
Fated to be with you ♥ [HIATUS]

“Wait…Where’s Donghae?” Yuri looked around her, trying to find Donghae.

“Donghae… He, he told me to go first,” Sunny spoke softly looking on the ground.

“What?! How could you leave him there? There’s a time bomb Sunny!” Yuri shouted right at her face and a light shined behind Yuri, and it was Taeyeon in the car with Sooyoung. They came to fetch them.

Yuri carefully laid Jessica at the back seat and covered Jessica with her biker jacket, kissing her forehead and smiled to herself. Jessica was fast asleep being all tired from the whole kidnapping incident. Yuri stood up and closed the car door gently, trying not to wake her girlfriend up.

“Yul? Sunny? You are not coming with us?” Taeyeon asked.

“No, we have to go back for Donghae. He’s still in there, there is not much time, go back first and call the police!” Yuri instructed and ran back to the warehouse with Sunny tailing her from behind.




“Take that idiot!” Donghae kicked one of the masked man on to chest and straight away, the man collapsed.

Donghae smirked to himself and checked the time bomb.

5 minutes left.

“Good, just in time to escape,” Donghae spoke to himself and ran towards the door out of the warehouse.

As he was running towards it, he saw 2 figures running towards him. He squinted his eyes, trying to figure out who it was. As the figures got closer to him, and he got closer to the figures, he realise it was Sunny and Yuri.

“Yuri-ah! Sunny-ah!” Donghae opened his arms wide and ran faster towards them. 

3.5 minutes left.

“HURRY DONGHAE! A FEW METRES MORE!” Yuri shouted, waving her hands vigorously.

2.5 minutes left.

The 3 of them finally united and hugged each other.

2 minutes left.

“We have to go now! Let’s go!” Sunny pulled Yuri while Yuri pulled Donghae’s hand.

“You’re not going anywhere,” one of the man who collapsed held Donghae’s arm tightly, not letting him go.

“DONGHAE!” Yuri shouted trying to pull him away.

“GO YURI, NOW!” Donghae shouted, and tears started to roll down his cheeks.

1 minute left.

“No.. I can’t let you go, Donghae…”

“GO YURI!” Donghae let go of her hands and elbowed the man in the stomach, causing him to scream in pain.

30 seconds left.

Donghae ran as fast as he could.

The whole warehouse exploded few metres behind Donghae and Donghae was thrown due to the explosion and fell back onto the ground.

“Donghae…No, Donghae-ah!” Yuri carried him and tears flowed uncontrollably.

“Y-y-yuri-a-ah…” Donghae managed to smile eventhough he was injured badly by the big explosion. Donghae’s face was covered with patches of blood and his face was full of dirt.

“There’s still time Donghae, let’s go!”




The nurse grabbed Yuri’s arm and started dragging her away from Donghae’s room.

“You have to save Donghae! Jebal! Let me see if he will be fine, please!”

“Please!” The nurse shouted. “You’ve got to go now!”

Yuri’s eyes widened in terror. She couldn’t turn away from Donghae. Nor could Sunny. As if from somewhere far away, Yuri heard the nurse shouting for help from the orderlies. The doctor was over Donghae now, pushing on his chest….

Looking panicked. They all were panicked.

“Nooo!” Yuri screamed. She tried to shake free from the nurse.

“Get her out of here!” the doctor shouted.

Yuri felt someone else grab her arm. She was being pulled from the room. This couldn’t be happening. What was wrong? Why wasn’t he moving? It can’t be that he can’t move, he was still alive when she carried him earlier. Oh god, he’s going to be okay. This can’t be happening. Wake up, Donghae… oh, please, God, wake up…!

“What’s happening?” she screamed again. Yuri was led to the hallway, barely hearing voices telling him to calm down. From the corner of her eye, she saw a stretcher being rushed down the hall by two orderlies.

They vanished into the room.

Yuri was being held against the wall by two other orderlies. Her breathing was shallow, her body as tense and cold as cable wire. She heard Sunny sobbing but could barely process the sound. She was surrounded by rushing people and all alone at the same time. This was what true terror felt like. A minute later, Donghae was being rushed from the room on a gurney. The doctor was still on top of him, giving him CPR. There was a bag over his face.

Then, all at once, time seemed too slow. Her body finally loosened once Donghae vanished through the swinging doors at the end of the corridor. Suddenly she felt weak, and she could barely stand. She was dizzy.

“What’s wrong?” Yuri asked again. “Where are they taking him? Why isn’t he moving?”

Neither the orderlies nor the nurse could look at her.

She and Sunny were led to a special room. Not a waiting room, not a hospital room, but someplace else. Blue vinyl padded chairs lined the two walls of the carpeted mess beneath cold fluorescent lights. A wooden cross hung on the far wall. An empty room but for the two of them.

“W-where are the r-rest? Are they safe?” Yuri asked, sobbing away in a complete mess.

“Y-yes,” that’s all Sunny said.

“Why are you so worried of Donghae-sshi?” She continued.

“I-I don’t know.. I, I just had to. He has done a lot for me,” Yuri could not find the reasons as to why she was worried. Minutes has passed and silence took over the empty room.

Sunny sat pale and trembling, staring without seeming to focus on anything. Yuri sat beside her, then rose to pace the room, then sat again. Yuri asked her what happened, but Sunny knew nothing at all.

Yuri couldn’t swallow. She couldn’t think. She tried to remember what happened back then, but she couldn’t concentrate. Time slowed.

Seconds, minutes, hours…. She didn’t know how much time has passed, didn’t know what was happening, didn’t know if he would be okay, wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to rush back into the corridor to find the answers. More than that, she needed to see Donghae to know that he is okay. Sunny continued to cry, beside her, Sunny’s trembling hands clasped in desperate prayer.

Out of a sudden, the door creaked open. Yuri stood, as did Sunny, and though Yuri thought she wanted answers, all at once she didn’t want them to say anything at all. Sunny held her arm, as if hoping she were strong enough to support them both.

“How is he?” Yuri asked.

The doctor seemed exhausted.


(A/N: Pls listen to this, to add a better atmosphere pls!)

“I’m so sorry to have to tell you this,” he began, “But we your friend’s skull cracked because the explosion was too strong and had thrown him, and his head fell first…”

Again, Yuri felt dizzy. Trying to steady herself, she focused on the specks of blood that had splattered on the doctor’s gown during the operation. The words echoed as if from a great distance as the doctor went on.

“We could not save him because it was too late... There was nothing we could do…”

The room closed in around her, and Sunny sagged against her, Sunny’s voice going ragged.

“Oh… no…,” she said.


Yuri strained to draw breath. Numbly, he heard the doctor going on.

“I’m very sorry… but he didn’t make it,”

Sunny staggered, but Yuri was able to hold her upright. How, she wasn’t sure. Donghae couldn’t be gone. He was thrown, but when Yuri carried him, he could talk.

This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be real.

The doctor seemed to be in shock himself as he continued to attempt an explanation. Yuri stared through her tears, light-headed and nauseated.

“I’m so sor-”

“No,” Yuri said in a strangled voice. She struggled to form the words.

“My friend. Can I see my friend?”

Yuri was numb as she made her way down the corridor. The doctor walked half a step behind her, saying nothing.

She didn’t want to believe it, couldn’t force herself to process the doctor’s words. The doctor had made a mistake, Yuri thought. Donghae wasn’t really gone. While the doctor had been talking, someone had noticed something, brain activity or a faint heartbeat, and they’d sprung into action. Right now, they were working on him and he was somehow getting better. It was like nothing they ever seen, even miraculous, but Yuri knew he would make it. Donghae was young and strong. He’s just twenty-give years old and he couldn’t be gone. He couldn’t be.

While Sunny followed her from behind, she wondered why Yuri could be this sad for someone she just met, or actually, for someone she had forgotten?

The doctor stopped outside a room near the intensive care unit, and Yuri felt her heat leap in her chest, at the thought that she might be right.

“I had him moved here, so you could have some privacy,” the doctor said. His face was grim, and he placed a hand on Yuri’s shoulder. “Take all the time you need, I’m so very sorry,”

Yuri ignored the doctor’s words. Her hands trembled as he reached for the door. It weighed a ton, ten tons, a hundred, but somehow she was able to open it. her eyes were drawn to the figure in the bed. Donghae lay unmoving, with no equipment hooked up, no monitors, no IV’s. He was sleeping, his head lay softly on the pillow… but strangely, his arms were at his sides. Straight, as if they’d been placed in that position by someone who didn’t know her.

Yuri’s throat clenched and her vision became a tunnel, everything black except him. He was the only thing she could see, but she didn’t want to see him like this. Not this way. Not his arms like that. He had to be okay. He was only twenty-five. He was healthy and strong and a fighter.

But those arms… those arms were wrong… they should have been bent at the elbows, one hand over his head, just like any normal human would.

She couldn’t breathe…

Her friend who strangely sacrificed for him…

Had perished…

It wasn’t a dream. She knew that now, and her tears flow unchecked, sure they would never stop.





15 October 1986 – 14 June 2012


“It is hard for me to put into words the grief I am feeling.  It is any parent's worst nightmare to bury their child, and today, I am faced with that nightmare….”

“I remember the day Donghae was born as if it were yesterday. When he got out, and I could finally hold him, I felt so complete.  I fell in love with him immediately.  He was the most precious thing I had ever laid eyes on.” Mr Lee teared at the start of his eulogy.

“Donghae as a child, was charming. He never complain, and when he makes mistakes, he learn from them. I’m so proud to be his father. As an adolescent, well, you know, they can be rebellious and complacent of their wealth and complexion. But he has changed to a better person as he is now, being a hero that the whole nation can be proud of. I believe, if it weren’t for him, his friends had died. Eventhough I don’t like the idea of my son sacrificing his life for someone, I still believe he has done a good deed. I’m so proud of son. Son, your humor, dedication, and bravery made you great.  Now with your transition to a greater place, allow it to make us great. Thank you God for all the blessing given to all of us from our family and loved ones, We never would have our memories and happiness without being blessed with your grace.” He couldn’t continue as he burst out into tears.

“Appa.. Miss you so much…” he whispered as he closed the little black book and kept his glasses.

Everyone was mourning at his tombstone, except for Yuri. Yuri who felt like the worst person on earth, who felt extremely guilty. Who knew she could have saved his life earlier on.

After the whole funeral was over, the amount of people who visited Donghae gradually decreases, leaving only Yuri and Donghae’s parents, the Jessica and the others was told to leave Yuri alone, leaving them off home.

Suddenly, someone lightly placed his hand on her shoulder. Yuri turned around, seeing Donghae’s dad weakly smiling comforting Yuri.

“It’s okay Yuri… he did it because he wants to, aunty and I has never blamed you… don’t worry, he wants you to be happy wherever you are now that the assault is all over,” Yuri felt that she was strangled, she couldn’t form words to respond him back, but all she could do was stare blankly at him through the tears in her eyes.

Donghae’s dad bowed lightly, grabbing his wife’s hands whose face was in complete sorrow.

“Oh, before I forget, take this,” Mr Lee passed Yuri an old, small with smudged ink at the back of it.

“I believe Donghae wants you to have this since he has passed away,”

Yuri accepted it with both of her hands, and looked at the picture. Feeling puzzled. In the picture is a teenage girl and a guy, who have their hands on each other shoulders, smiling widely at the camera, it seems like both of them are having fun on that day the photo was taken. Yuri squinted her eyes to see who those happy teens were, but she was astounded that it was actually teenagers Yuri and Donghae together.

How come this photo was taken when they were teenagers? I’ve never taken a photo with him before.

“Even if you don’t remember about it, just keep it,” Mr Lee held her hands softly and carefully closing them, with Yuri holding onto the picture tightly.

“Don’t remember?” She thought.


Hello guys! told you it'll be a devastating chapter. i felt a little sad when i typed this.....................

-place a giant tissuebox for my readers-

LOL................don't cry okay... if you did .

OH OH BY THE WAYYYYYYYYY......................

I took my time thanking each and every of my subscriber for subscribing my story. I've personal typed (not copy and paste, seriously) the same thank you message, but i type them, so that its more sincere...!!!!

anyway, i injured my left side of my body T_T but i'm fine...! :):)

Please subscribe, comment and view! <3 Love ALL of you!!!!


p/s: I'm not a Donghae hater! So don't hate me for placing him dead... :(:( I love Donghae as much as you guys do too! So  don't misunderstand pls! :P

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FTBWY Upd: Been thinking.. Should I continue this story?


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taeny92 #1
Chapter 44: Knock Knock ! Where are you author ?? Are you too busy ?? Please stay healthy !! I'm waiting for your update !! Thank you !!
Chapter 44: Nothing update yet?
TKDXGrl #3
Chapter 44: Please update soon! I really miss this story!
pre0611 #4
Chapter 44: hope you'll continue this and please update heehe
MIcatan24 #5
Chapter 44: Pls. update soon!!! :) I really like your story :)
iam_a_sone #6
sorry to be a silent reader all these while :( I promise I will comment from now on ^^ wish you all the best and we're patiently waiting for ur update of course :)
AneomL #7
Chapter 44: Sulli you''re unnie will remember soon just be patient and hang on a little longer. Sulli hwaiting!!

Sica don't overthink. You're Seobang will never ever cheat on you. She''ll remember you're rule. "Cheat once, Die twice."

LOL cute yulsic update! Also welcome back Author-ssi!! I hope your exams went well! Hwaiting!!
adilaa #8
goodluck for your exams! we'll be waiting for you! ;))
1 month author T_T
I'm going to wait then :)
Hwaiting ! :)