Can we Continue Where we Left off?

Can we get an Order of you?

Joshua sighed, doodling in his notebook. He was thankfully not scheduled to work for the last two days, giving him the opportunity to avoid the Yoon twins. But only face to face. His phone was flooded with texts from Mingyu, annoyed ones from Jihoon, wink emojis from Vernon, and smirk emojis from Soonyoung. All of the texts were either telling him how the twins asked for him, or if Joshua was going to do anything about them. It was all very tiring.

“Mr. Hong.”

Biting his lip, Joshua stifled another sigh.

“Mr. Hong!”

He snapped out of his daze. Looking up, Joshua shrank back into his seat as his professor stared at him, his eyes narrowed.

“If you’re done daydreaming perhaps you would like to tell the class the correct way to fix this sentence?” He pointed to the broad with his pointer, eyebrows raised.

“Yes, sir,” Joshua said quietly. Stupid twins. They weren’t even here and they were still causing Joshua trouble.

“Stupid s,” Joshua muttered, his face in a frown. It was dumb of him to even be thinking about them but his friends/coworkers were blowing up his phone about them and he heard a few whispers about the twins finally finding the one.

It had him thinking weird thoughts. There was no way he was the one. Not for either of them, let alone for the two of them. Who could handle being the lover of twins anyhow?

“Who are s?” Jeonghan asked, sliding up to Joshua, making him yelp.

“We can take care of them,” Jeongsu said, coming from the other side, boxing Joshua in.

Joshua let out a strangled noise, looking between Jeonghan and Jeongsu. Speak of the devils and they shall appear. He tried moving forward, to run away, but he felt a pair of hands latch onto him, wrapping their way around his waist.

“Anyone who messes with you is dead.” Jeonghan moved in, his nose brushing Joshua’s cheek. “Come on Shua. Tell us.”

Joshua started to pink, the tell-tale rise of blood making his whole body flush red. He squirmed. “No-no one,” he stuttered out.

Jeongsu took Joshua’s hands into his. “It’s ok. We won’t hurt them too badly. Just warn them off from you.”

“We missed you Shua,” Jeonghan whispered into his ear.

His body shivered. Involuntarily, but he could still feel himself get weak at the knees. “But,” he croaked out, “I don’t even know you two.”

Jeongsu let go of his hands, eyes wide. Jeonghan pulled back staring down at Joshua’s face, horrified for some reason. Not like Joshua knew why.

“What?” Jeongsu continued, “You don’t remember us?”

Confused, Joshua nodded. “I haven’t even met you two before except for the day you showed up at the café.”

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Chapter 22: Blue balls no more! Thank you, author!
Chapter 20: ing against two , Joshua went to Jeonghan heaven
Chapter 18: OMGGGGGG ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 17: Damn, Shua’s seducing game’s strong in this one!
Chapter 15: Shua baby so cute
Chapter 14: My poor blue balls :))))
Chapter 13: Joshuaaaaa!! You’re such a tease! ABCKENSBSHSJSHSHS
Chapter 12: Joshua, what a tease
Chapter 11: I was sweating bullets imagining that dinner scene in my head