Why her and not me?


when a 17 year old girl is bullied because she is different to the rest and tries to kill herself. all she needed was someone for her and he was... but did he just make her hurt even more?


"I love you Y/N, I’m so sorry for not realising sooner." he said in his deep, y voice. "Tae..."

My eyes open rapidly, hoping my dream was a reality, not taking long to realise the truth about him. Well, let’s start from the beginning of our story. I have been in love with Kim Taehyung, ever since we first met in my first year of school. I was known as suicide girl by all the bullies because I hated my life and everyone has their breaking point and that was mine. In my first year I had no friends and my parents didn’t care if I was alive or not, so that day when I was about to jump to my early grave and my older sister grabbed my hugging me so tight that I couldn’t breathe. she was the only one who saved me. if she didn’t stop me that day, I would’ve regretted it so much. obviously, my parents came and like the insensitive people they are they went to the school and told everyone. so, at school no one would talk to me and if they did it was to laugh but the worst thing about it was the looks people would give not just the students, the teachers, like looks of disgust and disappointment. there were a group of bullies that would always throw my food on the floor and trip me up so I fall in front of everyone. their leader was called Yoj Chin and she makes me feel like I’m trapped in my own darkness.

I sit down to eat my lunch and like always, she stands in front of me. "Who said your allowed to eat here?" and the girls start laughing as she picked up my food and threw it against the wall. I stood up and went to walk but I bumped into someone. I was already angry and upset and as I was about to apologise I felt Yoj pulling my hair back until I fall on the floor. "Why do you have to be so annoying, apologise to Taehyung, he’s a new student here, how can you be so rude!" I got up and picked up my bag and ran off and tears pouring like rivers out of my eyes. the girls just laugh and shout "Don’t try to kill yourself about it k" I went home after that, but found out that Tae got in a fight with Yoj and slapped her. as I arrived at my house, I unlocked my door and collapsed on my sofa, crying into my pillow. no one’s there in the day times because my parents are working and my sisters at university. I hear the doorbell ring but I just ignore it. after a minute they ring it over and over again. so, I get up and flung the door open "WHAT!" Tae's eyes widened as he wasn’t expecting me to be screaming and so tensed. I relax a bit but realise my eyes are still full of tears, so I quickly rub them. he just hugs me and apologises over and over again. after that we just sat and talked for hours and hours and laughed together. From that day we have been best friends and do everything together.

Like normal I walk to school then wait for Tae at the main gates. I’m have my earphones in and music booming so I can’t hear anything around me. I see the bus coming so I take them out. as the doors open I couldn’t see taehyung so I wait and he comes out last so I put my hand out to wave, but my heart just skips a beat as I see he comes out with Yoj and there laughing and smiling together. I don’t know what to do so I just turn around and go straight to class. as I’m sitting in my chair I think of about a million reasons why they could’ve been talking, but I can’t think of one that satisfies me so I just get my books out and start reading. I suddenly feel a pat on my back and it Tae. "Why didn’t you wait for me?" I don’t want to lie to him, but what do I say. "erm" what do I say "I had to give in some homework early to a teacher, sorry." I feel so bad. "don’t worry about it I was just curious." a few hours later we go to lunch together and sit down. "hey are you okay, your acting really weird?" "I’m fine I’m just tired and hungry." we start eating and talking until Yoj comes over and sits on our table. "Tae and erm you I’m having a party after school, can you guys come?" just as I’m about to say a dumb excuse Tae quickly replies "Yeah we can make it right Y/N?" and smiled at me. he hates parties and never goes even if he’s invited but he looked so excited. "yeah I’m sure we can come" After school Tae and I walk me home so we can go together. normally we go to his house but my parents are working in America so its fine.

I unlocked my door and went upstairs. tae was looking through my wardrobe, trying to find a dress. "Y/N do you ever go to parties?" and he started laughing and I joined him. we went to my sister’s room and he picked out this stunning navy-blue dress. "It’s perfect" I said in amazement. so, I put it on in the bathroom and some make-up on. I looked inside my sister’s beauty bag and didn’t know what half of the stuff did, but did the best I could. I look in the mirror and I look really weird because I normally don’t wear anything like this but tae wanted to go so I’m doing it for him. I walked out of the bathroom and Tae is sitting on the bed looking out of the window and he looked so handsome, with his chocolate brown hair and his smart suit on. he quickly turned his head and his eyes enlarged, as he looks up and down. "You look so beautiful." as I heard those words come out of his mouth, my face went bright red and he giggled. "Let’s go!"

we arrived outside the person I’ve hated for so many years and I started to get nervous. Tae noticed and held my hand "you're going to be fine, because I’ll be there." his words comforted me, so I nod and we go in together. as the door swings open the house is overflowing with people. I look next to me and Tae is gone. Then I see him with all the other boys laughing. I smile but I realise I’m all alone, then Yoj comes up to me and whispers in my ear "Leave Tae alone or you’ll regret it." and walks away. I just go and sit on the sofa and put my headphones in and listens to music, until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump a bit and look up thinking it was Tae but it was Min Yoongi. "Hey Y/N, we haven’t talked in ages" Yoongi and I used to be really close but we don’t talk anymore. he sat next to me. "I never thought the famous Y/N would ever be seen at a party" and we both burst out laughing. I had a great night just me and Yoongi talking. I realised the time and it was really late. "I’m sorry Yoongi, I’m going to find Tae cause I’m really tired." "Ok Y/N, don’t worry it was really fun talking to you." so I got up and went to find Tae. I looked downstairs but I couldn’t find him so I went up to the boys he was talking to. "hi, do you know were Tae went." but they just completely ignored me. I needed to go to the toilet so I went upstairs and opened all the doors trying to find the toilet. but suddenly I hear Tae's voice so I open that door and my heart dropped and tears started rolling down my face as I see my sweet little Tae- Tae kissing Yoj. 

to be continued...

I hope you enjoy my story!!! :)


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