3 - ZEUS



I wish i could just ask you

What you think of Me




The Sun peeked brightly into the room of a sleeping young girl, her forehead frowning as she felt the sun's light her face because last night she forgot to close the curtains closely. Nari opened her eyes slowly, it felt so heavy. She was sure that now her face  is such a mess, That girl was even lazy to get out of bed. She took a deep breath then looked at the ceiling of her apartment. Soon her phone rang soundly , Nari grabbed the square-thing lazily  from the side table. A few missed calls and messages from her friends, it looks like today she will not be in class or work. Suddenly a foreign number catches her hazel eyes .  Nari reads message silently


Hey sorry our meeting yesterday disrupted. Are you okay? - J


Before she had a time to comprehend the contents of the message, an incoming call with the same foreign number come. At first Nari hesitated to answer it, she was afraid that the person on the other side might be a bad guy like a jerk who chased her the other day. After pressing the answer button she just stayed silent, waiting for the caller to express the purpose they called her.


'Um, this is me Jong In. Are you okay?'


"Yeah ...." silence again after Nari short anwers. Jong In paused for while meanwhile Nari, her mind wandered in a event last night's that played back like a documentary movie.


'I ... want to invite you to breakfast. Do you mind? '


"I just woke up Jong In and today I'm lazy to go anywhere " Nari said softly.


'Oooh ...... come on. I'm bored at home I do not want to eat alone. Don’t you feel pity for me. What if there's something or someone bugging me while i’m eating all alone?  You know I'm sick right. Nari-ah ..... please come with me this once, please, plese, please.”  He whined.


Without realizing it, a smile was painted on her face. It so funny  to hear Kim Jong In is sulking like a 5-year-old boy who asked her mom to bought an  ice cream. This is like they will give a variety of reasons and along with some ridiculous threat. For example they are reluctant to cut their hair or doing homework if they don’t get ice cream yet.


'Nari-ah come on ... I'll buy you an ice cream if you want to eat with me' can’t hold any longer, she laughed loudly.


"Hey .... I'm not a kids you can lure with ice cream, even if you buy me along with the ice cream parlor too I do not want to" she replied still with a smile on her lips. Instantly she forgets her sadness previously, Jong In really come on right time. He such a big baby and her moodboaster.

"Okay I'll be right there, give me 30 minutes okay."


After ending her call, Nari rushes to the bathroom but at the same time she can still smiles whenever remember what Jong In had said just now, it is very ridiculous. The man's voice was heavy for adult but he was trying to make it nassal  like a children.




Jong In has chosen the most comfortable place in this cafe. He chose the second floor with sofas and transparent glass wall to see the morning  sights of Seoul. 

He turned his gaze to the city streets that had lined with vehicles and skyscrapers, but to be honest he was still daydreaming, remembering Nari's laugh, it look the most beautiful melody he'd ever heard. Her voice was not too hoarse or shrill just perfectly fit in his ears. His fingers tapped on the table, following the music from the iPod he was listening to. Not for a while, his activity stopped, the girl was already sitting in front of him. He stared at  Nari a little bit longer, even only wearing skinny jeans, lavender shirt and blazer, that girl is really beautiful. Even without Jong In realize he was smiling.


"You're so pretty today Nari-ah" Nari smacked Jong In's arm slowly.


"Wow ... you're so good at sweet talk don’t you Kim Jong In" The said man just chuckled.


A Moments later, their orders had came. Jong In was already booked their food before disconnecting their phone call earlier, he did not forget to ask what Nari's favorite food was, and the girl simply replied that she wanted Jong In to match their order.


In the midst of their eating, Nari's phone once again rang. She picked up her cell phone that she kept on the table. Her forehead frowned against that foreign number. Actually what the heck had happened. Did her number has been 'announced' somewhere? She thought. Inevitably the girl picked up the call, so the ringing also stopped. As usual, Nari waits for the caller to speak first.


'Hei, this is Sehun. Are you free tonight? I want to take you out somewhere before you going to work. '


"Honestly where were both of you get my number from?" Instead of answering Sehun's question, the girl just asked back.


'I asked it from Kris Hyung. Sorry I did not get your approval first. I'm just worried about you last night. ' He said. 'Wait a minute, was  Jong In also contacting you?' Nari just replied with a murmur.


'Where are you now? Are you on campus? I will pick you up. Tell me what time your class ends. '


"I am absent  today, and I'm at the cafe now."


Secretly Jong In focused his hearing on what Nari said. He still thinks about who the people are on the other side that disturb their ‘date’. But then Jong In raises his head when his name was called. Sure enough, a moment later Nari gave her phone to Jong In, she said that the people on the other side wanted to talk to him.


'Hey Kim Jong In I told you, she is off-limits why are you so stubborn. Just take care of your es girls. And what do you mean to bring her to eat together? '


"Shut up will you Oh Sehun, you're interrupting my supposedly date.You're not her lover so you can’t tell who Nari should going with." Jong In replied, he was really happy to make his 'poker face friend ' upset. 'Oh and another one, I have nothing to do with those annoying girls, i had broke up with all of them yesterday. I’m closing it now I want to eat in peace. ' After disconnecting Sehun's call, Jong In returned Nari's phone and continuing his delayed breakfast. Nari just shook her head gently, with a smile that following her beautiful face. How not, Sehun and Jong In always have things they debate or else they just just mock each other out.




The atmosphere in Kim's family's dining room was very quiet, nobody spoke. Even the clatter of the Chinaware  was so loud. Mr. Kim looked at the empty seat beside Jong Dae, he took a deep breath. His youngest son was really stubborn. Actually it’s no wonder because Mr.Kim too was stone-headed. among his four sons Jong In is the only one who inherits almost entirely his traits. So is not rare if both father and son are often had a different opinions that cause them to argued. But actually Mr.Kim really love all his sons, it's just his way to show his affection is slightly different.


"Minseok, Does Jong In doesn’t come back yet?" The only woman at their dinner table voiced out. Minseok smiles, he does not want to say that Jong In was wounded, they don’t  want to make their parents worried and also prevent a third world war between their father and his youngest brother.


"No yet eommonim .... yesterday I stopped by his apartment, he was with Sehun, I think  Sehun was run away again from his home.  So for a meantime Jong In took him to his apartment." He answered.


Their mother only can sigh, Then she looked at the chair next to the Minseok which also empty. "How's Hye Yeon doing, does she still get her symptoms?"


"Yes eommonim, her symptoms  is still constant, and also today she has been vomited several times." He said.


"The first pregnancy symptom is like that. Have her well Minseok, don’t  forget to take her to the doctor next week." After the last word from Mrs.Kim the atmosphere of the dining room was quiet once again. They enjoyed the meal until it was over, but before they left, their father opened his voice again.


"Bring Jong In tomorrow, there's something I have to tell him." he said and left the dining room.





Cha Nari stands long enough in front of the mirror, her plans to rest all day long today had been broken. How not, from Jong In that asked her to accompany him breakfast this morning and now Oh Sehun forced her to come along to his place. That men really does not know the word of rejection, did he?. A moment later her apartment bell rang, Nari picked up her Chloe gray shoulder bag and then stepped out from her bedroom into the front door. Sehun was already standing with a smile on his lips. He let his Blonde hair fall and framed his handsome face perfectly. Today he was wearing a white T-shirt inside his LV black leather jacket with his black Givency jeans that torned at the knees. He is really a had a bad boy vibe today.

As a Fashion student, Sehun's taste in Fashion is not that bad, he can choose a lot of clothes according to the occasion perfectly. But honstly, whatever he wears it will look good on his body. Nari woke from her reverie, shortly after Sehun gave her a bouquet of lilacs. The girl responded with a smile after receiving the purple lilac in both hands. Sehun's heart rustled, his heart making noises and don’t forget the butterfly in his stomach. Sehun also got worried when his habit out. His lisp will come out if he got nervous and resulted a bunch of insult from his hyungs.


The two of them then walked together to the basement after getting off of the elevator, today Sehun did not bring his Audi A8 but his White Lamborghini Aventador. Sehun opened the door for Nari like a gentlemen, then he turned around and place himself in the driver seat. Silence covering both of them as long as he drive, Nari was busy with her bubble. She is looking out at the streets of Seoul accompanied by flickering lights from the streetlights. She let the window hald open, making her the black shoulders length hair danced with the wind. Sehun also enjoyed the beauty of her girl from his side eye. He occasionally turned to Stared at Nari  and then continuing his focus on driving. he wanted to hold her hand so badly, but she was afraid that Nari would be angry. Because they are just meet in a shot time and he didn’t  want to be labeled as playboy, jerk or any related terms from Nari. That girl is really reserved and fragile.


Approximately 30 minutes with 60km / hours they both arrived at a large area on the outskirts of the city which is quite far from the highway. The place is practically vast with wide, long streets leading to a forest that does not have enough trees just like a barren meadow. In her heart, Nari can not wait any longer to hold her curiosity, she looked at Sehun who is currently walking while intertwined their fingers.


At the end of a circuit? There a few some young men who were not much different with the from Nari and Sehun had been gathered, one of them is Jong In. After arriving there, Jong In immediately wrapped his arms around Nari's shoulder then took the girl to introduced to his friends. Nari see Sehun already chatting with a handsome man with a feminine features with a clean white purplish blonde.


"Jong In-ah, what are we doing here? What is this place?" She whispered to Jong In who had been leaning against the wall still with his hands now wrapped around her slim waist. Jong In bring his lips closely to Nari's ear and pull her body more closer. He answered her question vaguely.



After a few minutes, a man with glasses and short bluehair came to them. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Luhan greeted with hugs and high-fived.

"Are you coming tonight Sehun?" that man asked.

"We will see, I want to see the opponent first, Suprise me Jae." He answer.


The man named Jae left them after that, followed by Sehun and Chanyeol.  Jong In, Baekhyun and Luhan are left with Nari. They discuss a lot of things, from fashion, business, and their personal life. The fact that they are all heirs doesn’t surprised Nari, she can already guess much or less after they said that they are friend with her boss - Kris. They are all very friendly and very open to Nari. That girl doesn’t feel intimidated or left behind in their circle of friends.

Not long after Sehun returned to where they were gathered before, he walked towards Nari who is now laughing at the joke that Baekhyun's made. Suddenly Sehun stood beside her and gave a short kiss on her cheek. The man whispered something to Nari then walked to his car. Before he left, he opened his window and smiled at them all. Nari walks towards Jong In and asked about the reason for Sehun's departure. The answer that Jong In throws makes Nari's eyes widen, but a second later she regains her composure and following them with her intertwined fingers.


"He is racer Nari.He often join street racing here." He said.





Note from me :

Okay this is my promise today, i have posted 2 chap straight. I hope i can see your comments below about what do you think. Also i'm still working for the conflict later. Actually i write this story double. One in here and another in Wattpad. But the watttpad one is only available in Bahasa. Anyway i'll see later about should i posted tommorow or not.Honeslty i got gastriris a few days bac that's why i'm update i little bit longer, but from now on i'll try to make daily update.




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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 6: Loving this story authornim. Thanks!
What the heck this sounds so cool. A different type of feel to it. Looking forward to this!
hello. this is enchantrash.
i have always been interested in Green mythology, your title brought me here. this will be my first time reading a fanfiction with a small 'element' of Greek mythology in it. i expect a unique story that will be interesting. i have high hopes

best regards, enchantrash.