[ Jongdae x OC ] Black and Blue

The Oracle: Ask Me About Recommendations
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B l a c k  a n d  B l u e
by abbylee123 


Black and Blue is a very important fic. I'll start off with that. 

It's fairly short- 10 chapters- and is about an OC who is . It's about her journey from there- living with emotions of guilt, trying to explain to her fiancee (Chen) what happened, trying to process it herself, and just trying to learn how to be herself again. It's a story of survival and strength.



Hihi, this chapter will feature a new development in my rec fic: A rant corner! It's for all y'all who don't know me to read about my opinions which you might disagree with regarding topics you might not care about but enjoy, my friends! 

One of my biggest gripes with other fanfics is how there is a tendency to romanticise abuse or to use as a convenient "plot point" or use it as the entire history of a character to explain why they are the way they are. This fic shows that is more than that, but is also not as big as that. Now, you might ask, "geez louise, turdfondler! Now that don't make no sense!" HOLD UP, lemme explain.

This fic does an amazing job of showing the thought progression and the recovery of some

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sadhfkjahsdlkfhkasjhdfkjasdf thank you for reccing my trash i don't deserve this i cri
Chapter 1: wo ww author nim im so excited pls update soon?!!!!?!?!