Why her and not me? chapter 3

Why her and not me?

Our noses are touching, I shut my eyes and lean in. "STOP" I scream and suddenly lean back. I can’t look Yoongi in the eyes, I’m looking down in shame. I feel a cold hand on my chin. "Y/N I’m sorry it was my fault." I’m looking in his eyes and I feel so bad. "Yoongi .... I can’t let go of him yet. it’s just..." a tear comes rolling down my cheek. "I know it’s hard..." and he grabs me and hugs me, still crying. what I didn’t realise is that Tae is standing by the window watching us and Yoongi knew and he walked away. 

The next day, Yoongi gives me a ride to school. "it’s alright okay, if anyone asked you anything about.... him I’m here" Yoongi says while gritting his teeth even thinking about him. "thanks, Yoongz, but I’m fine by myself I promise" I really wasn’t but Yoj or Tae might have said something and I don’t want to drag him into anything like this right now. "Are you sure?" No... please stay "Yes I’m not a baby anymore" and gave him a fake smile. "if anything goes wrong call me straight away" he says worried "okay but I’m sure I’ll be fine bye Yoongz" and waved as he walked into the distance. I put my earphones trying to block out all my problems. I sit down in my seat. luckily first lesson was French which tae wasn’t in but Yoj was. I opened my book and I can feel eyes piercing through my book. I make it through French and the minute the bell went I jumped out of my seat and ran for the door until I felt something holding my shoulder. crap I thought. "What do you want?" I say without even turning my head. "do you know how warm Tae's touch is?" I’m gritting my teeth, trying to not turn around and punch her in the face. she puts her face by my ear and whispers in it. "don’t think this is over, ill torture you until you try to kill yourself...again." and let’s go of my hand.

I go to lunch I go to my normal table at the back and I see Tae sitting there eating his lunch alone. he didn’t notice me and I felt like just run off crying. trapped in my own thoughts I didn’t realise Tae looked up and had a hopeful look in his eyes. I grab the sandwich off my tray and walk towards him. he had the biggest smile on his face that suddenly vanished when I walked straight past him into the toilets. "Y/N please..." but I’m already gone. why am I letting him hurt me so much? sitting on the toilets eating my sandwich, crying. I get out of the cubicle and the toilet door opens. to my luck it was Yoj. "OMG I’m so lucky to see my best friend in the toilets. let’s have some bonding time" she started coming closer to me. what’s she going to do to me. she opens her bag and pulls of a thick book and looks into my eyes. she raises her hand she smacks me round the face with book. I fall on the floor and hold my face and look at my hands covered in blood. she starts laughing at me and kicks me in the stomach. she opens her bag again and takes a pair of scissors out. I’m shaking out of fear. she grabs my hair forcing me to get up. tears coming out of my eyes like a never-ending river. she grabs the scissors and cuts my hair but all I hear is the toilet door smash against the wall. I’m losing consciousness and my eyes are slowly closing. "Tae..." and my eyes shut. 


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