DLC Vol. I - Mina's Gaming Playlist

The Games We Play - Press Start (Twice Side)

Dream Love Concepts Vol. I - Mina’s Gaming Playlist


Sundavar here to bring you something pretty cool!

A couple of months ago while writing “Game Over (GFriend Side)” I got a fun idea to present some of the music I was listening to to create the story as well as this awesome/fun dance party scene that “Press Start” will eventually cross over into. These were songs that would have been on Yerin's party playlist or may have helped inspire some of the characterization/story elements I was using for the story. It went over very well and a lot of people got to learn some interesting details about the characters in the process.

So, why not do it here for MiChaeng?

Today, I’m presenting what I’ve dubbed “Dream Love Concepts” or DLC (yes more video game puns). These are extra side chapters that will show up from time to time where I will either reveal some behind the scenes details about my writing process OR a side story that isn’t centered around Mina.

So, one of the things that I mentioned in “Chapter I - Loading Screen” was that Mina had a J-Rock playlist that she would listen to while gaming. Listening to music as opposed to actual game audio is quite common, especially if you are doing stuff like grinding or maybe playing a PVP match. Some people swear by it, claiming that it allows them to concentrate better at the game. I like to imagine that Mina would be one of those types.

The following is a small sample of songs that would be on Mina’s playlist as well as shape the story/characters that I’ve envisioned. Mostly Mina and Chaeyoung. Now, some anime fans may recognize some of these and I’ve even listed animes that have used the music if they so apply. The majority of these videos are also live performances. Personally, I think it heightens the music when you hear the crowd roaring and really gets your blood pumping.

OH! Also! There are links to the songs!!!

So sit back.


And I hope you enjoy~!

“Grilletto” - GARNiDELiA

Anime - The Irregular at Magic High School

LINK - https://youtu.be/hUf1NoPK-8Q

Some contemporary cosplay pop rock to start us off. Personally I just love the female vocals and electronic infused sound. The fact that this is from an anime about a cool, calculating magician also helped inspire the “gamer persona” that Mina has whenshea behind the mouse and keyboard. But mostly, I just like the song. Lol.


“God Knows…” - Aya Hirano

Anime - The Melanchony of Haruhi Suzumiya

LINK - https://youtu.be/WWB01IuMvzA

My favorite song from the anime. A bit of context for the video. The two girls in regular school uniforms are seniors to the other cosplaying students. They finally get a chance to play at the school festival when their lead singer and bassist get caught up in an accident. Not wanting their seniors to miss out on their last chance to finally perform, Haruhi (girl in the playboy bunny outfit) decides to help out and thus the resulting performance. The lyrics talk about a dream like love between two people that can't work but the singer will still follow them. This has inspired a major part of "Press Start" plot line as you will see in the near future.


“Crow Song (Yui Ver.)” - LiSA

Anime - Angel Beats

LINK - https://youtu.be/FdkP1JRvHVA

Ah~! An aggressive song that screams rebelliousness. Something to get the blood pumping. AND THAT CROWD!!! Insane! I'm not gonna lie. I pretty much inserted this song because I liked it. But also, I imagine this is would be on Mina's playlist to really keep the gaming night going on until morning while chatting with SinB and Jisoo.


“Rewrite” - Asian Kung-Fu Generation

Anime - Full Metal Alchemist

LINK - https://youtu.be/LGjtrWhvAhA

Classic anime J-Rock. Legends amongst the many bands on this list. This song has deep roots with the original version of “The Games We Play” which is very, very dark story. Er… the original, original one. Not “Game Over (GFriend Ver.)” but… or well the original “Game Over…” This series is complicated. That said, some of the lyrics are quite important.  “After cutting my feelings that grew, I regret/ After realizing that after all, I'm just a mediocrity, I cry/ A depressed heart/ A dirty lie/” It's not apparent yet but there are parts to this Mina's back story that she greatly regrets. It will come out soon. But in general, the many stories within the series have a common theme about emotional struggles and how life would be easier as a video game. One of the most common aspects in anyone’s life is the idea of wanting a reset button in real life. That’s this song.


“Colors” - FLOW

Anime - Code Geass

LINK - https://youtu.be/5rDhdK0itbQ

Yeah. A fun time. This lyric pretty much sums up Mina's feelings for Chaeyoung. “Despite my hesitation, despite my worries, despite my regrets, I should decide/ With one word you've given me, my bewilderment vanishes/”


“Driver’s High” - L’Arc en Ciel

Anime - GTO

LINK - https://youtu.be/7jwlPS8uIQY

Another anime classic. So much hype from the video. I mean, look at that crowd!!!  I will note that the band is playing the rain as well so props to them. And always, those guitar . This song really summarizes the feeling Mina gets when she's gaming or dancing. And also her internal feelings/aspirations for what she wants to do with Chaeyoung.


“Ready, Steady, Go!” - L’Arc en Ciel

Anime - Full Metal Alchemist

LINK - https://youtu.be/OPjqFrV859E

And if you thought the crowd was huge in the first L’Arc en Ciel video… Welp. Plus that long runway to strut down. Love it. This song inspires movement. Both in its high octane rock sound and lyrics. Take action. I like to think this one relates to Chaeyoung a lot more and her actions during the first and second chapter.


“Lady” - CNBLUE

LINK - https://youtu.be/8O8nZ8FcHD0

I mean… I just had to include this since Mina is a CNBLUE fan. This is the Japanese version by the way. The Korean one kind of sounds stalkerish if you read the translation. Maybe it's more appropriate? Kekeke. This is how I imagine Mina wanting to present herself in front of Chaeyoung instead of what she actually does. Confident and can just sweep Chaeyoung off her feet. People who have read “Game Over” will know that there is a crossover scene that this song pretty much sums up Mina’s desires for Chaeyoung.


“Amy” - Oral Cigarettes

LINK - https://youtu.be/519t_BFar9A

This song represents all of those missed opportunities Mina has before the start of this story. Her emotional and mental state being completely compromised by the many “almost there” moments MiChaeng experienced all summer.



LINK - https://youtu.be/advT91w6jGU (Video is closed captioned for English!!!)

The lovely girls of SCANDAL. Love them so much. Yeah. If there was ONE song you had to listen to from this playlist, its this one. This is the one I envisioned playing in the opening credits that pretty much sums up this crazy pair. Somehow, someway, against the awkwardness and the hesitations, they girls will try and sort out their feelings. The first verse pretty much sums up the almost “romance movie” like quality this story has. Its fluffy and fun and how incredible that Mina and Chaeyoung found each other. The second verse inspired Chapter IV and what will eventually be the following events of this story. Visually, the music video screams fluff and gets me in that mental state to write the lovely interactions between Mina and Chaeyoung.

Also, there is the scene at 2:47-2:50 in the music video… Fingers crossed?


“Sugar Sweet Nightmare” - Yui Horie *MINA’S CHARACTER SONG!!!*

Anime - Bakemonogotari

LINK - https://youtu.be/vMMu7wfBNEA

Well that's a very ominous title. “Yearning for you/ Endearing you/ It won't stop/At the least, send my heart/ To where you are.../ I'm not as angelic/ As you think I am/” This will surprise some of you but… if I had a character song for this story, this one is Mina’s. Of course, this only makes sense to me since I know how this story will end. But those lyrics are very much Mina in this story. You will just have to wait and see how this all plays out down the road. She is a very complex character and what you have all seen are just parts of a bigger whole. I cannot wait to show you how this goes. Also, the anime that this song is from is written by Nisioisin, a prolific light novel writer and a personal inspiration to me as a writer. Without him, I would have never started "The Games We Play" series. 


“Missing You” - My First Story *UNKNOWN USER CHARACTER SONG!!! Wait… What?*

Anime - Nobunaga Concerto

LINK - https://youtu.be/u10U7BHQQ2Y

There are two ways to look at this song. The first way is to think of this as the fear Mina has with Chaeyoung. Mina is deathly afraid of missing Chaeyoung for reasons that will be explained later. The other way to look at this song and the primary reason why its on this list is that this is another character song… sort of. It’s a song that I have to keep coming back to as a reference point for a lot of future events to come. Go ahead and take a listen. When the moment comes and I really show off how this story will go, this song will make more sense. “You’ll decide,/ It may be hard to achieve/ and memories might never let you go/ You’ll believe,/ if you could leave it somewhere in your heart/ Today, it will be with you/”



LINK - https://youtu.be/yo7SZS2Wrjs

UVERworld. Where J-Rock started for me personally. This is one of my favorite songs from theirs since it released and this one just defines Chaeyoung so much for me and what she is to Mina. “Time is precious! I want to always be bright for my love one/ That's right, keep your nice smile! Yeah, someday I'll get a chance!/ I want to answer the voice in your heart/” Chaeyoung is the one who makes the first approach in this story. She took the chance. (Like the song title… Get it?) But more importantly, Chaeyoung is the inverse of Mina in this story. Mina is reserved and shy, she has opportunities but doesn’t jump on them. Chaeyoung on the other hand will jump and take those risks and I think that’s a positive influence on Mina’s character development.


“Innocent Sorrow + Fre@k $HoW” - Abingdon Boys School

Anime: D.Gray Man (Innocent Sorrow)

LINK - https://youtu.be/7sYfHAavaJ8

Old guys wearing school uniforms and playing rock music. Yup. Abingdon Boys School is kinda awesome. The highlight is the first song “Innocent Sorrow” more than the other one. This is part of the many songs that represents the darker side of this story that's slowly approaching that Mina is dealing with. However, the lyrics of the chorus are kind of what Chaeyoung represents to Mina. She may ease the pain that's inside of her chest and hopefully break her free of something much darker.


“Souen X Gekidou” - Abingdon Boys School x Takuya∞, Katsuya, and Akira from UVERworld

Anime - D.Gray Man (Gekidou)

LINK - https://youtu.be/uEgUUcwIaEo

Man! Those last two bands were pretty awesome. But imagine what would happen if they were together? Yeah… That’s this medly. Abingdon Boys and Takuya∞ from Uverworld sharing the stage and freaking the hell out of the crowd. One of the best collaborations in J-Rock ever! High energy and crazy guitar riffs. A great finisher to the playlist and what I was imagining Mina listening to when she was playing Doom in Chapter I.


Anyway guys! I hope you've enjoyed yourselves and learned something about the characters. I'm so happy with the response this story has been getting and I wanted to show you guys some fun stuff in the interim. I can't wait to show you what else I have instore for MiChaeng and the rest of the girls.

Please upvote and comment and remember to have good memories and nightmares. 

- Sundavar427


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https://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1298790 UPDATE ABOUT ALL MY STORIES! I'm not abandoning this!


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Chapter 10: oh GOD W H A T
ok this chapter felt really cool to read tbh but yeRINNN?????
jiHYO??????? god that’s so weird
chae’s note was so cute :’))
Chapter 10: There goes Jisoo and her weird nicknames for her friends xD Idk why but I can't get over the Bi-boop thing because it was so weird xD Yerin was sleeping the whole time while she was playing the game??? What a weirdo, but she's a genius indeed!!! Her friendship with SinB told in here amused me! Anyway, sleepy Yerin is soooo cute and whenever she just suddenly dozed off gives me a lot of feels xD That Jihyo and Yerin tension tho, as someone who had read the sort-of-behind story of them, I just like "....okay...." :D
I can't wait for Mina to ask Chaeyoung out for the party! At some point I forgot this story is about MiChaeng because I had a lot of fun with Mina's moments with her friends
Chapter 10: Jeez, i got scared for nothing. I really thought it was game over already before it even started. Jisoo and yerin are such a pair of weirdo unnies.

It's been a long time. Thanks for the update. Happy New year to you. I hope you'll have a wonderful year next year.
Chapter 9: Mina's friends are the best XD
Chapter 9: GOD JIHYO!!! I swear she's surely called a God for a reason lol! JiTzu is soooo cuteeee >.<

Chaeyoung, don't you feel anything when you fell in top of Mina? XD That could lead to another level of romance but of course you're making it the other way around xp
Mina's friends are so nosy, but let's admit it that these are the kinds of friends that we need xD Jisoo and her "Mina-bon" never failed to amuse me :D
Chapter 9: OH MY GOD
i’m literally sobbing from laughter this is so cute
jihyo and tzu are so cute together (and the fact that the6 were standing there watching them stumble like baby giraffes is a BIG mood)
jisoo and sinb are too cute, and the fact that sinb is even there just makes everything a little bit more adorable
(yes, chae WAS watching mina’s , wasn’t she... ;))))
Chapter 9: Finally, welcome back authornim. And thank you for the cutest and fluffiest chapter so far ^^
elarcon #8
Chapter 9: dm (jihyo): both of chae and mina needs to roll disadv
*both rolls a 20 and 1*

yeah basically that happened right lolol
jihyo is the righteous dm that saves the party from impending total party kill

anw great update as usual, will be waiting for the next one patiently
Chapter 8: For a sec, I thought Mina was going to kneel and break down because she was so caught up in the memory of her past while she was dancing. For sure if that were to happen, Chaeyoung will go panic and her feelings for Mina will grow more. But I like it this way. From a possible angst chapter, it turns a little comical when Mina just keeps giggling and making fun of Chaeyoung who's obviously checking her out :b
Chapter 8: I love how these two are so obviously head over heels with each other.. Can't you just confessed already? keke