Nicole's Presence!!

Crazy In Love!!!

Rayila and Raiyla were waiting for the doctor when Danielle grabbed her mother's shirt and tugged it to get her attention as Rayila bend down when Danielle said " mommy my grandma was home for awhile but then she had an emergency leave as she left my baby brother Xiaver was not feeling good so I went to check to see what's wrong when I saw the bottle of green liquid that grandma probably left it and Xiaver drank it all!!"...

Rayila wanted to know why did her mother have a green bottle of liquid in the first place and leaving it at a place where children might reach it... Rayila had so many questions when the doctor appeared now seeing a bunch of adults when he spoke " who is the parents of Xiaver Park?" Rayila and Chanyeol quickly walked in front and said " we are doctor!"...

The doctor began " well Xiaver is alright... all of the liquid is out of his system and didn't harm his internal organs or else complications may occur and might have surgery plus he won't be able to live for a very long time!" Rayila sighed in relief that her son is ok... 

Few hours passed...

Nicole was now back after her urgent meeting she was called but she forgot her medicine... her bottle of green liquid that they prescribed for her so she heads home... she went in and saw her bottle empty which someone drank it... Nicole called the number and prescribed a new one which she'll have to wait for tommorow... Nicole thought on who drank her medicine...

Nicole thought for awhile but she got no answer at all but as she was about to leave Yunho was at the door coming in and seeing Nicole there as Yunho hugs her telling her how much he had missed her a lot... Nicole said " Yunho I'm sorry for not telling you where I was going!" Yunho didn't care so he kept hugging her then he kissed her lips as Nicole enjoys the moment...

At Rayila's house...

Chanyeol and Raiyla were playing UNO when Raiyla kept winning... Danielle was happy that her little brother got discharged from the hospital... Rayila was making dinner when she felt her phone vibrate as she takes it out but Chanyeol snatches it from her as he looks " my daddy Yunho" so Chanyeol gives it back when Rayila swipes the screen and clicks on the messenger app and reads her father's message...

Rayila smiled and jumps in joy... her father texted her that their mother is back and is going to meet her and Raiyla... being nervous as they can be they haven't seen their mother in like 5 hours... Nicole came to where they live and knocked on the door when the door opened revealing Raiyla as she cried and hugs her mom...

Rayila also hugs her mom welcoming inside when Nicole hears " GRANDMA!!!" She turns and sees Xiaver and Danielle jumping onto her lap hugging her...

I know this is very short but I'll make my chapters longer so till next time!

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