Opening up

7 H.A.W.T Guys= Nerds?! WTF.

School ended and you didn't want to go back to the hotel cause you knew, you will, yet again, get bored. You always get bored when your alone. You hated it. Being stuck up in the hotel being jobless makes you sick. 

But you decided to go somewhere, somewhere that you haven't been in for forever. You went back to the hotel and quickly changed into fashionable clothes. 

You got out and flagged down a cab. You told the driver the destination and leaned back on the seat looking out the window. 

After a ten minute ride, you finally reached the destination. You paid the driver and got out of the vehicle. 

You looked up the enormous building in front of you.. the mall. But it's not just any other mall, you owned this mall.  

You took a deep breath and went in, the security guard, workers and shop owners recognized you immediately. They bowed to you when you passed. 

When was the last time that you have been here? When you were three. 16 long years have passed and nothing much had changed. 

The mall have a BUNCH of stores like famous bags, shoes, clothes brands. And others are for commoners like arcade, more cheaper clothes, restaurants etc etc 

The place was crowded with people and you just walked around the mall. There was still some memories of your parents picking out clothes for you with huge smiles on their faces. 

A huge wave of nostalgia washed over you. You blinked your tears away and tried hard not to think about them. 

You absent-mindedly roamed around the building.  

Just then, Woohyun was hanging out with his friend, Key from SHINee in the same mall. Woohyun was still in his nerd disguise and Key was wearing a hat and mask.

They chatted and walked around until then, Key spotted you, "Damn, girl's got taste in fashion." he nodded his head to your direction. 

"Whaa?" Woohyun followed Key's gaze and he tilted his head. *Isn't that ~~~~~~?* He looked at you more closely and his eyes widened in shock. *That really is her! Wow, I gotta admit.. she's pretty..*  

Woohyun snapped out of his dazed state and smirked, "Let me call my members. We know that girl."  Key just nodded his head. 

The reason of why Woohyun called Infinite, is because of Hoya. He seems to get this feeling that Hoya has a thing for you. 

He called Infinite over and they arrived 6 minutes later since their dorm was pretty close to the mall. They also have their nerd disguises on.

They greeted Key and Woohyun immediately swung an arm around Hoya's neck and sang, "Your crush is here~" he teased. 

Hoya furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean? I don't have a cr-" Hoya stopped when he saw you. His jaw hung open at the sight of you. 

Woohyun realized it and teased again, "As you were saying?~" The rest of Infinite looked at the direction that Woohyun and Hoya has been staring at and they themselves, also have the same expression.

"W-what is noona doing here?" Sungjong asked. "I don't know, should we go ask her to hang out with us?" Sungyeol said. 

The group nodded and instantly, they approached you. Sunggyu cleared his throat and you looked up, your eyes widened immediately. 

"What are you guys doing here?" You asked and furrowed your eyebrows. "We also wanted to ask you that, but uhh..since that we're here together.. do you wanna hang out with us?" Dongwoo asked nervously. 

*I have nothing to do..and it's better than being alone, so... why not?* You thought about it for a second and shrugged, "Why not?" Infinite and Key's face brightened. 

The first thing that Key wanted to do now, is to brag about you to SHINee once he got back home. He smiled giddily at the thought, *Hah! They are so going to get jealous and regret not coming with me!*

And so, for the next few minutes you chatted with Infinite and Key as you guys walked around. You actually started opening up to them a little bit. 

You spotted a stall that sold smoothies and excused yourself. You headed to the stall and the stall owner recognized you and bowed. 

You ordered a strawberry smoothie and just grabbed the drink and walked away. You didn't have to pay because you're  the owner of the mall.  

Infinite has been watching you the whole time and looked at you in wonder. They wondered how you can go without paying for anything but they shrugged it off. 

You guys continued your walk around the mall and everywhere you went, the workers will always bow to you when you passed by. 

Infinite and Key once again wondered why everyone kept bowing to you but decided to keep their mouths shut. They think that's it's better not to mention anything. 

"You know.. we should just grab something to eat." L said. The rest nodded their head in agreement and stopped at a cafe. All of you sat at a booth and ordered your food. 

Within 15 minutes, all of you are done and were so full. Truth to be told, you actually had fun with them and was eager to spend some more time with them. They lifted your spirits up and were nice to you. 

Hoya stood up to pay but you stopped him, "There's no need for that. Let's Go." You walked off with the guys following behind you. The restaurant owner bowed to you and all of you left. 

The guys were shocked of how they didn't need to pay anything. Hoya was about to ask about it but he stopped at the last minute. 

"It's kinda I guess I have to go." You said and walked away. 

Sunggyu grabbed your wrist and you stiffened immediately, "Yes?" 

Sunggyu sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Thank you for spending time with us and.. we're friends right?" 

You softened , smiled and nodded. "Yes." You waved them one last time and headed out of the mall. The rest of your day was brightened up thanks to Infinite.

"She should keep smiling..." Woohyun said. Sunggyu nodded, "Yeah, she's pretty when she does that." he smiled. 

"Hey, even if smiles looks good on her you shouldn't smile!! It doesn't suit you!" Woohyun scrunched up his nose teasingly. 

Sunggyu's smile vanished immediately and he glowered at Woohyun, "Nam Woohyun..." 

"Uh oh.." Woohyun yelped and ran off. Sunggyu started chasing him, "You get back here! How can you say that?! And you haven't pay me back for eating the food in the fridge!!" Sunggyu yelled while chasing him. People queerly looked at the boys.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"  but still Sunggyu kept chasing him and finally caught Woohyun then gave him a hard noogie. 

"Those two may be one of the oldest, but they act like the youngest." Dongwoo joked. "Yeah, I know, we are even more mature than them." Hoya nodded his head proudly. 

"Yah!!! I heard that!!" Both Sunggyu and Woohyun yelled at the same time from afar. Hoya and Dongwoo snickered and high-fived each other.


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hazhaz #1
Chapter 17: ... *awkward* the last part tho ...
Chapter 17: What..the did i just read...this story was awesome until ..just ...*poof*...
Chapter 17: Ok, what. Is. Going. On. Here.
Chapter 16: New reader and subbie!!! I love your story! Update soon!!
Chapter 16: daebak!!!!i really love lamborghini *v*
I feel so bad for Infinite! They were just freakin ditched! Lol but it was pretty funny when Eli and Kevin came... Oh god Kai not you too! Huh... Update~<3
Seunghoyatic #7
i'm so curious yeah~ please update~ <3
So Hoya likes her, woohyun likes her, and Kai likes her! Who will she choose! Update please!
KyuHaeMInEun #9
Update!!!!!I'm so curious yeah!!!!!!!Infinite and Kai are so going to be jealous!!