1st girl chosen

I went to School with Teen Top (apply Close)

Character Name:Lee SungRin

Birthday: 12/18/1995


Languages:Fluent: Korean, English and French

Personality/ type of girl you want to be [e.g queenka, nerd]:SungRinis an athletic and very competitive about games, she play tough and it doesn't matter if it's a boy or not, if you take her somewhere competitive, she will do it. She is also very sharp, she can remember something by just looking or hearing stuff thrice, she can see through people, she doesn't get scared that easily, for her free time she will be studying, going to the library, practicing her insturment, or playing softball. SungRin is a very studious person, she will study to ace a test or a quiz, she will just stays in her room and don't care about her surroundings, she is an "A" honor roll student and one of the top students. She is also energetic and doesn't lose energy that quickly. But she can be the opposite of that, she can be sweet, innocent and nice, if she sees someone hurt, she will help them, and she is not afraid to stand-up for someone, but she doesn't make friends easily, she doesn't approach people, she will wait for them to approach her. She can be childish sometimes about food or video games, and she is somewhat clumsy, because she always drop stuff and trip over something small, she doesn't really use aegyo, but only if she wants something or needs something bad. She will act like an umma sometimes, SungRin likes kids, and always want to have kids someday, SungRin is very playful, if someone says a rumor about her, she will just laugh, how silly it is. SungRin is a person who likes to try new things, if it doesn't go right, she won't give up, until it's right. Music is part of SungRin's life, and wanted to be an idol, she plays tons of insturments like the viola, piano, clarinet, and the flute. She love singing too, she can sing everywhere and everytime.

Hobbies [at least 5]:

  • Playing Tennis or Badminton
  • Playing her instruments (Viola or Clarinet)
  • Cooking
  • Composing Music in her room
  • Studying

Habits [at least 5]:

  • She looks down at the ground, when she blush.
  • Her Hands turns cold when she is scared or nervous.
  • She needs to have a side pillow because to she always sleep sideways and tends to hug a pillow.
  • She hums to a melody when she is doing something like chores or when she studies.
  • When she drinks, her pinkie always goes up.

Likes [at least 5]:

  • Bubble Tea
  • Strawberry Milk
  • Taking Baths
  • Sports
  • Video Games
  • Food

Dislikes [at least 5]:

  • Insects/Spiders
  • Losing
  • loud noises
  • Being Interrupted
  • Heights


-Her Favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip

-She is an "A" Honor roll student

-She plays the Viola and Clarinet

-She wears a bracelet and it's a flower charm and her mom gave it to her before she caught cancer. SungRin doens't take it off except when she faces danger.

-Her idol is Kim Shinyoung (comedian)

-She is allergic to cucumber, even when she smells the scent she begins to have a headache

-She loves watching drama

-SungRin is a person that crys when she sees people crying

-Her mom is half french and half korean, and when SungRin was 7 she moved to France, and then when she turned 12 she went back to Korea. When they went back from Korea her mom caught cancer.

 Chosen guy: Ricky

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LOL L.Joe and his sister hate eachother XD
The chapter isnt bad~ I liked it ^^
Keke!!! This chapter is very cute! I would have the same reaction as SungRin, if I met Ricky!!~ ^^
Sungrin is super cute ^^ and I love ChunJi's and CAP's personalities here :D
AHH~ such a nice chap. . . Very smooth C.A.P :3
Thanks for choosing me!!! Kekeke~ I have L.Joe~
Thanks for choosing me and the other girls too!! Congrats!!~
Good luck with the story!
Young_Reckless #8
Thanks for choosing me, Congrats to the other characters too (: can't wait for the story to start!
congrats for all the chosen ones ^^
goodluck with the story, HWAITING!
Congrats to all the chosen ones :D