
Target: Aquired

'I cant.'

The two words echoed in Moonbyul's mind. Rubbing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she nodded hesitantly.

"I'll do it. Just... Find more information." Her voice sharp and tired, Moonbyul got up and made her way towards the elevator. "I'm heading home for the night." She pressed the button on the elevator to go up, and soon the doors closed, taking Moonbyul to the main floor of the shop.

After Moonbyul left, Wheein and Hyejin exchanged glances, their looks soon turning lustful. They looked at the bag full of gold then back at each other. Wheein turned to her computer and began searching for black-market listings, Hyejin getting awfully close to her as she did so, to the point where Wheein felt her delicate breathing against the skin of her neck, her hair standing up at the rare-felt sensation.

"How'd you find such a target?" Hyejin whispered, Wheein shivering at the husky, smooth voice.

"The internet." Wheein replied, a bit shaken by Hyejin's close presence. She kept on typing as Hyejin slowly put her arms around Wheein's waist.

"Wheenie~" Hyejin muttered cutely, trying to get the girl's attention.

"Later, when we get home." Wheein smirked, getting up from the chair and leaving the room with Hyejin close to her as they walked away from the computers.


As Moonbyul made her way home, a familiar voice called her name. She spun her head in all directions to see who was the source of the voice.

"Yongsun?" Moonbyul squinted her eyes as a wild Yongsun gestured her to get closer. "What are you doing out here? Its getting dark, you know." She briskly made her way towards Yongsun, who seemed to be holding something of some value.

"Yeah, hello Byulyi." She smiled when Moonbyul got close at a reasonable distance. "I've got something to give you." She smiled again.

"Your smile is brighter than the sun." Moonbyul winked, Yongsun pausing, trying to stop herself from cringing at the snarky comment.

"Yah!" Yongsun hit her on her shoulder, Moonbyul struggling to defend herself.

"Anyway, what is it you wanted to give me?" As this exact time, Yongsun handed over a thin black bracelet.

"As a thanks for helping me. Oh, and I don't have a place to stay at anymore... Or at least I can't show my face there anymore. Maybe I can live in your house for a little while?" Yongsun, expecting the worst, closed her eyes.

"Oh, sure. I don't mind." Moonbyul replied with no hesitation. A silent sigh of relief could be heard from Yongsun as all the nervousness melted away at once. "Let us go then." Byul put on the bracelet and smiled, Yongsun following her close as they walked back home. Snow crunched under their feet, making the silence between them serene. They engaged in small talk for a while and then it spread to more in-depth topics.

"Have you got a boyfriend?" Yongsun asked, being awfully straightforward. Moonbyul thought about it for a bit, eventually thinking of a suitable answer.

"Nope, and I don't think I ever will." She looked at Yongsun, who was wide eyed at the answer. The feeling of excitement boiled painfully slow in her body when she heard those words.

"Why dont you think so?" Yongsun asked with a question, eager to find out more. Her curiousity peaked as she tried to pry open more of Moonbyul's personality.

"I just don't." Moonbyul looked up. "Ah, we're here. We talked for so long it felt like we time travelled." She chuckled, fishing out keys from her pocket and walking up to the door, turning the lock and finally walking in. "Come on." Gesturing Yongsun to come inside, the girl stood there in pure awe, frozen.

The way she walked, the way she turned the lock and the way she talked. Everything was perfect. The way she dressed, looked at others full of curiousity, the greasy comments that she couldn't help but cringe at and her small gestures. Yongsun thought she found the perfect person to spend her life with.

"Uhh, Yongsun? Earth to Yongsun." Moonbyul waved, and a small gasp escaped Yongsun's lips as she broke from her daydream.

"Oh, sorry." Yongsun's face flushed from embarrasment as she hurried inside, Moonbyul closing the door quietly behind her.

"Uhh, you can walk around for a bit. I'll make something to eat. Sorry if it's a bit messy, I don't have much time to tidy up my house these days." Moonbyul walked into the kitchen after taking her shoes off and instantly opened the fridge, beginning to think of a simple recipe for the two of them to eat.

'Byulyi, I'll need you to go back there and actually ki-' Hyejin's voice ghosted past her thoughts, the girl trying to get rid of them. She was sure that this pure, innocent girl had no bad intentions. She did come from royalty, but the look on her face on the first meeting melted Moonbyul's heart, so she couldn't just kill her like that. Her past targets were violent, abusive and alcoholic men which she had no problem with eliminating. She soon broke from her thoughts after she heard a moderatly loud scream from upstairs.

'Yongsun.' Moonbyul rushed upstairs seeing the girl struck by fear as a relatively large spider was casually walking across the ceiling. "Oh, that's a huge one." Moonbyul looked up, then opened a cupboard and took out a broom, squishing the spider and ending it's misery. Yongsun ran up to Moonbyul and hugged her as a thank you for killing the 8-legged thing. Moonbyul returned the hug, throwing the broom back into the cupboard and closing the doors with her foot. "There, there. It's gone now." She tried to comfort Yongsun as the slight fear subsided within her.

Another voice ghosted her mind, Moonbyul trying her hardest to forget what was said that evening. Yongsun let go and looked at Moonbyul with a big, bright smile that could power millions of homes.

"What's for dinner?" Yongsun asked, walking downstairs, Moonbyul following her.

"It's a bit late, but what would you like?" Moonbyul asked, Yongsun beginning to think what she would like to eat to fill up her empty stomach.

"Tteokbokki." Yongsun answered with almost no hesitation. "Or, if there are still some open, some traditional BBQ." She became quiet, with a slightly embarrased look on her face.

"We can try some BBQ tomorrow, I'll just order some tteokbokki. That's fine, right?" Moonbyul asked, taking out her phone and typing in a number, looking at Yongsun's face to get a green light.

"Yeah, that's alright." Yongsun creeped into the living room, walking over to a black leather couch and sat down, looking around at some pictures that Moonbyul had hung up on the walls. The walls were plain white, maybe a bit gray from age, but there was a pretty large TV on top of a low cupboard that had a console and a TV box. A laptop was balancing on top of some books that were on the floor and a neatly decorated coffee table was in the middle of the room. The windows were surpisingly clean, so was the laminated wood floor. A sliding glass door overlooking the somewhat cared-for back garden had a few fingerprints on it, but nothing too distracting. Yongsun overheard the order that Moonbyul was currently reciting to a person over the phone. Her eyes went wide and a shoked look overcame her face. When Byul completed the order, she walked in to the living room and smiled.

"Food should be here in a few minutes." She began searching for spare cash she usually left in a container behind her console.

"What did you order?" Yongsun asked, awaiting an answer.

"You'll see."

When their food arrived, Yongsun ended up carrying some of the stuff that Moonbyul ordered, also setting the table while Moonbyul paid. After dismissing the delivery guy, she took out two pairs of metal chopsticks, giving one pair to Yongsun.

"Alright, let's dig in." Moonbyul smiled, opening up some of the containers and basking in the smell of the food she ordered. Yongsun looked at the containers, a little uneasy.

"Uhh..." Her chopsticks hovered over the containers, trying to decide what to eat. She ended up picking the food she asked for, tteokbokki.


After the girls finished eating their food, the exaustion of the day finally settled in. Yongsun ended up sleeping on Moonbyul's bed, and Moonbyul slept downstairs on the couch. A little uneasy sleeping alone, Yongsun wandered downstairs quietly, ghosting through the corridor, and to the living room.

"Byuli?" Yongsun whispered, trying to see if Moonbyul was awake. A bit of rustling came from Moonbyul as she looked up at the figure standing at the door.

"Yeah?" Her voice raspy and tired and eyes half-open, she managed to strangle out a few more words. "What is it unnie? You can't sleep?" A small, shy nod came from Yongsun, causing Moonbyul to get up from the couch, leaving the blanket she covered herself with on the couch. "Yah, I'm worthless, I have a double-bed for a reason." Moonbyul took Yongsun by the hand and lead her upstairs.

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cjmoo_ #1
Chapter 4: Nice. The ending is open for interpretation. I'm guessing Byul was trying to save herself when she said that the previous targets fall under one of the categories she mentioned (abusive/alcoholic/people that misused various things)? Seems like Yongsun's really evil, because right from the start Hyejin was telling Byul to kill her and about her intentions getting exposed when she dies...
Chapter 4: I dont get the end a little. So yongkong is bad?
lovechoco #3
Chapter 4: would there be more updates?
Chapter 4: So like, Yongsun is a bipolar or something?
Chapter 4: ....thats it? :/