Hip Hop Club

7 H.A.W.T Guys= Nerds?! WTF.

It was the weekend, around 6pm. You were feeling very bored hanging out in the hotel room alone so you decided to go to the park for some fresh air. 

You changed into an aeropostale hoodie that you got in America and a pair of jeggings.  Once your outside the hotel, cold air hit you and you shivered since fall is coming. 

You rubbed your hands together for warmth and blew hot air into them then placed them in the pockets of your hoodie. You reached the park in a matter of minutes and walked around for a bit, inhaling the fresh air and clearing up your mind. 

You sat down on a bench and swung your legs about, enjoying the night breeze brushing against your face. You closed your eyes and savored the moment of relaxation. 

Just then, you heard faint booming and you opened your eyes. You listened carefully and could make out an american hip hop song. 

Confused, you look around and apparently, there is an abandoned warehouse with colourful lights flashing in it a few blocks away. It seems like a party was going on. 

Eager to find out what was going on, you headed to the warehouse. And with each step you took, the booming has gone louder and you can clearly hear the music. 

You pushed the door of the warehouse open and gasped. Even if it was an abandoned warehouse, a disco light and a DJ booth was installed, speakers surrounded the place and there was even a bar and a stage. 

A rapping battle was going on between two males. It seems like their spitting out all of the words. The place was crowded with a bunch of people. Some were dancing on the dance floor and some were chillin at the bar. 

You cringed when you saw a couple making out in a corner. Other than that, the place was amazing. You have always wanted to go to a hip hop club. 

You sat down at a bar and watched the performance. And once in a long time, a smile came up on your face. You nodded your head to the beat as you watched. 

The rapping battle ended and the MC came up on the stage and spoke through the mic. 

"Now that's what I call rapping skills! Up next, who wanna come up and challenge this guy in a dance battle?!" He held up a guy's arm up.

You blinked in surprise, a dance battle. Your good at dancing so why not give it a shot? You raised your arm up in the air and eventually, the MC saw you.

"You there! Young lady with the hoodie! Come on up!!" He called. Your face brightened and you headed up to the stage. 

The guy that you're gonna challenge smirked your way and said, "This is gonna be easy. Your jaw will drop when you see my moves." You rolled your eyes at his cockiness and said, "Go ahead, impress me." You smirked confidently.  

A random hip hop music came up and the guy started showing off his moves. In the end, he did a flip in the air and the crowd went crazy. 

He smirked at you and said, "How about that? No one can beat me, I'm the dancing king here." 

"You're good.... But I'm better." You said and took a step to the stage. The music came up and you started to do some crazy moves. Even the guy who called himself the 'dancing king' were awed with your skills. The crowd cheered loudly and applauded. 

You did a b-boy freeze and did a back flip then ended with a pose. "ENCORE!!!" The crowd screamed. You smiled in triumph and secretly looked at the 'dancing king' for his expression and indeed, it was priceless. 

The MC came up with an awed expression, "Wow!! That was crazy!!! We have our new winner!!!!" He help up your hand. The crowd cheered and the no longer 'dancing king' grunted and stormed off the stage. 

This is one of the best feelings you ever had.

You went up on for a few more dance battles and won all in a row then you decided to rest. You watched the performances made by another people and cheered along with the crowd. 

But that nice moment was spoiled when a voice said, "Wow, I never knew a like you can dance so well." You heard a few snickers and looked to the direction of the voice.  

*Urrggh, them, again?! Why is it that everywhere I go, they are always there?!* There, stood Beast with smirks plastered on their faces. 

Oh, how much have you wanted to punch the smirks off their faces. "Thanks." You bluntly but sarcastically said. 

This was so not the reply that Beast were expecting. They were thinking that you will grow angry and throw a fit. 

They grew rigid but Junhyung kept his cool, "Yeah, for a moment there I thought that you were hot."  

You were taken aback by his answer, "Excuse me?" 

"What are you deaf or something?!" Yoseob snickered and high-fived Kikwang. 

"Oh really? If I am, then how come I can hear what you're saying?" You raised an eyebrow. Again, that reply was unexpected. 

Hyunseung stepped up, "Look, if you're gonna continue being like this to us we're gonna make your life miserable. We can make our fangirls attack you."

You scoffed, "Wow, you make me laugh. Send your fangirls for all I care. I can finish them off easily. Piece of cake."  

Hyunseung was at a lost for words, he had completely forgotten that you can beat the girls easily. 

"S-so? Our fight is not over yet. We will still have a round two for it." He blurted. 

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Just don't cry when I beat you." You said in a bored tone. 

Beast were pissed off now. "Whatever. We shouldn't be wasting our time on her. Let's go." Doojoon said and gestured for Beast to leave. Junhyung gave you one last glower before he left. 

You just rolled your eyes. After the encounter with Beast, you decided to call it a night. 

You headed out the warehouse and walked back to the hotel.

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hazhaz #1
Chapter 17: ... *awkward* the last part tho ...
Chapter 17: What..the did i just read...this story was awesome until ..just ...*poof*...
Chapter 17: Ok, what. Is. Going. On. Here.
Chapter 16: New reader and subbie!!! I love your story! Update soon!!
Chapter 16: daebak!!!!i really love lamborghini *v*
I feel so bad for Infinite! They were just freakin ditched! Lol but it was pretty funny when Eli and Kevin came... Oh god Kai not you too! Huh... Update~<3
Seunghoyatic #7
i'm so curious yeah~ please update~ <3
So Hoya likes her, woohyun likes her, and Kai likes her! Who will she choose! Update please!
KyuHaeMInEun #9
Update!!!!!I'm so curious yeah!!!!!!!Infinite and Kai are so going to be jealous!!