O. The Return

My Ai


Its bright lights, bright and loud people, loud and vibrant atmosphere, vibrant and amazing food.

They were things he missed.

“Yes I just landed.” “Yes I’m fine.” “No I don’t think I’ll get jetlag.” He mumbles over the phone to the frantic receiver of the call.

He didn’t understand. Why the fuss? It’s not like it’s his first time travelling.

He had began this seemingly endless chase a few months ago, thankfully with his family’s blessing. He gave them obscure reasons for this cross country trip.

Healing. Independence. Build self confidence. Gain knowledge.

But there was one thing he left out.

His previous life was dreary. Mundane. Unexciting. Uninviting.

He had to leave. He had to find fulfillment and excitement in the monotonous world he had grew up in.

He has been to numerous cities around the globe.  He had roaring good times in some, slow and calm moments in others. And yet they weren’t enough. They weren’t quite the fulfillment he had hoped for.

He has set foot in Seoul once again. He didn’t know why. The magnificent city had a magnetic pull. Something in his gut told him he had to go back. 

There’s something he might have missed.

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kitamea #1
Chapter 4: This is super cute so far.