F for Fail

Don't Deny Our r²π (HIATUS TT^TT)



"Welcome, students to today's assembly, I would like your prefect Lee Soomi to talk to you today." 

It is Friday, assembly time. I hated assemblies, especially when I sat next to Taemi who attacked me yesterday. She scowls at me.

The principal stands there like she is really nervous, her hands shaking, and her head barely moving. I pity her, a person standing up in front of 6000 people would be scary. A girl comes up and starts reading her "inspirational" speech. By now, I've tuned out and started daydreaming. I look to the girl, and babble comes out of .

"I remember when I was in your year..."

"Time spent well will see you being rewarded in the future.."

"I hope you have a great day..."

Ugh, just a load of cheesiness. The prefects really didn't have the time to make an actual, inspirational, and preferably funny speech, did they? She looks up one more time and the last string of words roll of her tongue.

"Wishing you best luck for your main term exams today, thank you." And she finishes.

We had exams today?! what to do? what to do? Ottoke?!




We are in class, and the teacher hands us our test papers. I look to Eli, but he just looks blankly, he seems bored. Huh, smart guy. The teacher walks back to the front of the classroom and smiles.

"I wish you the best for your exams today students. I know you will make me proud!"

I swallow hard. Yeah Right.

The first exam is really hard.


The Science Test  

What is an Atom? Describe in your own words.



How many Protons, Electrons and Neutrons are in an Atom of carbon?


What is an element? How many elements are there?



etc.etc.etc (more)


Oh god. ohgodohgod. What was an electron again?! What was an atom?!



I look over to Eli, and he's speeding away. Soon after he's finished, in a mere 10 minutes. I just look at my paper blankly. 



The Maths Test


Define a linear equation and function.




Solve and Show working

x*x + 2x - 35 = 0

Solve for X

x/2 - 3/4 = 10-15x/6

Solve for X



I don't write anything, my brain is dying.

By now, I've totally given up. I let my head rest on the table as I try to recover for the English Essay and Comprehension we had to complete next. And the Art History Essay.

Please God. Help me.




The next day


Today, we will receive our exam results, and I feel like I'm going to throw up. Eli is just smirking, and everyone else is fidgeting and talking about how much they wanted to succeed. The teacher shows up, and I feel giddy, my insides were twisting and twisting. I feel sick.

The teacher mumbles that he has the exam results and everyone squeals or cheers. But I just keep my head down. Oh no.

"The student with the top score," The teacher announces, "Kim Ellison."

Everyone claps, Taemi the loudest, and some even roll their eyes. Eli must've gotten this award many times, it was not suprising. The teacher smiles at him as he shakes his hands and receives his report card. He smirks and sits back down. From a glance, I see his results.

A+ in everything. It makes me feel so much better. 

Then, the teacher's smile fades as he announces the person who had performed the worst.

The words are like stones, dropping heavily and creating a loud noise.

"Park Yunjoon."


Everyone laughs, and I turn red. Oh god. I lift myself off the seat reluctantly and prey that I don't trip or something to make a bigger fool of myself. Eli looks at me, his eyes with a hint of shock and pity. 

I take my report card and plonk myself back down. All the times spent not listening and daydreaming had finally paid off.


Report Card

Science...D+     English...A         History...E+     Geography...C-

Maths...F            Art History...A    Biology...F     Health Studies...B


Taemi reads it over my shoulder and snorts. I feel like dying.






The school bell rings for home and I meet with Chiseu, who is practically shaking with delight.

"What did you get Yunnie, what did you get, what did you get?!"

I look down. "I'll tell you later. What about you?"

She squeals.

"A+ in everything! Oh my goodness, I thought Music Theory was so hard but I made it. Yay!" She takes a breath and continues, "And Kevin got staright A's too, I'm so so so proud of him!" 

And she notices I wasn't talking, and stops. "What's wrong Unnie?"

I choke out the words, "I am the worst in my class."

She stops smiling and squeezes me in a hug. "I'm sorry Unnie, I know you can do better than that."

I just nod, (note to self, need to pay attention to class.) 

Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Eli?! He smiles and offers a hand. What was he doing?! Chiseu notices him and stops hugging, she smiles at him.

"Hi oppa!" she beams, and  he smiles too ruffling her hair. Then, he turns to me.

"Come home with me." 


"I'll tutor you." He smirks, his hair slightly ruffling from the wind. I gasp, and my heart beats faster. Before I could say no, Chiseu answers for me.

"Of course she would like to!" She beams.

Aishtaishtaisht. I frown at her, and Eli drags me away from the front gate. Before Chiseu disappears out of my sight, I see her raise a fist, and shout.


"Yunjoon Unnie, Fighting!"

















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MeBirDy #1
that was really cute<3 fighting! update soon please <3
purpleblossom #2
Ahh love it !!
Wish Eli was my tutor..heheheh
"What Dongho?"
"Does she make you tingle, tingle?"
Update again soon!
Sujubiased #4
Cheesy scenes are the best (^-^)b
lol, and I can't imagine Kevin not whimpering with Chiseu as they watched a horror movie.
Update again soon!
Sujubiased #6
Please update soon~
Nelly_Za #7
Welcome^^.. Eli neomu kamsahamida for saving Yunjoon life :)
AnotherDaydreamer #8
@purpleblossom I will try my best~ Thanks for supporting!

@Nelly_Za Thank you!~
Nelly_Za #9
Nice story.. hope you'll update soon ^^
purpleblossom #10
Pliz update soon....i'm dying to read out here