
The Dangerous Game

"Donghae ah... Did I ever mention how much I hate you?"

"Er.... No?"

"Well, I HATE YOU."  Heechul hissed. The bad tempered man was slumped on the sofa, with the blue mini fan blowing at his sweaty face.

Donghae folded his arms and pouted. "I just wanted to see his dance... I didnt expect for us to get locked out, or for the dance to be THAT bad. No offence hyung."

Yesung stuck out a tiny hand and nodded, assuring the younger he was not offended. Well of course he wasn't, he's been wanting to show off his dance to an audience for ages.

Who cares if they had been prisoners in their own backyard.

"So does anyone have any idea how we got locked out?" Shindong furrowed his brows at the door. Or what was left of it at least.

"*sigh* Kangin ah, I told you to kick the door open.... NOT BREAK IT INTO MICROSCOPIC PIECES." Leeteuk threw up his hands as he examined the broken door. Kangin rolled his eyes at the leader and wiped his sweaty face on Sungmin's pink towel, causing said person to wrinkle his nose in disgust.

"... We still playing?" Hangeng wiped his sweaty brow with the back of his hand and blew air out of his puffed cheeks.

"Duh, get the damn stick cup already." Heechul commanded, of course not leaving his throne.

"Yes... Mam." Kyuhyun smirked smugly, before ducking to avoid a random underwear the diva flung at him.

Leeteuk rolled his eyes and shook the cup around and handed it to everyone to draw, except Kyuhyun of course.  Evil maknae is forbidden to lay his hands on the cup remember? Teukie is not biased.



"Ah, so it appears that it's finally my turn." Siwon nodded at the pink stick in his hand, giving his usual laid back, cool guy look. Well, at least he thought it looked that way.

Little did he know whose hands had grasped the mighty green stick.

A sudden silence descended over the room, until it was broken seconds later by a mad cackle.

"Ahahahahaha. AHAHAHAHAHA. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Only one person was capable of that mad cackle and that person was....

"I FINALLY GET SOME SHOWTIME! Say your prayers Siwon.... Hyung."

Who was it? None other than the number one starcraft nerd in the country of course. The maknae was raising his stick proudly in the air as though he just won a medal.

Siwon shrugged his shoulders and scoffed at the Kyuhyun. "Pleaseeeee, as long as I have god, I will always be safe no matter what kind of dare you give me. He will always watch after me, protect me, believe in me, give me stre-"

"I dare you to call god stupid."

"strength, love me..."




Totally throwing aside his princely image (again) his jaw dropped down so low, if this was a cartoon it would have dropped onto the floor. His eyes were as wide as plates (which is VERY wide) and his shi brows were having a spazz attack, furrowing, unfurrowing themselves in crazy motions.

Heechul started laughing and patted Kyuhyun's back, saying something like "you have done well my apprentice." Kyuhyun smirked at the older and turned back to the trembling Siwon.

"I dare you, to call god stupid and email a video clip of it to your dad."

"NO! Please! Have some compassion! My father is getting in his years! How will he withstand such a... SIN!" Siwon gasped and started flailing his arms around like a headless chicken.

"Blah blah blah, start talking to the camera baby!" Kyuhyun held out his phone and pressed the video mode. Delibrately zooming in on Siwon's flawless face.

"GYAHHH! NO! Get that unholy device away from me!" Siwon covered the phone lens with his big hands and started struggling as Kyuhyun persistently continued pushing the phone towards him. However, both failed to notice Sungmin's pink pillow was still on the floor, causing Siwon to trip and fall onto the sofa. As he fell, Kyuhyun too, fell due to the sudden lost of support.

It was as though everything was in slow motion.

Kyuhyun simply fell and fell and fell....

Until he landed, directly on Siwon's well toned body and the two involuntarily.... Did some fan-service for the rest of the members.

There was a long silence as everybody held their breaths.

"What. Are. You. DOING?! GET OFF HIM!" Sungmin suddenly screeched and and stomped his foot.

Kyuhyun immediately stood up and touched his lips, as he started glancing around the room. Siwon was still lying on the sofa, as his life started flashing before his eyes, images of him playing in the bathtub as a baby, images of him in middle school, getting his first bible, his first kiss and now... This.

"Sweet mother of god." He whispered and smacked his face. He winced in pain, damn he had a hard hand.

"Say it now. The dare."

"God is stupid." Siwon said without hesitation, his mind still clouded in rainbows and ponies.

The rest of the members who were all silent before, suddenly came back to life.

"Did he just?!" Eunhyuk gasped.

"Hyunggg! How could you!" Ryeowook whined.

"HE ACTUALLY SAID IT?! HAHAHA!" Heechul cackled, all too similarly to Kyuhyun's, except with a tinge of hyena and mental patient.

"Well done kid, you truly are worthy of being my evil disciple, your fall was flawless." Heechul grinned and played the recording on Kyuhyun's phone, smiling to himself at Siwon's demise.

Kyuhyun smirked and shrugged. "I'm THAT brilliant."

"W-w-wait a sec, you guys PLANNED THIS?!" Hangeng gasped.

"Sure did. Get him off his guard and he'll say anything." Heechul replied, eyes not leaving the phone.

"CHO KYUHYUN! DONT YOU EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!" Sungmin pouted while folding his arms and proceeded to sulk on the couch.

"Rainbows... Butterflies..." Siwon mumbled, still in a daze.

"Yah come on Sungminnie, it's JUST a kiss! ... Or do you want one too?" Kyuhyun winked at his bunny hyung. The latter started blushing a rosy shade of pink and buried his face into the pink pillow.

... He probably forgot Siwon stepped on it.

Speaking of Siwon, the male was STILL in a daze. Who could blame him, kissing Kyuhyun had been a dream come true. Maybe his dad will forgive him this once...



As if.

- -

.... HI GUISE! It's your very lazy, slackish, bum of an author-nim here! 8D

So I finally updated.YAY! I was having the BIGGEST writer's block, but I guess you guys dont care anyway OTL ;w;

To make up for how long I didnt update, I tried to make it as long as I could. Hope you all enjoy itxD

@JadeRiver - Thank you for liking it! :DDD

@NikkiNakki - Dongsaengie! Heres your update! I borrowed your jealousy idea a little, hope you dont mindxD

@wookiebear - LOLOL. Rmbr to breathe! Oxygen is essential for living B| 


Btw, I have a new fic, check it out if you have time owo

Thank you so much for reading and sticking with this story! I love you guise! xD

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Looking for co-author, coz my lazy- is... Lazy OTL


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Swiftwind #1
Chapter 8: BAHAHAHAHA THIS IS INGENIOUS!!! The humor got me cracking up from the very start and I'm still laughing :D I totally loved it, please write more!!:)
update soon. /LE SERIOUS FACE
Kekekeke, Kyu being the evil maknae he is, then Minnie being jealous.
Oh Siwon-ah a dream come true indeed *shakes head*
silverseaturtles #5
Hahahahahahahaha lol.
Kissing Kyu is a dream come true. ^^^
I mean, I would die and then come back to blog about it.
AnimeKitty #6
OMG! When I read Ch 6. I died. My if you ask my Best Friend where someone or something is, she will say " In my pants." XD. Poor Wookie, he is so innocent, but now there is a war in his pants. X)
ahhahhaa,,, daebakk!! awesome!!! so funny!!! :))
hillarysarang #8
verry funny story ,. update soon :) btw, im a new suscriber ^^
YESSSSSS!!!!! I freakin love Evil Kyu!!!! Hahaha, this is definatley my fave chapter so far! It was just so... and then Siwon... and Kyu... and Heechul... *falls off bed laughing hysterically* OMG, you are my idol, plz, plz, plz update soon
Seriously this chap made my day- no,it made my week!