Siwon and Summer (non-canon pairing)

The Loss of Order - One Shots

                Summer walked along blindly holding tight to Siwon’s hand, laughing as she stumbled and clung to his arm for support.  She heard him chuckle next to her, “Careful dear.”

                “I wouldn’t have to be so careful if someone would let me see where I was going,” she responded, tugging at the soft blindfold tentatively when they paused.

                “Oh no you don’t,” he laughed again, nudging her forward lightly so that she’d have to focus on walking again.

                When Siwon had told her he wanted to surprise her, Summer had been all for it, but she had no idea he meant trekking outside the village around noon with her blindfolded once they left the settlement.  They had little to fear outside of Fairmeadow and she doubted he’d run her into a hole, but she much preferred to be able to see where she was going.  Patiently, she went along with it though, eagerly awaiting whatever the surprise was that he had prepared.

                “Almost there, Summer,” he crooned in encouragement, patting her hand with his free one soothingly.

                Summer sighed to herself but couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her lips anyway.  He liked to surprise her with little things here and there and, truth be told, she enjoyed the attention; especially in moments like this.  “Now?” she asked laughter in her voice.

                Siwon didn’t respond, but rather pulled her along with him, slowing down at last.  “Now wait here,” he urged, sliding his hand from hers and kissing her on the side of the head before he stepped away.

                “Siwon…” Summer whined cutely, clasping her hands together for lack of anything better to do.  The sun was warm on her face and she turned her head to listen, trying to hear something more.  Her physical senses didn’t tell her much but she felt power stir in front of her and she gasped quietly, keeping the blindfold on only by reminding herself that it was Siwon.

                Cloth rustled in the breeze and she felt a shadow pass over her.  Curiously, she turned her face up, knowing the gesture was pointless.  “Okay,” Siwon spoke, placing a hand on her shoulder to let her know he was back at her side.  “You ready?” he asked, stepping around behind her to untie the blindfold.

                “Yes,” Summer breathed, excitement fluttering inside her like so many butterflies.

                “Surprise!” Siwon grinned, easing the blindfold off and revealing a quaint picnic setting.  Four serpentine water constructs floated in the air above them, stretching a blanket out over the plot he’d laid out to protect them from the midday sun.  The blanket on the ground was set for two with a woven basket covered by a small hand towel hiding whatever goodies he’d either brought with him or had laid out in advance.

                Summer wasn’t sure which, since she’d been unable to see the entire time, but she was excited to find out just what was there.  With a delighted squeal, she bounced in place once and then hurried over to the soft orange blanket, peering into the basket with interest.  The scent of fresh bread wafted up to nose and she sighed appreciatively, closing her eyes with the sensation.  Easily, she folded her knees under her, the comfortable light brown pants conforming effortlessly with the motion, while she gestured for Siwon to join her.  “Coming?” she asked with a smile, blue eyes twinkling with suppressed excitement.

                “Of course,” he chuckled, the sound deep and warm.  Without conscious thought, he let one of his fingers trail along the underside of the sheet above their head and sank down to the blanket to join her, grabbing two cloth covered woven plates and setting them to the side before he reached into the basket to start pulling out the rather delectable items.  “Ae Sook was feeling generous this morning,” he winked, breaking off a hunk of the soft bread and then repeating the process for the other plate.

                The neutralizer couldn’t help the smile that lit up her face.  Not only was Ae Sook the self-appointed grandmother of the elementalists, she was also one of the best bakers in the village, when she chose.  “How did you convince her to part with one of her precious loaves?” she laughed, taking a small piece preemptively, smiling sweetly when Siwon looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

                “I have my ways,” he grinned charmingly, dimples appearing in his cheeks in the most irresistible way.

                There it was…the smile that made her heart go pitter-pat.  Still grinning like a love-struck fool, which she was, Summer watched him pull out a smaller slab of cured beef and a hunk of mild yellow cheese which he cut with a small, straight edged knife also hidden within the basket.  That alone would have been enough but he surprised her further with a wax paper wrapped parcel of fresh fruit which he opened slowly in front of her, peeling away the layers to reveal an enticing assortment of grapes and a sliced apple.  “I thought it might be a nice change from our usual fare,” he explained warmly, picking up a grape and offering it to her politely.

                She felt a flush creep over her cheeks when she leaned forward to accept the fruit, clasping the round green ball in her teeth gently and then losing her calm entirely as pleased, embarrassed laughter overtook her.  “Sorry,” she giggled, covering and wiping her chin of the juice she’d inadvertently dribbled on her person.

                “What am I going to do with you?” he grinned, cupping the side of her face with one of his hands and using his other to dab at and chin with a cloth napkin, batting her hands away lightly.

                “Love me,” she teased when he was finished, giving him a playful wink and then offering him a grape in turn.

                With considerably more poise, he held his calm until she stuck her tongue out at him and made a funny face.  “No fair!” he complained, eyes twinkling in merriment.

                “All’s fair in love and war,” she replied, placing her fists on her hips and tilting her shoulder forward, meeting his eyes with a flirtatious smile on her lips.

                “Is that so?” he asked, one brow raised, a knowing grin tugging at his lips.

                “Yep,” Summer responded, shifting slightly in preparation.

                “Uh huh,” Siwon nodded, lunging to his feet and reaching for the redhead who was already fleeing his questing hands.

                The field he’d chosen was relatively peaceful and hid very few surprises in the short grass so rocks were easy to avoid and there were few obstacles to dodge or hide behind.  Summer laughed so hard it was hard to keep ahead of him and she knew her lead was maintained only because of his good graces.  His longer strides could have easily overtaken her, but he enjoyed the chase and they both knew it.  “Come on, slow poke!” she teased, glancing over her shoulder and then ducking to the side, laughing when she felt his fingers tease along her back.

                “Just you wait,” he called back, laughing harder when she almost stumbled and shrieked in surprise, giggling upon her recovery.

                “It’s not funny!” she yelled, amused despite herself.  He didn’t respond to her final statement and she doubled back, making a beeline for the picnic setup.

                “Gotcha!” Siwon crowed in triumph when he caught up to her abruptly, enveloping her in his arms and slowing them down enough to throw them both into a controlled fall onto the pleasant smelling grass.  Energetically, they rolled a handful of times in a struggling tangle of limbs before she was partly pinned by Siwon, his greater mass and strength winning out.

                “No!  You cheater!” she gasped, desperately trying to keep his hands from tickling her all over and failing miserably.  Breathless with laughter, she finally managed to capture his wrists with her hands, legs wrapped firmly around one of his to anchor herself in place.  “Hah!” she smirked at her victory.  “Now what?”

                Partially hovering over her, Siwon just smiled back, steadily guiding her right hand to the other side of her head despite her resistance, while he kept her left hand stationary.  “This,” he breathed, closing the distance between them to capture her lips in a tender kiss.

                All thoughts of struggle ceased immediately and Summer closed her eyes, feeling the soft lips against hers, his hands shifting to thread his fingers between hers.  Too soon, he pulled away and Summer’s eyes fluttered open dreamily, peering up at the elementalist shyly.  Yep.  He won…again.  “Why are you so perfect?” she asked softly, simply staring at his face, taking in once again the chiseled features, strong eyebrows, absolutely adorable dimples and unforgettable chocolate brown eyes.

                “The gods only know,” he answered cheekily, to which she rolled her eyes and shook her head.  “Come on, dear,” he urged, picking himself up and pulling her along with him, holding her close when they were standing, one arm looped behind her back and the other threaded through her red silken locks.

                She could have stayed there all day in his loving embrace, but embarrassingly, a muted grumble from her midsection made them both laugh.  “Quiet you,” she looked down at the nonexistent space between them and shushed her rumbling tummy.

                “Why don’t we take care of that,” Siwon suggested, picking her chin up with the hand that was in her hair and tilting her face so that he could kiss her softly again.  Unobtrusively, he eased his arm from around her back and slid his hand down to hers, bringing it slowly up between them so they had to take a slight step apart and then continued so that she was spun in an half circle with his arm poised in front of her, across her body.

                “Show off,” she grinned over her shoulder, grabbing his hand with both of hers and tugging him after her back towards the picnic area.

                How they managed to eat lunch and not engage in any further antics was beyond them, but neither could stop smiling at the other as they ate, taking sips from the shared waterskin when necessary.  When they finished with the meal, Siwon had one final surprise for her and he brought out a small brick of chocolate, chuckling when he saw Summer’s eyes light up.  “I thought you might like that,” he hummed in satisfaction when he fed her a piece lightly.

                She eyed him sternly for just a second and then surrendered to the sweet, melting chocolate dissolving on her tongue.  “Very much so,” she agreed after a moment with a nod of her head.

                “Care for another piece?” he offered teasingly, still holding the rest of the bar in his possession.  Her resultant smile was a dead giveaway and he started to feed her another bite before he pulled it away at the last second at ate him himself.

                Summer gasped and laughed at him, smacking his shoulder lightly with her hand to which he flinched away playfully.  “Jerk,” she smirked, crossing her arms in front of her and looking away, pointedly ignoring him, even when he bribed her with another piece of the delicious morsel.

                “Summer,” he hummed in a sing-song tone, watching her with a half-smile on his face.

                With a gusty sigh, she finally relented and accepted his offering, feeling his fingertips brush lightly against her lips, as if by accident.

                Piece by piece, they finished it off between them and then lay on the blanket together with Summer using Siwon’s arm as a pillow while they talked lazily, hands lightly clasped.  Between the food, the shade and the company, the pair drifted to sleep for a time, taking a short nap in the heat of the day.

                When they woke up, Summer helped Siwon pack up the rest of the supplies and he sent the constructs back with everything in tow, leaving them alone again.  “Were you surprised?” he asked, raising the back of her hand to his lips and kissing it softly.

                “Quite,” Summer agreed happily, ducking her head shyly and looking up at him from under her lashes.

                “Good,” he responded, expression warm and loving.  “Ready to head back then?”

                “Not really,” she giggled with a shake of her head.  “But I suppose we should anyway.”

                “Fair enough,” he chuckled, patting her hand in a comforting gesture.  “So whose turn is it this time?” he asked with a wink.

                “Oh!  I’ve got this,” she grinned, moving in front of him and pulling his arms over her shoulders while she leaned forward, taking him with her.

                “You sure?” he asked uncertainly, still quite amused.

                “Yep!  Come on!” she encouraged, bracing herself to give Siwon a piggyback ride.

                “Alright,” he agreed, hopping up carefully, trying not to overbalance her.

                Summer grabbed his legs with her hands to secure him in place and laughed when she took the first tentative steps.  Oh, she could carry him for a little while at any rate but it didn’t take long before…  “Oomph!” she exclaimed, setting him down hurriedly, making them both stumble.  “I’m going to have to ask you to stop training so hard, Siwon,” she told him with as serious an expression as she could muster, placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking her head.

                “Or maybe you should join me,” he suggested, seeing right through her mask.  “Ready?” he prompted, pointing towards his back.

                “I guess so,” she grumbled, shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter.  Almost eagerly, she shifted around behind him and hopped up, holding tight but far from causing him discomfort.  “Onward!” she pointed, shrieking quickly when he hefted her higher to get a more secure grip under her legs.

                “So bossy,” he teased, taking long, smooth strides and feeling her bounce lightly with each step.

                Summer didn’t say anything else; she just hugged him tighter and grinned happily, content.  “Thank you,” she finally murmured, leaning up enough so she could plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

                “You’re welcome,” he responded, turning to look at her out of the corner of his eye before focusing on the village in the distance.  The rest of the trip was over quickly and he set her down once they’d reached their house where the remnants of the picnic were waiting by the door with the constructs out of sight.  With the exception of the sheet, which was rather blown about, the rest of the supplies had remained nice and neat.

                “One of these days you’ll get them to actually drop stuff off inside,” Summer tilted her head at him and glanced at the door.

                “Eh.  What’s the harm in taking it in by hand?” he shrugged, bending down to retrieve the basket and blanket.

                Summer just quirked to the side and shrugged her shoulders, folding up the sheet hastily.  “So when do you think we’ll do something like this again?” she asked in an offhand manner.

                Siwon simply looked at her and placed one finger over his lips in a silent gesture.  “That would be a secret.”  His accompanying wink was both adorable and aggravating in a rather enjoyable way

                “I don’t suppose I could convince you to break your silence,” she challenged teasingly.

                “Nope,” he grinned, raising one hand up and adding, “I am a man of my word.”

                “Is that so?” she stepped close, their bodies almost touching while she peered up into his face.

                Siwon nodded, his expression turning calculating.  “But if you insisted upon trying, what would you do exactly?”

                Now Summer’s smile turned quite mischievous as she leaned up, closing the distance between them.  Just short of actually touching his lips with hers, she paused and smirked, “Oh, I have my ways,” before she settled back on flat feet and turned around smartly to head inside, hips swaying with her enticing saunter, without looking back.  It didn’t take long for Siwon to stop staring and follow her inside with a silly grin on his face as well.


(a/n:  Apparently I was feeling flirtatious and just a bit racey when I wrote this one.  It was still fun to write and I really do see Siwon being one of the most tactile of the group.  As for the rest of the pairings, I do have an idea or two about what I can do next but no idea when I'll get around to putting pen to paper again.  I hope you enjoyed this though and thank you for reading in the meantime.  ^_^)

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Okay...going to mark this as completed for now, though updates may appear at random intervals. hehe


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CutieWay #1
Chapter 12: I really enjoyed this little prequel of sorts for Henry and Zhou Mi, it was so cute and fun. (: keep up the good work!
Chapter 12: Lovely. I can truly see Henry being that type of person. He is so carefree, yet so fragile at the same time. I'm glad Zhoumi was able to grab Henry at the most opportune time for both. :)

I'm glad I helped with refreshing your mind a bit unnie. :) Fighting! ^^
kaicho #4
Nara and Siwoooooooooooooon xD ahwkhawkhawkhawkhakwh I am a big fan of Nara :))
Khairin and Kyu would be fun to watch (I meant read lol)
Hmm.... I was thinking....Summer and Teuk or Siwon. I've been wondering how those pairings will end up. Again good job! Btw, there's a sentence that i found confusing, but it might just be me XD "And who does it hurt anyway, that I should help them recover that much faster?".
I love all the names Too :) this has really been so much fun >.< it was great to see this!
xD Kyu is so awkward with the kid. All le babies are so cute!
Aw, this is really sweet :)
ann_babo #9
You can name SumKyu's baby "Ann". Kekekeke :p
This is very nice. I especially love that the SumKyu couple now have a baby on the way. :) overall, I love this sequel entirely. :)