Start of School!!

Crazy In Love!!!


I happened to be in bed which I had my whole body including my head covered in my blanket as I kept glancing the clock " 6:56am" only four minutes by the time I went to sleep for those four minutes it rang loudly when it fell off the cabinet as I got up picked it up and turned it off...

Another day another living hell... yea school if you ask my two friends Francis and Heila... they were sleeping the whole entire class which it got boring... the teacher repeats the same thing for 14th times making it boring...

I can practically hear my dad yelling "... time to go honey pie!" Ok I responded " dad stop with the sweet names I beg of you!" So my dad stopped as soon as I headed out my room as you can tell by my nametag it read " Jung Rayila" yes this is my name but my real name is Jung Rayilanna which is really long so Rayila I go by...

So let me introduce my mom... Jung Nicole... and my father... Jung Yunho... yeah I'm the eldest sister ohhh I haven't introduced my beloved sister so let me introduce her...

I go to her room and open her door which she is still sleeping so I took her alarm clock and rang it on her which she began to swirl around... " Rayila stop it..!" I said " oh Raiyla come on were fraternal twins we need to be up together now hurry your up and come eat breakfast with us we only have 34 minutes before dad drops off...

End of Rayila's POV

Rayila managed to get her sister up and hurried her so that she eats before going... the time read " 7:30am" Yunho grabbed his tie and made Nicole do it because he always ends up with a knot there ( Yunho doesn't know how to tie a tie correctly)... Rayila and Raiyla began chasing themselves around giggling like 2yr olds but then Yunho said " girls behave!"...

Yunho and the girls head to the vehicle and drove to the school waving their mom goodbye as they left... upon arriving at the school Yunho says " my daughter's what rule do we have about boys?" Rayila answered " no dating unless if you have permission from the parents!" Yunho nods...


At a street called " Main Street" lived a family in riches which their surnames are Park... yes the Park family live in some pretty expensive mansion and their two kids... Park Chanyeol and Park Kiera... Park Chanyeol is their first born making him 5yrs apart from Kiera... Kiera on the other hand is the sweetest and most cutest girl that Mr. Park can't resist... 

Park Kiera is nothing compared to Chanyeol... he maybe the most handsome brother but Kiera is opposite of him... she acts so cute even her mother awws at that... Chanyeol hates Kiera for her cuteness but he knows he loves her...

Kiera and Chanyeol went to get ready for their first day of their high school... Kiera is a junior and Chanyeol is a senior... Chanyeol asks his sister " can you tie this tie for me?" Kiera nods and helps her brother...

Mr. Park drives them to school... upon arriving Chanyeol sees his friends and joins them... Kiera spots Rayila and Raiyla... uh oh... Kiera is a Park and Raiyla and Rayila are Jungs... Yunho hasn't explained them what goes on between the Jungs and the Parks since Kiera is their friend and only friend...

Kiera does the secret handshake she did for them as they knew it so does she when " riiinngg" the bell rang signaling that school is about to begin...

Kiera, Rayila and Raiyla picked up their class schedule as they scan it through... most of them were together but when she reads the names that they will be having classes with and her name was next to Park Chanyeol... 

Rayila asked Kiera " who is Park Chanyeol?" Kiera said " oh that's my brother and congrats you have Chanyeol all day with you but it looks like you have some classes with me and your sister but the rest is with my brother so good luck!"...

Kiera grabs Kaiyla and heads to their lockers... Rayila is nervous since she has the same classes as Chanyeol... so she opens her locker after her combination she was given and sets her backpack in it ping it grabs her folder and notebook with a mechanical pencil and heads off to her first class...

Rayila steps in and greets the teacher when Chanyeol comes in after a few seconds... her first class is computers... the bell rang signaling the start of class as the teacher got up and said " your the only two in here so no playing games but here is what you'll be doing...!" 

The teacher said " ok first you need at least three pages long about yourself like for an example " I like to read books" then type what kinds you read, what specialty it has, how many pages, is it big, small, etc. I want to see that before you leave my class got it?" They both nod...

The speaker came on and said " will you please rise and put your hand over your heart and say the pledge of allegiance... I pledge of a allegiance to the flag of United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all!! thank you you may sit down today's lunch is... cheeseburger and fries with your choice of fruit and milk... those of you who want to join any school activities like FFCLA, FBLA, BASKETBALL, BASEBALL, SOFTBALL, DI IMAGINATION, GOLF, etc. please come to the office and sign your name...! That's all folks and have a great day!"...

Kayila continues to type and she is almost done when the bell rang signaling end of class as she prints her three pages long as the teacher says " ok I've got your paper you may leave...!" Kayila came out but didn't realize that Chanyeol was waiting for her as she asked " um... excuse me who are you waiting?" Chanyeol said " um... you... I want to ask you if you maybe be my ultimate best friends and join me for any school activities?"...

Kayila nods as she and Chanyeol went together to sign up as they looked at the list... FCCLA is now booked up so they joined FBLA also they both joined BASKETBALL AND DI IMAGINATION so they head to their second class quickly as possible before " riiinnnggg" the bell rang meaning their late so they walked quickly just before the teacher closed the door on them...

Chanyeol sat besides his sister while Rayila sat next to her sister while she is writing some notes that the teacher was writing... then Chanyeol wrote a note and made it into a paper airplane and flew it without the teacher noticing and landed right in front of her as she was writing...

Rayila looked at it and opened it down on the table as she looked and it said " let's hangout after school just me and you since after school activities won't start till 4 weeks in semester 1 meet me in the library! Don't be late... Chanyeol" she looks at him and nods at him when she continued writing...

Rayila was in her 8th class which is study hall and asked the teacher " may I have a pass to the library?" The teacher nods and writes her a pass letting her go to the library... she arrives at the library giving the pass to the teacher and goes to the corner where no one will see her...

The final bell rang signaling it was time to go home and Rayila was waiting for Chanyeol then she saw him and stood up for him to see then the librarian said " ok kids I'm leaving the library open for you guys and make sure you lock it up afterwards got it?" They nod...

what will they do in the library?


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