[ Taehyung x Jimin x Yoongi] Party Crashers

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P a r t y  C r a s h e r s
by Jenday


Party Crashers is a caramel apple fic. Meaning that it's a slice-of-life/school/finding yourself fic that is full of soul but it's dipped in this outer layer of comedy that is an absolute delight to bite into. The main character, Jimin, is a shy, awkward, "scared-of-his-own-shadow" kind of kid who is best friends with Taehyung. Let's just say if you called them two peas in a pod, Taehyung would be the party pod of the two. Jimin finds that he is only able to open up to his best friend... and that he may consider him as more than just friends. And that's why he decides to go along with it when Taehyung suggests that they should crash the senior's party.



Party Crashers is funny, okay. Like jolly-good-bantering-making-you-chortle-until-you-cough-up-your-intestines funny. The first couple of chapters do a good job giving you a solid feel for each character, and you really get inside Jimin's head. You understand how he thinks and how painstakingly he dissects each of his actions, and I thought that narration makes you, the audience, really invested in his character. I also really, really liked Yoongi's character (he might have been my favourite), and the author paces the development

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sadhfkjahsdlkfhkasjhdfkjasdf thank you for reccing my trash i don't deserve this i cri
Chapter 1: wo ww author nim im so excited pls update soon?!!!!?!?!