
Beauty and the so not gangster
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  Short chapter ahead ,sorry for the late post.


Tension filled the room,silence beat it too and everybody heartbeat rhythm for the moment. Mark stood at the center of the room,mouth sealed as he awaits the wrath of their mother (the ice Queen) but he had promise to defend himself this time around,enough of the humiliation.

"You had him close to your pocket and just lose him cause of your in competency,well well done mark" she clapped in a mocking style for some seconds and then stop,her face eyes filled with anger.

"Why did you do that" she shouted.

"I did that just to get acknowledged by you,if only I had made a more better plan things would have come into our favour " he tried defending.

"Things were always in my favour but you " she pointed "you are the fault and you deserves to be punished " her teeth gritted.

"Please do forgive me mother I will never make such error again " he pleaded.

"Shut up and somebody should get me my whip " she demanded for her own weapon(the whip) which she is very pro at using during fights, she also uses daggers too .

"Mother please,do forgive him " Kris said when he walks into the hall,mark head tilt a little to cast his cousin a very disgusted look.

"What?!" Comes the roar of the ice Queen.

"Just this one time mother,please spare him and I also promise to get us back Martha " he vowed. 

Although all the ices do call the ice Queen mother as their custom ,only Kris happens to be her biological son. He is brave and awesome ,he is the only gangster from another gang who can battle g-dragon but in the end the prince of the underground remains the king .

"I will grant you the chance to bring backartha,until then I suspend mark as a member of the gang ,he won't be able to participate as a member of us " 

"Yes mother "


This is a scorn night for sandara park because of the crowded yg mansion,she hates party and she can wait to get out of there.

"You are looking gloomy" said from behind making her spun to the deep voice. Top smiled at her and she also return him one.

"Let us guess,you don't like parties ?"

"Isn't it so obvious " dara laughed,featuring at their surrounding.

"This is" he also gesture at the place. "Is a welcome party for daesung " he noted.

"Jiyong also said that ,did he traveled?"

"No ,this is for him coming back to us alive after his mission "

"Oh!" Dara's mouth formed into an O shale.

"You don't want me to go into details,do you ?"

"I do " she replied shortly

"Leader kwon wouldn't want that "

Dara just gaze at the older guy with the way he do call jiyong leader kwon,kwonleader .

"Whatever" she pfft knowing the guys love to keep things confidential.

"Looking like an ange

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Hello guys,this book has been already published on wattpad,I discover that I need to do some changes while I was posting it nice with me


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I really miss this story ??
Going to read this one (:
Chapter 16: I love this story too..authrnim..hehe
I like their cute
I hope more updates soon.thankyou
tokki9 #4
Chapter 16: More~~~i love their banters
greiyz_14 #5
Chapter 15: More please authornim and thank you so much for the update
September 17, 2017
Nicoletan0000 #7
Chapter 2: You should leave some space between the lines, i find it hard to read lol hahaha but keep it up
greiyz_14 #8
Chapter 13: Interestingly beautiful