Last girl

I went to School with Teen Top (apply Close)

Character Name: Choi Sora

Birthday: November 6 1993

Nationality: Half Korean Half Japanese

Languages: Fluent Korean and Japanese Basic English

Personality/ type of girl you want to be [e.g queenka, nerd]: She acts differently to people according to their sociall status to her. If you are a close friend (girl or boy) she'll open up anything to you. She is a dependable friend. If you are just meeting her and you are a girl she'll be friendly and talk more to you but if you are a boy she'll be a little shy. She'll let you do all the talking. If you are an elder or adult she'll treat you respectfully.

She is usually cute and bubbly but she has a sneaky side. She'll avoid subjects by tricking you with aegyo. She pouts a lot too but only if you know her well. To people that don't know her she'll think she is a little angel but really she is a pouty little kid at heart. If she doenst get what she wants she'll pout and keep trying to get it.

She is very competitive too. If you challenge her she'll never and I mean NEVER give up. That's why her family doesn't play games cause Sora will ultimately try to win. She basically has a split personality but in each one she sparkles.

History: Her parents abondoned their children when Sora was 5 and her older brother (Kyungmin) at 7. They left them with their aunt in Seoul with their cousins. The brother and sister are very close and tell each other about everything (although Sora keeps more secrets). Her brother is studying medicine so now he doesn't spend too much time with her which caused a big argument which is caused by Sora's stubborness and thinking he doesn't like her anymore. Sora tried to get over it but can't.

-----If this isnt the type of personality then she's a cute nerd to be simple------

Hobbies [at least 5]:

-long walks
-taking selcas



Habits [at least 5]:

-spacing out
-being arrogant
-being too sarcastic

-she obsesses about all her mistakes and good points in her homework

-appearing out of nowhere

Likes [at least 5]:


Dislikes [at least 5]:

-anything fried


-She is over competitive

-She is smart

-She placed 3rd in her school

-She loves FOOD

-She doesnt really gain weight

-She doesnt do much with her hair in the morning

-She doesnt care about her looks

-She takes care of people

-gives good advice

-she loves dramas


Chosen guy: L.Joe

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LOL L.Joe and his sister hate eachother XD
The chapter isnt bad~ I liked it ^^
Keke!!! This chapter is very cute! I would have the same reaction as SungRin, if I met Ricky!!~ ^^
Sungrin is super cute ^^ and I love ChunJi's and CAP's personalities here :D
AHH~ such a nice chap. . . Very smooth C.A.P :3
Thanks for choosing me!!! Kekeke~ I have L.Joe~
Thanks for choosing me and the other girls too!! Congrats!!~
Good luck with the story!
Young_Reckless #8
Thanks for choosing me, Congrats to the other characters too (: can't wait for the story to start!
congrats for all the chosen ones ^^
goodluck with the story, HWAITING!
Congrats to all the chosen ones :D