Chapter Two

Searching For Her

NOTICE: For the sake of this story, I went back and edited Just Another Boy quite a bit.

Also, I chose to spend yesterday and today working on this instead of the final paper for my English class that's due tomorrow. Eh, it's my best class - I practically crap out A's and B's in that class. But my other classes... Let's just say, it's going to be a lot longer than usual before I update again. -__-


“… You’re going to do what?” Yoseob twisted around in his seat in the van to look at Junhyung, a confused frown on his normally aegyo face.

“I’m going to find her,” Junhyung stated, staring out the window of the van.

He watched all of the people bustling on the streets and absently wondered to himself if Eun Mi was walking to or from somewhere at that moment. And if not, what was she doing? Did she have some job that he never knew about, and was there at that moment? Or was she in her new home, curled up in a seat with a book and her reading glasses?

He had to find out.

“I don’t think you should bother,” Hyunseung’s bitter voice jerked him out of his thoughts.

“What?” He looked at Hyunseung, who was in the seat next to Yoseob.

Hyunseung was sitting with his arms crossed, not looking at Junhyung. “I said that you shouldn’t bother looking for her,” he said, twisting around just enough to glare at Junhyung from the corner of his eye.

Junhyung felt a tick of irritation at Hyunseung’s attitude. “What’s your problem, Hyunseung?” He snapped.

“Not here, you two!” Doojoon snapped, twisting around in his seat closest to the front to glare at the two of them. “You’re behaving like children!”

Junhyung and Hyunseung kept glaring at each other until the van stopped and they had to get out. And even then, things were tense between the two.


“Hyunseung.” Hyunseung looked up from his laptop at Junhyung, who was standing in the room’s threshold.

“What do you want, Junhyung?” He asked, looking back down at his laptop.

“I want to talk to you,” Junhyung explained, walking in and sitting down on Yoseob’s bed, across from Hyunseung. “About Eun Mi.” Hyunseung tensed up and his eyes darted to meet Junhyung’s.

“Why?” He stayed tense, his fingertips hovering over his keyboard.

“Every time I mention her, or if someone else mentions her, you immediately get angry. And I want to know why,” he leaned forward, his eyes narrowed at Hyunseung with suspicion.

“That’s none of your business,” Hyunseung bit out, turning his attention back to his computer.

“If it involves Eun Mi, then it is my business!” Junhyung declared, standing up and clenching his fists. Hyunseung slammed his laptop shut and stood up.

“It’s not your business anymore!” Hyunseung snapped, storming over to Junhyung. “She left you! You pushed her away, and now she’s gone! Hell, she didn’t even say goodbye to you -”

“She left the tape -” Junhyung tried to interrupt.

“Big deal!” Hyunseung snarled, clenching his fists. “She left behind a tape, telling you that she’d had enough of you treating her like she didn’t matter!”

“Why do you care?” Junhyung snapped.

“Because you screwed up, I don’t get to see her anymore!” Hyunseung responded, his eyes starting to gleam with anger and tears. “Whenever you blew her off, I was there for her!” A single tear trickled down his face. “As more time passed, you started to drift away from her; I had to watch the sadness on her face when she would show up at rehearsal with food that she had made just for you, and you dismissed it. She would call randomly just to see that things were alright and to tell you that she loved you and missed you. You would take her to clubs and ignore her the entire night, and you would flirt with other girls when she was sitting right there -”

“How do you know about all of that?” Junhyung breathed. As Hyunseung ranted, more tears of frustration started to trickle from his eyes.

“She would call me,” he snapped. “Or her friends would call me. They trusted me ten times more than they trusted you! But for some reason that I can’t think of, it was always you that she loved!” A heavy silence hung in the air as Hyunseung stood there, glaring at Junhyung with tears trickling down his cheeks. After a few moments of just staring at him, Hyunseung finally stopped glaring and lowered his head, his body slumping with exhaustion. He sighed and slumped down onto his bed, burying his hands in his hair.

“You... You loved her, too. Didn't you?" Junhyung asked in disbelief. Hyunseung looked up at Junhyung, his eyes already bloodshot and his face red where he had rubbed away his tears.

“No,” he shook his head and looked at Junhyung with a bitter smile. “By the time she left, I was the only one who loved her,” he saw Junhyung open his mouth to object, but he held up his hand. “You say that you love her, but as far as I can tell, you stopped loving her long before she left.” He heaved a deep sigh and lowered his head. Junhyung wanted to be angry at Hyunseung. He wanted to scream at him and beat him, but he couldn’t.

He knew that Hyunseung was right.

“You know, I’ve wanted to hate you since not long after we met?” Hyunseung spoke up, breaking the silence.

“What?” Junhyung whispered in disbelief.

“Shortly before Beast’s debut, we were being told that we would all live together. You objected, because you already had a place. When we asked why, you showed up at the next practice with Eun Mi and introduced her to us,” Hyunseung smiled sadly. “I don’t think any of the other guys saw in her what I saw.” He was quiet for another few seconds and then looked up at Junhyung with a serious expression. “Not even you.”

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Chapter 9: i love junhyung's version TT^TT bec i'm biased, lol but both ending are beautiful and i really like the story and your description in the story. it was awesome and i enjoyed reading it :)
sunflowery #2
Lol the endings OMFG there were two *o*. It was fantastic lol, thanks for such a cute fic :D
jenjeneee #3
AHHH! OMGGG I absolutely loved this story! <br />
I didn't realize there were 2 different endings so when I was reading Hyunseung's ending I was like, wait what? LOL.<br />
But anyways, you are such an amazing writer. I hope to read more of your storiessss~
urijunpa #4
nyahahaha...<br />
junhyung is definitely mine...<br />
*ignored it<br />
<br />
hahaha ^^<br />
actually,i've been loved ur story since the first sequel..<br />
i just can hurt Eun Mi feelin' that time...<br />
by the time i read it..<br />
even when i think that junhyung is the hottest guy ever (ignore it too)..<br />
<br />
i still prefer the hyunseung ending part..<br />
kkkkk ^^<br />
i got that 'feel' in him...hehehe<br />
<br />
well..i loved the way u write..<br />
i hope i can read another great story from u...<br />
<br />
hwaiting ~^^~<br />
BEST ending ever!!!!!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆<br />
Haha. <br />
JUNHYUNG<33333333 <br />
HYUNSEUNG<3333333 best out of the two though.
i LOVE BOTH OF THEM !!!<br />
but i LOVE MORE in hyunseung's ending ,,<br />
junhyung is great doing that for them !!<br />
i love when “Well… Take care of my girlfriend, Hyunseung. Continue to treat her the way you’ve always treated her.” Hyunseung tensed up when he heard the ‘click’ sound, signaling that Junhyung had hung up.<br />
really like it !!!
kpop_luver10 #8
Junhyung's ending <3333<br />
Hyunseung's ending<3333<br />
I loved both endings!!! ^_^
vanillaxkun #9
i love the both ending <3 it's so nice. ^^