Chapter Six

Searching For Her


Junhyung was uneasy around Yun Hee. He clearly remembered always feeling uneasy around her, because she always made him feel unwelcome. It was obvious that she never approved of his relationship with Eun Mi.

“I’m giving you a chance to talk, yet you’re just standing there,” she said, grabbing his attention.

“Oh!” He gasped and shifted nervously. “I know that you hate me. I know that you’ve always hated me, and I understand why; you could see that I was mistreating Eun Mi.”

She scoffed, “No .” He shook his head.

“I didn’t deserve her -”

“You still don’t deserve her,” Yun Hee declared, not even looking at him. “No matter what you do, you’ll never deserve her.”

“And should I assume that you know someone who does?” Junhyung mumbled sarcastically.

“Hyunseung,” she responded without missing a beat. Junhyung felt like he’d been punched in the gut.

“Huh?” He breathed.

“When you started dating Yun Hee, you were still just a trainee,” she began to say. “And you would come by all the time. But after you became famous, you didn’t want to go out because it wouldn’t be good for your image to have a girlfriend who wasn’t famous. When Eun Mi told me you said that, I wanted to hunt you down and punch you in the face,” Yun Hee turned and glared into his eyes. “And what pissed me off even more is that she didn’t care. Because she loved you,” Yun Hee spat at him.

“What does that have to do with Hyunseung being better for her than me?” He grumbled.

“Hyunseung visited her at work,” Yun Hee told him.


“You visited her on your way home from training, right?” Yun Hee crossed her arms and looked away from him.

“Yes…” He nodded slowly, still not understanding where she was going.

“So you visited her at your convenience?” Yun Hee asked, staring straight ahead. Junhyung blinked in surprise.

“Um…” He started to shift uneasily.

“And did you ever call her at work, to see how she was doing? Before or after you started dating?” She still didn’t look at him, but her voice had an accusatory tone.

“I… I…” He didn’t know what to say, because she had a point.

“Now… Weren’t you the one who introduced them?”

“Yes,” he nodded.

“Did you know Hyunseung before or after you were famous?” Junhyung’s brain fizzed out for a second.

“…What?” He asked, confused.

“You introduced Eun Mi and Hyunseung – was it before or after you were famous? I would assume after, considering you didn’t meet Hyunseung until Beast was formed,” Yun Hee said, sticking her nose in the air. Junhyung felt guilty and confused, but he didn’t know why.

“I still don’t see your point,” he sighed, shaking his head.

“I’m going to tell you something, Junhyung,” Yun Hee stated. “Hyunseung would visit her every chance he had,” Yun Hee told him. “He would risk swarms of fans to see her when he had free time. The two of them would sit at the table that the two of you used to sit at and talk, and unlike when it was the two of you, those two would both talk, instead of her listening to him prattle on about everything and nothing. He also called her sometimes, just to see how she was doing -” Yun Hee whirled around to glare at him again, this time putting her hands on her hips. “He acted more like her boyfriend than you did!” As Yun Hee ranted, it was having the opposite effect of what she intended. She started ranting with the intention of making him feel guilty, but it instead fueled his anger towards Hyunseung.

“So Hyunseung was trying to steal her from me from the very beginning?” He growled when Yun Hee was finished.

“I don’t think he was trying,” Yun Hee said, calming down and looking away with sadness. “I think he really did care about her that much, and didn’t even think about it. Besides, it’s like I said,” she paused and met his eyes. “She loved you,” she reminded him with a wry smile, shaking her head. “Poor Hyunseung never stood a chance…”


SUPER IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ! I know that this was a short chapter, but this just felt like a good place to end it. Also:

Some of you may or may not be fans of U-Kiss; but to those of you who are, you may or may not be aware that NH Media just recently cancelled Alexander and Kibum's contracts. Yeah, that's right: THEY KICKED OUT ALEXANDER AND KIBUM. And Kibum's been to a lot of interviews saying that he didn't want to quit! Well, THAT DON'T FLY! >_< 

Anyways, there's an official petition to get Alexander and Kibum back. Whether you even know who the hell I'm talking about or not, please sign it! FOR ME!? (*puppy eyes*) Here's the link:

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Chapter 9: i love junhyung's version TT^TT bec i'm biased, lol but both ending are beautiful and i really like the story and your description in the story. it was awesome and i enjoyed reading it :)
sunflowery #2
Lol the endings OMFG there were two *o*. It was fantastic lol, thanks for such a cute fic :D
jenjeneee #3
AHHH! OMGGG I absolutely loved this story! <br />
I didn't realize there were 2 different endings so when I was reading Hyunseung's ending I was like, wait what? LOL.<br />
But anyways, you are such an amazing writer. I hope to read more of your storiessss~
urijunpa #4
nyahahaha...<br />
junhyung is definitely mine...<br />
*ignored it<br />
<br />
hahaha ^^<br />
actually,i've been loved ur story since the first sequel..<br />
i just can hurt Eun Mi feelin' that time...<br />
by the time i read it..<br />
even when i think that junhyung is the hottest guy ever (ignore it too)..<br />
<br />
i still prefer the hyunseung ending part..<br />
kkkkk ^^<br />
i got that 'feel' in him...hehehe<br />
<br />
well..i loved the way u write..<br />
i hope i can read another great story from u...<br />
<br />
hwaiting ~^^~<br />
BEST ending ever!!!!!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆<br />
Haha. <br />
JUNHYUNG<33333333 <br />
HYUNSEUNG<3333333 best out of the two though.
i LOVE BOTH OF THEM !!!<br />
but i LOVE MORE in hyunseung's ending ,,<br />
junhyung is great doing that for them !!<br />
i love when “Well… Take care of my girlfriend, Hyunseung. Continue to treat her the way you’ve always treated her.” Hyunseung tensed up when he heard the ‘click’ sound, signaling that Junhyung had hung up.<br />
really like it !!!
kpop_luver10 #8
Junhyung's ending <3333<br />
Hyunseung's ending<3333<br />
I loved both endings!!! ^_^
vanillaxkun #9
i love the both ending <3 it's so nice. ^^