
Target: Aquired

“What the hell do you mean, Moonbyul?” Wheein looked at her, struck with shock.

“You heard me.” Moonbyul sighed, putting her head in her hands. “I don’t know why I did it. I just did. Judge me all you want, but she has gone through some .”

“Like?” Wheein crossed her arms and looked at her with a snarky glare, expecting the same old excuses Moonbyul has used to not kill her targets.

“You really want examples? Just look through the files if you’re so bothered by me giving her a safe temporary home.” Byul huffed, taking the files from it’s shelf and giving it to Wheein, desperate to make a point.

After looking through the files, Wheein stood there with her eyes wide as she read some of the data that Moonbyul had gathered.

“This is… Quite shocking actually.” Wheein closed the folder and put it back. “You’ve done well. But that doesn’t mean you don’t eliminate her anymore.” Wheein fell back into her chair, putting one leg over the other, looking up at Moonbyul with a sharp stare, expecting an answer from her partner in crime. “So, any objections?”

“I… I do have one.” Moonbyul looked up, hesitant as to say her reason to not kill Yongsun.

“And? What is it?” A voice full of dislike crept up behind her - it wasn’t Wheein, or Hyejin. 

Moonbyul’s eyes widened significantly as she turned around, recognising the voice. It was the exact same one she's been hearing for the past few days - her target. 


“Yong- you can't be here! How did you get in here?” Byulyi yelled, shaken up by the sudden appearance of Yongsun. “Why’s your voice so spiteful?!” 

“Well, I may have followed you here.” Yongsun crossed her arms across her chest, keeping her sharp glare constantly on Moonbyul’s. “That would be the more obvious explanation. Moon Byul Yi, I despise you.” 

“Wait, Yongsun, explain yourself.” Moonbyul looked at her, generally worried about what she was going to say. 

“You’ve targeted me for no reason.” Yongsun’s short, blunt answer almost brought Byulyi to tears as she couldn’t really fight the truth. “You thought I’m a worthless little thing that wont be able to defend herself against the power of a so-called hitman.” She huffed, spitting fire at Moonbyul and Wheein.

“But I-”

“No buts. You are the worthless one for targeting innocent people.” Yongsun turned around and headed to the elevator, Byulyi running after her and grabbing her hand to stop her from going further.

“We’ve never targeted innocent people. Our previous targets were abusive, alcoholic and people that misused various things. We try to rid the world of evil.” Moonbyul’s strangled words out of through tears.

“So you’re saying I’m one of those people?” Yongsun glared at her, her stare being able to kill Moonbyul on the spot if it could.

“N-no! Of course not!” Moonbyul fell down to her knees, not having another excuse to say.

“I don’t think I have the energy to pretend that I’m innocent anymore.” She looked up at Wheein and gave an almost lustful look at her. Yongsun gently ran her fingers through Moonbyul’s hair, smirking as the silver strands fell between her fingers. “Last words?”

“N-no.” Moonbyul stuttered, Wheein staying static throughout their small conversation.

“Looks like my murderous, sadistic side won’t have to hold back anymore.”

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cjmoo_ #1
Chapter 4: Nice. The ending is open for interpretation. I'm guessing Byul was trying to save herself when she said that the previous targets fall under one of the categories she mentioned (abusive/alcoholic/people that misused various things)? Seems like Yongsun's really evil, because right from the start Hyejin was telling Byul to kill her and about her intentions getting exposed when she dies...
Chapter 4: I dont get the end a little. So yongkong is bad?
lovechoco #3
Chapter 4: would there be more updates?
Chapter 4: So like, Yongsun is a bipolar or something?
Chapter 4: ....thats it? :/