


For the umpteenth time, I felt Jisoo’s head gently settle onto my shoulder. For the umpteenth time, I gazed at her fondly, chuckling softly as she began to drool onto her skirt. For the umpteenth time, a livid teacher yelled for her to wake up, which she promptly did, before holding up a peace sign and announcing, “I'm awake.”


Professor Choi practically begged in a pleading voice, “Chaeyoung, can you please make sure she doesn't fall asleep anymore? She's incorrigible.”


As always, I was dragged into the picture, and as always, I paid no heed to their instructions. I wasn't quite sure if that was due to my lack of interest in school, let alone teachers, or simply because I knew trying to get Jisoo to stay awake in class would essentially be as glorious a feat as making pigs fly--it just wasn't going to happen.


I was really appreciative of Jisoo, though, she was the one bright, easygoing spark amidst the dull, dark monotony of school, the only one who could brighten up my day while everyone else was simply lost in the dungeons of textbooks and exams. I really hated school, for I felt I was wasting my life learning appallingly complicated content I had no interest in whatsoever, when I could be chasing my dreams, to be a singer, to play the guitar in front of my adoring fans…


Indeed, I was a dreamer.


Sadly, my parents weren't. “Have you ever considered the financial costs? If we support you all the way, and you don't succeed, what's to become of us? Left to fend for ourselves on the streets? Please just settle for an ordinary job, where you earn a guaranteed salary…”


What was I to say to that? Eventually, instead of moving to Korea as a trainee in the hope of pursuing a singing career, I moved to Korea to study calculus and organic chemistry. Oh, the joys of life...


As it turned out, Jisoo was in exactly the same predicament I faced. Our parents, the ones preventing us from reaching for the stars. She had an interesting life philosophy, though, since she couldn't chase her dreams, she would make the most of life by having fun and creating precious memories with her loved ones. Hopefully, I will fall into that category eventually…


Jab. Jab. Jab. My train of thought screeched to an abrupt halt as my body responded to Jisoo’s incessant poking. “Good luck,” she whispered. Huh?


“Park Chaeyoung, are you listening? Explain the process of evolution by natural selection fully.” Professor Choi ordered, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently.




“You wanna just hang out today?” Jisoo asked before plopping herself face-first onto her bed.


“I'm up for it, but you don't seem like you are, you lazy bum.”


Jisoo yawned loudly and performed some form of weird, cute attempt at a stretch. “School is dreadfully counterproductive, I swear, lessons are useless plus it's so draining.”


“Seeing as though you're asleep half the time, how tiring can it get?”


“You have a point,” Jisoo snickered. “Let's visit the Han River, I could make good use of the energy regained earlier.”



It felt wonderful to finally be outdoors again. Back in Australia, the lifestyle of the average student was so much more relaxing, school was essentially an avenue for horsing around with friends, after which we would head to the park for picnics, we would play tennis, we would gossip endlessly. Here in Korea? Not so much.


“I haven't been here for a long time.” Jisoo took a deep breath of the fresh air, her hair swirling around in the strong winds and I marveled once again at her astounding beauty. There truly isn't a flaw to be seen…


“Don't stare. It's rude.” Jisoo pointed a finger at me, frowning in mock displeasure, while I blushed unconsciously, having been caught red-handed. I sometimes wondered what I really felt for Jisoo, perpetually leaving it as infatuation, because, like, who wouldn't feel physically attracted to such a gorgeous girl, right?


“Oh my god, let's ride bikes around the river!” I brushed off my embarrassment and pointed excitedly towards a bike rental shop I had spotted out of the corner of my eye.


“But...believe it or not, I can't cycle.” Jisoo mumbled while pouting cutely.


“That's fine, I can teach you!”


“Was this really a good idea…” Jisoo grumbled as she dusted herself off, having crumbled to the ground in an uncoordinated heap with her bicycle for what had to be the millionth time. “This disobedient device simply doesn't listen.”


“Maybe your instructions are just really unclear.” My lips slowly curved upwards as Jisoo struggled to find balance on the bicycle. As she began swerving wildly yet again, I let out an exaggerated sigh. “Get on the back, I'll show you how it's done.”

(Maybe, just maybe, I was slightly motivated by the fact Jisoo would be hugging me from behind.)



PS: This story is not meant to have any relation to real life, I know Rosie and Jisoo obviously were amazingly brave in the pursuit of their dreams, with quite the splendid outcomes, but people are rarely willing to take such risks, and I'm trying to put them in the shoes of everyday students.

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 8: More chaesoo. Pleaseee. Hehehehe
LiMario_8 #2
Chapter 8: Yea Jenlisa is more close than Chaesoo :(
LiMario_8 #3
Chapter 7: May Chaesoo be together ?
Chapter 8: Nooo jennie i feel u my voice also cracked a lot too back when i was as shy as u :( cheer up jennie! Cheer up jennie! *out of place reference*

Yas lisa stand up for ur girl aaaaa it makes me so kilig (translation: giddy? Squealy? Those tingles when a moment happens between ur otp? Those butterflies when crush notices u?) When someone stands up for someone they love fiercely and loses control out of de luv of deir hart <333 cant wait for next update! Update soon author but dun pressure urself! Stay healthy stay happy so yOUR STORIES REMAIN ON TOP QUALITY ITS UR JOB nah jk remember never to pressure urself for readers its ur story its free its not ur jobbb jus saying cause many authors do this

Torry for being so talkative in the comments section, I've infested it :c idk why my talkative-ness got triggered i dont usually do this in comments lol i mean i AM a long commentor but usually not like this lol and not a spammer, usually jus on every latest update i reach. sorri~ hopefully i wasnt irritating :c
Chapter 7: AWWH GRANT HER WISH and lmao im so superstitious when it comes to wishes u dont even know. Also jisoo reminds me of the most popular kid in school, because he's the most rebellious and does it in a funny way lmao. Still not as rebellious and funny as jisoo, tho
Chapter 6: LMFAO lisaaaaa lmao
I remember cheating on a test (im not proud oki that was long ago I HAVE CHANGED and besides i got sick and didnt get chance to study and my mom wud kill mi) and someone told on me and i was surprised cause no one rlly cares in our batch and even laughs when someone does that and says "go go! Fighting!" Jokingly (i now realize my whole batch is just one big, bad, but fun influence lmfao. But they're nice and doesnt tolerate actual mean things everyone is laid back) and then the traitor outed everything cause i found out it was the person sitting beside me. In the end i acted and lied my way the whole way, and my acting definitely got me through probs cause i was in drama club for many years ever since 7 yrs old, and made a diff story for every single detail (ex. The notes were my messagws between me and a frend) and presented convincing evidence, with multiple handwritings, and the notes i ripped from the notebook i replaced and copied everything, even the teacher's signature, and got away with it, our advisor going as far as assuming the one who outed me probably just saw me vaguely and had a misconception. In the end my mom still knows me as a goodie two shoes student... yay. Should i be proud? No, i should not be.

There me goes ranting again. Lmao. Also im excited for jennie to socialize cause i can fukin relate and its just generally amazing to see someone and watch someone develop socially. I also used to be so awkward and sound forced, but now i practically talk with everyone on a daily basis (but not yet on the level of those ppl that are frends wit evryone, its just ppl arent like scared to approach me now and vice versa lol) because of my friends which i tELL YOU ARE BAD INFLUENCES AND ARE WAY TOO NOISY AND BELTS OUT KPOP SONGS IN CLASS AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS AND LAUGHS LOUDLY LIKE A DYING WHALE AGHHH MY CONDUCT GRADE IS GOING DOWN UHHHTTVUGH

this turned into a rant again and im spamming the comment section goodbye everyone feel free to gossip about that weirdo who talks to herself in comment sections (its a bad habit lmao) and in the process informs everyone about her life story
Chapter 5: My god, this made me wanna tear up on rose's train of thought, because if I follow my mom's dreams for me, and not my dreams for me, i would be in the exact same predicament. Except i dont plan to and my mom may be proud of being hugely ambitious and being a huge risk taker (which she is, but hugely NOT ambitious and doesnt want me to take risks), but she doesnt know that i have a million times her ambition and hugeness of risk taking. She literally has no idea. But what she doesnt know for now wont hurt her. I'll wait until I get my dreams first. ;) she wont even know like "I have now achieved my dream which u never endingly warn me not to take cause of 0.1% chance of success. Ha bish. Ppoong ppoong bish." And i literally just ranted about myself in this comment lmao woops. *jisoo voice* sorri.

And lmao i can relate to jisoo in bike scene, except it was in a village and i interrupted the way of a car when one was passing by and it was a friend's bike and I broke it and she took the blame when her mom got angry im sORRY but in the end i learned how. DONT WORRY CHICHOO! YOU'LL LEARN! U CAN TREAT URSELF WIT CHIKIN AFTERWARDS!
Chapter 4: Wtf i would fking kill this teacher bish DO U WANT MI TO CUT OFF UR HED WIT A CHIKIN LEG?