-1 Fransfer Student 1-

The Boy In my school

-1 Transfer Student 1-

Okay. Before I start my first chapter, this is my first time writing my own story please don't hate me if I do anything wrong. Also, feel free to comment down my mistakes ! 

 "Yutaaaaaaaaaa hyungggg!!!!!" "what?" Yuta rolls his eyes at the annoying boy Doyoung. "I heard there is a transfer student!! He is from China ! He is a same foreigner like you !!" "So what." " ... never mind ... you are such a  no fun person." Doyoung grab Jaehyun and left.
Yup these are the flower boys,Doyoung, Yuta, Jaehyun.
Doyoung is the most powerful captain among all the houses.
Jaehyun is the leader and also the best player in the basketball house
Yuta is the captain of the Dance House. 
AND THE MAIN POINT IS all three of them are so handsome.
And among the three boys, Yuta is the most emotionless who doesn't care about literally EVERYTHING. 
How will he even be expecting that one day he found his heart in someone's eyes ?

"Hi, I am Sicheng. um I am from China please take care of me !!"(talk in a cute and shy way) 
 Yuta decided to take glimpse of the new transfer student and  
(inside Yuta'a mind) WoWwwwww that...that boy is so cute yet a bit handsome geezzzzz !!!
 Yuta tried his very best to stay calm on the outside.
"Hello, I am Taeyong. I truly hope thatI can get along with you all !" 
 This time it's Jaehyun started to gone mad in his mind ,
(inside Jaehyun's mind) oh geez this boy is so handsome and fluffy I want to squish him so badly right now !!!!!
 Jaehyun muttered to himself "Jaehyun !! what are you doing !? Stay calm ,stay calm stay calm !!!" 

Such an uneasy lesson...

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Chapter 6: doyoung = #foreveralone
Chapter 5: this story is really damn cute !! i feel like you could have made this lengthier, and better, but maybe with time and maybe with a different story, along with some getting used to writing a story. however, i really did adore this story lots !!