We Meet ... Again...

This Is Neverland...!

*Next morning*

Today Jiyeon has a photoshoot again. Her campus is free today, so she goes to the photoshoot on the morning. Yeah, sooner she comes to studio, sooner she will get back her Ipad. 

" Oppa, I will go to the studio." said Jiyeon to her brother. This time, her brother replies, " Ok. I will go home early today. How if I pick you up at lunch?"

Jiyeon says, " No, you don't have to. I will go home by taxi. Concentrates on your job, ok?" Actually, Jiyeon really wants her brother to pick her up. But she is afraid that her brother will know that her Ipad is...

" Are you sure?" asked her brother named Elison Kim or Eli once again.

" Yes, really. Dont worry about me..." 


*At the studio*

" Ah~ here you are Miss Jiyeon. Today I want to introduce you someone who will work as your partner from now on. He is a Korean boy, but raises in America. Please be nice to him. His name is Kevin Woo. He is on there, talking with Mr. Shin, your photographer." said Mr. Hwang when Jiyeon walks through the door.

Jiyeon nods her head, but seems not to interesting. She is not really interested with man, she thinks that man only can complaint and complaint. Only her brother, Mr. Hwang, and her friend, Shin Dongho (her photographer).

Jiyeon doesn't realize that  Kevin Woo is walking to approach her. " Hello? Miss Jiyeon? Are you my partner?" asked Kevin politely.

" Ah~~~ yes... Mianhae, mianhae... my name is... Hey... are you...?" responded Jiyeon quickly. 

Kevin laughs and said, " Ne... Ah, Im so sorry for that accident. And, do you know that..."

"  Our Ipads ? Yes, I know that. I'm so glad that we meet again. Here is your Ipad. Do you bring mine?" asked Jiyeon.

" Mianhae again. I forgot to bring it. But, you can pick it up on my house. Or, I will come to your house, how about it?" requested Kevin.

" No, thanks. Just bring it up tomorrow." replies Jiyeon calmly. She seems not too comfortable with that conversation. She really wants to end the conversation quickly. 

Kevin says again, " But, there's no photoshoot tomorrow. Come on~~~ Please, let me do this, so I will not feel so guilty anymore, ok?"

Jiyeon sighs and writes her address on a paper. She says, " Ok, if you resist. Here is my address. Anyway, thanks. Oh~~~ Mr. Hwang calls us. Let's go."

Kevin takes that paper. He seems confuse with that address. Does he know where it is? 


*After Photoshoot*

" Noona! That's a good style today! Congrats!" shouted Dongho. Dongho is Jiyeon's bestfriend since in Junior High School. They always together. The most interesting thing is, that they never had a love each other. Just a friendship. But, who will know the future? 

" Thanks Dongho. Where will you go after this? Lets have a lunch." asked Jiyeon.

" Im free today. That's a good idea. We should ask Kevin to go with us..." suggests Dongho. Suddenly, Jiyeon face becomes gloomy. And, they don't realize that Kevin is walking to them.

" Excuse me, Miss Jiyeon, right? Hwang-ssi asked me to return you to your house. It's a payback because you want to spend your free time to go here."

" Mwo? No, you don't need to. It's ok, really." answered Jiyeon. Jiyeon tries to ignore Kevin. But, Kevin blocks her way to the exit door. " Jebal? It's a payback too from me." begged Kevin.

" Oh, dear... Ok. Shall we go now?" said Jiyeon loudly. " OK" replied Kevin. They bow to Dongho and enter the lift.



In the car, both of them don't speak anything. Silent is gold. Kevin is confused whether he wants to start the conversation or not. But, he thinks there's no need to confuse. Starting a topic maybe can make closer each other.

" Jiyeon-ssi? May I ask something?"
" Go on."
" Why do you keep ignoring me when we meet?"
Jiyeon confused. She thinks for a while and said, " Nothing. I don't like getting close with a stranger, especially a man."

Kevin nods his head and doesnt reply anything. Actually, he doesnt know how will he replies.


*The front of Jiyeon's house*

" It's your house, right?" asked Kevin. " Ne. Kamsahamnida." answered Jiyeon shortly. Kevin knows that Jiyeon wants to end the conversation. But, his mind is totally wrong.

" Do you want to come to my house? Drink a cup of tea for a payback?" asked Jiyeon.

Kevin surprised that she will offer that. But, Kevin said, " No. Thanks, but I have another appointment. Thanks for your offering. I didnt expect that you will offer that."

Jiyeon can't say a thing anymore. She bows and enters her house. In her mind, she feels really guilty because she always treats him like that. Kevin is kind. Her heart keeps saying that. But, why...?

She drinks a cold tea in the sofa. For a minutes she closes her eyes and thinks again. But...

*Knock... Knock...*

" Aishhh... Who's again?" Jiyeon puts her tea, and walks to the door slowly.

" Annyeonghase........yo...?" Jiyeon opens her door.
" Annyeong. It's me again?" said a man in the front of the door.

" YOU...???"


~End of Chapter 2-We Meet...Again...~

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ChocoRaisin #1
Update soon!!
Thanks... ^^