Breaking and Entering




“Jisoo unnie, I think this might work?” Chaeyoung gestured towards a relatively low section of the wall surrounding the school premises, which happened to coincide with a section of the pavement that sloped upward.


“If you help me get onto the wall, I should be able to help you over…” I replied thoughtfully.


Wondering what we had gotten ourselves into? Following our bike outing, we had spent the best part of 3 hours at a karaoke-dining joint, and had gone at least a couple hours beyond the curfew at best. The school was already locked up, hence we had no choice but to resort to ‘breaking and entering’.


After scanning our surroundings to ensure that no one was in the vicinity, I got onto Chaeyoung’s shoulders and she lifted me with consummate ease (boy was she strong), leaving me with only the simplest of manoeuvres to shimmy onto the wall. I reached out with the intention of helping Chaeyoung up, but she was way ahead of me, already hoisting herself over with the minimum of fuss.


“Perks of being tall…” I commented in wonder.


Chaeyoung shook her head, a cheeky grin playing on her lips. “What would you do without me, unnie? You'd be stranded on the streets alone.”


“It wouldn't be the first time…” I grinned sheepishly before recounting the painful night I was thrown out of the house due to having played truant.


“You're one of a kind, unnie,” Chaeyoung managed to gasp in between her peals of laughter.


“At least I've got a partner in crime now,” I threw my arm around her shoulders while she pretended to be disgusted at my behaviour.


“Once a bad influence, always a bad influence.”


“Well, the bad influence has just about saved you from disciplinary action.”




“I got Gookjoo to mark us as present for attendance-taking, so we're in the clear. But…”




“There's a catch, we have to spend the night out here somewhere, since we'll get found out if we enter boarding at this time.”


Chaeyoung’s expression contorted into one of horror. “'s so look at how we dressed.”


I scanned our bodies quickly and felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. T-shirts and shorts were well-suited for the hot afternoon, but were far from ideal if we were going to spend the night in the midst of the freezing night air.


I ran through as many possibilities I could think of in my head. Classrooms? The entire school building was locked up. Sneaking into boarding? We needed to be ninjas to execute such a ploy, surely. “There's no other choice, we're just gonna have to suffer through the night,” I sighed in resignation.



We managed to find a reasonably secluded area where we probably wouldn't be noticed in the morning, a shed where numerous forms of sporting equipment were kept. It was dreadfully cold, but hey, at least we had shelter.


Our ‘goodnights’ had been said long ago, as Chaeyoung claimed to be exhausted from ‘chauffeuring’ me around the river for 2 hours. I didn't quite feel tired, so I continued gazing out through the transparent roof at the night sky, admiring the stars, the constellations which I never really had the chance to properly appreciate in the past.


I heard Chaeyoung repeatedly tossing and turning, though, and it was obvious that she was having trouble falling asleep. It came as little surprise when I heard her soft, sleepy voice. “Jisoo unnie?”




“It's too cold, I can't sleep and I think I'm going to fall sick.”


“Aish, you should have said so earlier instead of suffering in silence, I knew there was something a bit off with you,” I was mostly concerned and somewhat annoyed, “Use my jacket, I'm not cold.”


“But you need it too, unnie…”


I ignored her words and shuffled out of my jacket before tossing it to her. “Wear this and come closer,” I ordered in a no-nonsense voice.


Chaeyoung slipped on my jacket with a guilty look on her face before edging closer to me at a snail's pace. Aish, whatever. Chaeyoung’s eyes widened as I turned in her direction and abruptly wrapped my arms around her.


“Why do you look so surprised, I'm merely applying the invaluable knowledge obtained from biology class. Remember the penguin video?” I snickered as I recalled the conversation earlier in class.


“Kim Jisoo, you'd better wake up, this is a very important video on the mechanisms of animals.”


“But sir, I can experience firsthand the human mechanism of sleeping. Isn't that more meaningful?”


Cue intense rage from Professor Choi and I decided I would be wading in extremely treacherous waters should I push his buttons even further, hence I actually watched the video.


“Oh, right, they huddle together to keep warm. Professor Choi would be really proud of his favorite student here, you know.” Chaeyoung probably meant for her statement to be sarcastic, but her voice was so thickly laced with sleep that it sounded comical, even.


“Go to sleep, I'll keep you warm, you sound really tired.” This was one of the rare times where my protective, motherly instincts kicked in, and I really felt the need to protect Chaeyoung at all costs.


“But I feel like just chatting with you now, unnie…” Chaeyoung pouted as she reciprocated my hug tightly. “Doesn't this feel really romantic? Just the two of us, under the vast, boundless night sky, it feels like a rom-com.”


“Mmmm, and I'm obviously the lead actress.”


“No, I' that a shooting star?” Chaeyoung pointed at a small beam of light gliding across the night sky. “Make a wish, unnie!”


As Chaeyoung closed her eyes and clasped her hands together, presumably in prayer, even though I was far from superstitious and usually a non-believer of these myths, there was something I really wanted to come to fruition.


May Chaeyoung and I be together forever.




PS: Sorry for not updating for a while! I've been pretty busy and I'll try my best to keep the updates going ASAP :)

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 8: More chaesoo. Pleaseee. Hehehehe
LiMario_8 #2
Chapter 8: Yea Jenlisa is more close than Chaesoo :(
LiMario_8 #3
Chapter 7: May Chaesoo be together ?
Chapter 8: Nooo jennie i feel u my voice also cracked a lot too back when i was as shy as u :( cheer up jennie! Cheer up jennie! *out of place reference*

Yas lisa stand up for ur girl aaaaa it makes me so kilig (translation: giddy? Squealy? Those tingles when a moment happens between ur otp? Those butterflies when crush notices u?) When someone stands up for someone they love fiercely and loses control out of de luv of deir hart <333 cant wait for next update! Update soon author but dun pressure urself! Stay healthy stay happy so yOUR STORIES REMAIN ON TOP QUALITY ITS UR JOB nah jk remember never to pressure urself for readers its ur story its free its not ur jobbb jus saying cause many authors do this

Torry for being so talkative in the comments section, I've infested it :c idk why my talkative-ness got triggered i dont usually do this in comments lol i mean i AM a long commentor but usually not like this lol and not a spammer, usually jus on every latest update i reach. sorri~ hopefully i wasnt irritating :c
Chapter 7: AWWH GRANT HER WISH and lmao im so superstitious when it comes to wishes u dont even know. Also jisoo reminds me of the most popular kid in school, because he's the most rebellious and does it in a funny way lmao. Still not as rebellious and funny as jisoo, tho
Chapter 6: LMFAO lisaaaaa lmao
I remember cheating on a test (im not proud oki that was long ago I HAVE CHANGED and besides i got sick and didnt get chance to study and my mom wud kill mi) and someone told on me and i was surprised cause no one rlly cares in our batch and even laughs when someone does that and says "go go! Fighting!" Jokingly (i now realize my whole batch is just one big, bad, but fun influence lmfao. But they're nice and doesnt tolerate actual mean things everyone is laid back) and then the traitor outed everything cause i found out it was the person sitting beside me. In the end i acted and lied my way the whole way, and my acting definitely got me through probs cause i was in drama club for many years ever since 7 yrs old, and made a diff story for every single detail (ex. The notes were my messagws between me and a frend) and presented convincing evidence, with multiple handwritings, and the notes i ripped from the notebook i replaced and copied everything, even the teacher's signature, and got away with it, our advisor going as far as assuming the one who outed me probably just saw me vaguely and had a misconception. In the end my mom still knows me as a goodie two shoes student... yay. Should i be proud? No, i should not be.

There me goes ranting again. Lmao. Also im excited for jennie to socialize cause i can fukin relate and its just generally amazing to see someone and watch someone develop socially. I also used to be so awkward and sound forced, but now i practically talk with everyone on a daily basis (but not yet on the level of those ppl that are frends wit evryone, its just ppl arent like scared to approach me now and vice versa lol) because of my friends which i tELL YOU ARE BAD INFLUENCES AND ARE WAY TOO NOISY AND BELTS OUT KPOP SONGS IN CLASS AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS AND LAUGHS LOUDLY LIKE A DYING WHALE AGHHH MY CONDUCT GRADE IS GOING DOWN UHHHTTVUGH

this turned into a rant again and im spamming the comment section goodbye everyone feel free to gossip about that weirdo who talks to herself in comment sections (its a bad habit lmao) and in the process informs everyone about her life story
Chapter 5: My god, this made me wanna tear up on rose's train of thought, because if I follow my mom's dreams for me, and not my dreams for me, i would be in the exact same predicament. Except i dont plan to and my mom may be proud of being hugely ambitious and being a huge risk taker (which she is, but hugely NOT ambitious and doesnt want me to take risks), but she doesnt know that i have a million times her ambition and hugeness of risk taking. She literally has no idea. But what she doesnt know for now wont hurt her. I'll wait until I get my dreams first. ;) she wont even know like "I have now achieved my dream which u never endingly warn me not to take cause of 0.1% chance of success. Ha bish. Ppoong ppoong bish." And i literally just ranted about myself in this comment lmao woops. *jisoo voice* sorri.

And lmao i can relate to jisoo in bike scene, except it was in a village and i interrupted the way of a car when one was passing by and it was a friend's bike and I broke it and she took the blame when her mom got angry im sORRY but in the end i learned how. DONT WORRY CHICHOO! YOU'LL LEARN! U CAN TREAT URSELF WIT CHIKIN AFTERWARDS!
Chapter 4: Wtf i would fking kill this teacher bish DO U WANT MI TO CUT OFF UR HED WIT A CHIKIN LEG?