
Secret Love

I walked into the kitchen to prevent myself from saying anything.

"calm down Howon,you said you were going to let her figure it out"

I turned around as i heard footsteps.

"Oppa,i need to tell you something"

I turned the fire off and faced her.

"what is it?" 


I looked down nervously,contemplating on whether to tell him or not.

"H-howon oppa"

He looked at me in confusion.

"oppa,i think i may be in l-"

My phone rang and I answered it quickly.

"hello?" I said while leaning against the stove next to Howon.

Myungsoo cleared his throat. "uhh.let's go on a date tonight"

"jeongmal,where at?" Minyoung's voice changed from being so excited.

"meet me at the bench in ___ park by the woods..oh at 7 o'clock"

"bwoah? the woods? what for oppa?

Myungsoo chuckled. "its a surprise baby,just dont be late arraso?" 

I said yes then hung up.

Howon went back to cooking.

"i wouldn't go if i were you,the woods? that's suspicious. "

I scoffed. "oh pssh,this isnt a horror movie,nothing's going to happen..i think he planned a surprise for me"

"mmhm,if by surprise you mean ..yeah im sure nothing's going to happen" he said sarcastically.

I jumped up from my seat and stormed out the room.

Howon sat the lunch on the table and followed behind Minyoung.

"babe" He opened the bed room door.

"go away you "

Howon walked over to her.

 "why can't you just shut up,it's my life not yours!"

"im not gonna stay out your life and im not gonna stop being an because i care. i care about you Minyoung"

[Minyoung's Pov]

why does he have to care so much? he should just leave me alone!

why does he take care of me when he knows im vurnable?

but most of all why am i starting to have feelings for him?

i can't..i gotta get him out of my mind! but i just can't help that he makes me feel this way.

maybe i just feel guilty that i can't return his feelings..yeah! that's why

[End of Minyoung's Pov]

Howon knocked on the bathroom door.

"still crying?"

"yes! you jerk!"

Howon laughed a bit. "i love you"

[Minyoung's Pov]

There he goes again,always saying i love you.

and he always say it with this tender voice,its so angelic..any girl would fall for that

but im not gonna fall for it anymore! Operation "Don't fall for oppa" is starting now!

[End of Minyoung's Pov]

"well i don't" I opened the door then leaned against it.

Howon stood over her,looking at Minyoung straight in the eyes.

Minyoung felt dry up,and began breathing off beat.

"What are staring at?" I  tried to say rudely

"at the most beautiful girl in the world"

"ugh! I sat on the bed.

And just what I didn't want,he sat right beside me.

Howon wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.



i havent updated in like....forever!

im so sorry you guys!

had a whole bunch of tests one week

and 3 of my friends passed away so yeah...

but im back now so look forward to updates ^_^

will update next Wednesday <3

Sorry again!  












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YouDunnoMe #1
♥ awww this fic !!!
Oh sorry >_<
I had this story already written and just randomly picked names b4 I decided it was gonna be hoya :D
Hehehe me too ♥
Thanks! :D<br />
i already have 3 ch. up<br />
just fixing it,i'll be up in a little while^_^