In his arms.

Secret Love

Week Later...

[Minyoung Pov's]

Howon oppa came and woke me up today for the first time in a while.

Even though it was the weekend.

But it was really awkward for us though.

He didn't smile or kiss my forehead like he always does.

"Hey,wheres my kiss?" I pouted.

"go find your boyfriend." he said while walking out my room.

"ugh!" i said as i slammed down my pillow on the bed.

Is he still that mad? i mean its been a while.

I got up and walked to the bathroom.

Without knocking i opened the door wide open.

I looked up to see oppa with just boxers on and quickly shut the door.

"sorry!" i yelled as i walked back into my room.

"breathe in,breathe out Minyoung".

I walked over to my bed and sat down.

I was almost hyperventilating.

If you've ever seen my oppa shirtless,you'd understand.

"his abs,his v-line..omg i saw his thighs and his.."

Howon opened the door in the middle of my thoughts.

"the bathroom's available now"

After he told me,he left.

Not saying another word.

After taking a shower and changing i decided to watch tv to distract myself.

And none other than himself Howon was there sitting on the couch watching the tv too.

I awkwardly walked over to the couch and sat on the opposite side of him.

We watched 'Can you hear my heart'  together and didn't say a word.

Minyoung turned her head and saw Howon sound a sleep on the end of the couch.

"he must've been up all night playing Gta 4" she giggled to herself.

She scooted a little closer to look at him sleeping peacefully.

"wow Howon oppa is more good looking than i thought" she said sitting right beside him now.

It's not normal how I notice every little thing about Oppa.

Like the way he smiles when he's embarrassed or how he rubs his right ear when he's tired.

Maybe this is just temporary,I thought.

Howon sleepily turned around.

He was facing me,this time.

I could feel his breath on mine.

I just stopped and stared at him..I thought my heart was going to pop out my chest.

Howon was just so...

He suddenly wrapped my arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

At first i thought he was awake but by the way he was breathing he was definitely sleep.

You see before Howon's parents passed away his mother gave him a teddy bear,Mr. Buttons.

He is very attached to it and still sleeps with him today.

It made me sad that he was holding me like Mr.Buttons...he must be having a bad dream.

I tried to escape but there was no use.

I was like Mr.Buttons to him,he's never going to let me go.

i just gave up and decided to go to sleep too.


[Howon's Pov]

I woke up to Minyoung in my arms sleep.

I looked down at her confused.

"how'd she end up here?" i thought to myself.

I let her go and sat up.

She yawned and fluttered her eyes open.

"ahh oppa your awake?"

I nodded and got up.

"i'll just go...umm cook lunch"

I walked into the kitchen to prevent myself from saying anything.

"calm down Howon,you said you were going to let her figure it out"

I turned around as i heard footsteps.

"Oppa,i need to tell you something"

I turned the fire off and faced her.

"what is it?"


What's up you guys! :D

Here's the update i promised.

I actually split this chapter in half so that explains the cliffhanger lol

Sorry >///<

But thanks for reading and subscribing! <3

*waves* Have a nice rest of the day!


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YouDunnoMe #1
♥ awww this fic !!!
Oh sorry >_<
I had this story already written and just randomly picked names b4 I decided it was gonna be hoya :D
Hehehe me too ♥
Thanks! :D<br />
i already have 3 ch. up<br />
just fixing it,i'll be up in a little while^_^