept coming as Chanyeol goes and hugs her tightly not too tight then he says " so it's real not fake right?" She nods as she kisses him then he goes on his knees and says to his unborn child " baby your going to meet the both us when your fully grown!" Chanyeol kissed his girlfriend who is now going to become a father...

They had to make sure she really is pregnant because some pregnancy tests fails and it might be something else so Rayila schedules an appointment with her special doctor to make sure... upon arriving at the hospital the nurse asks " can I help you?" Rayila says " yes I'm here to meet with my special doctor!" So the nurse takes her to see her doctor...

The doctor was in his room... ing?... right he was watching videos and playing games... the doctor kept clicking on the next videos as he pumps even faster making him e his seeds under his desk coating it with his white ...

The doctor had his door locked but what he saw was a woman under there watching the whole time as he es so he signals closer when he says " better my while I watch ok?" She nods as she his big meaty while the doctor watches ...

The doctor takes the woman and takes her clothes off and bangs her in his room using a he had in one of his drawers as he rams out and in while he turns on the and puts it the tip on her as she felt waves of pleasure...

There was a knock on his door but he ignores and keeps banging his nurse assistant... after 4th round he stops and fixes himself and helps her too and goes to his computer and deletes all of his history and takes out Rayila's information out and puts the information on his computer...

The nurse assistant unlocks the door when she says " so you have her information correct?" He nods when he said " Rayila welcome come in have a seat here please!" Rayila sits as the doctor ask " what can I do for you today?"...

Rayila says " well I've made an appointment today with you to check if I'm pregnant or not!" The doctor said " sure let me just get your date of birth please!" Rayila said " 05-04-92" the doctor said " oh your older than Baekhyun...!" She nods when she asks " how do you know Baekhyun?" The doctor said " well I'm his gay partner and currently his spouse as you can see by the wedding band and he has one as well!" ( the man that Baekhyun married is 34yrs old and Baekhyun is 25yrs old)...

Rayila said " isn't Baekhyun too young to marry!" Dr. Byun ( who was Dr. Choi but when he married Baekkie he changed it to Byun and the doctor likes to call him Baekkie)... Dr. Byun said " no sweety Baekkie is old enough so we had like 34 times and never stop until he carries a child that I want to have so badly!" Rayila gulps silently...

Dr. Byun signals her to sit in the big chair and lays her all the way back when he said " ok I'm going to spread your legs and see if your infected or no?" So he inserts his whole hand and pulls it out and said " well your fine but may I put my in you?" She was double taken by that but didn't have enough time to answer when his is already inside...

Dr. Byun is now ing Rayila so hard that she is afraid she might loose the baby but he isn't going in too deep just wanted to to feel a young woman's and what it feels like to be in one... Dr. Byun is a womanizer... he has with random girls and doesn't care about Baekhyun at all...

Chanyeol and Raiyla are waiting but they've waited long enough as they opened the door and see Dr. Byun having with Rayila when Chanyeol pulls him away as he said " OMG Channie I love her ing it is soo wet and slimy just how I wanted... she is so tasty as well!"...

Chanyeol is offended by his words... no one is allowed to say anything about her so Chanyeol said " don't ever talk about her like that and please go do it with Baekhyun but leave her alone or I may call her father!" Dr. Byun knows that Yunho will beat the hell out of him if Chanyeol tells him that he had with one of his daughters...

 Dr. Byun said " I've been cheating on Baekkie for 15 months straight that's why I left him abandoned and never had married me... he is left there to die so I never cared about him... I never liked his cause what I like is not es!! There I said it I like !!" Chanyeol shakes his head in disappointment...

Raiyla sprinted to the door and once she is outside she called her father... " sweety pie what's wrong?" Raiyla said " dad can you come please!" It took Yunho 4 seconds and he was there comforting his daughter as they head inside...

Dr. Byun lunges at Rayila who has her by the arm while Chanyeol helds her by the waist telling him to let go but when Rayila saw her father she yelled " DADDY SAVE ME FROM THIS MONSTER!" Yunho sprinted towards them as Yunho said " Dr. Byun let go of my daughter you ing idiot!!" Yunho pushed him away and got in front of Chanyeol and Rayila...

Yunho with his arms spread protecting them when Rayila looked to her left she saw Baekhyun coming when she said " dad let me go to Baekkie please!" Yunho nods when Rayila avoids his hands and runs to Baekhyun who is now running...

Baekhyun runs into Rayila's embrace when she hears him crying so hard letting his tears flow like a river... Dr. Byun saw them and runs when Yunho grabs him by the doctor suit and said " no you stay with me!" Chanyeol sprints towards them along with Raiyla...

Yunho had Dr. Byun locked tightly in his arms as he says " what ever you did to Baekkie is what your paying in jail for... all those 134 young woman including married wives you motherer you've got them pregnant... ALL OF THEM!!"...

Baekhyun said " my husband is not the man I never or will not marry I want a divorce but he doesn't want to... YOU PIECE OF WHY DON'T YOU DIVORCE ME AND LET ME BE ME THE BAEKHYUN I WAS BEFORE AND I WON'T NOR I WILL EVER FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME, MY MOM, ALL OF MY 345 COUSINS ( DAD'S SIDE AND MOM'S SIDE) AND MY AUNT'S... YOUR NOTHING BUT A MOTHERER WHO LIKES TO HAVE WOTH ANY GIRLS!!!" Dr. Byun who smiles on his revenge on the Byun family which makes Yunho's blood boil more...

Yunho bangs him on the wall so hard that he punches him on the face letting him drop on the floor when the actual doctor came in and was surprised when he asked " what the hell?" Rayila saw the familiar man... it was her grandfather Dr. Jung who returned from his 3 months vacation...

Rayila said " grandpa!!" Dr. Jung said " Jung Rayila Jung Raiyla?" They nodded as the grandpa hugs them... Rayila said " grandpa I think you'll be a great grandpa (points to her stomach) Dr. Jung quickly takes his granddaughter for a quick test...

Rayila comes out but still sees her father beating Dr. Byun when his father said " Yunho son you may stop please!" Yunho complied and wipes his mouth that began bleeding when he looks at his father...

Dr. Jung said " son... my son I've done the test and she is 4 weeks along...!" Wait Yunho hasn't been told yet so Rayila says " dad me and Chanyeol are going to be parents!" Yunho smiles and swirls his daughter around and hugs her while he says to Chanyeol " you did it Channie you did it!!"...

Nicole got a call from Yunho and tells her about the greatest news but she also has good news... what will she plan?? Nicole is expecting their 3rd child how will Yunho and the girls take it?



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