Are we good now?

Side Character II JJK

"Mworago?(what did you say)" I said, laughing nervously.

"It kinda makes sense if you think about it. Jeon Jungkook wears black beanie yesterday as for that's what my brother gave him for his brithday. Not only that but yesterday all Bangtan members decided to come and visit my mom at lunch and Jungkook didn't come so it might as well be him." She said.

That's impossible. "It can be anyone. There's thousands of student in this school and of course it can't be him."

"Who knows? I'm just guessing." Yoona said, shrugging.

Then the class stared and we all went back to our seat and focus on the lesson which was so boring. I swear I hate studying so much.

12677984 hours Later.......

"Everybody's attention please." The teacher said tapping the table with her stick. "For the weekend, I'm giving you an assignment which you have to work in a group of 5. I'll decide the group to make sure it's fair for you guys."

" Mark, Soojin, Mina, Lay and bambam group 1. Group 2 including Chanyeol, Sehun, Eunmi, Seola and Seoyeon...... Yoona, Lizzie, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook in group 6."

I almost choked on my saliva knowing I'm grouping up with three members of Bangtan and especially Jungkook. I gulped looking at my group's member. Jimin catch my stare and smiled and I just gave him a fake smile in return. This is totally not fair!

Cool guys are meant for cool girls, not me!! I ain't no cool at all.

What if it was really him? Omg I was so weird for doing that *facepalmed*  in front of him is a bad decision and now I got to work with him?

"You guys are going to make a video about anything since we're practicing out teamwork skills." She finished up and walked out of the class.


What's this? So boring! Do you know how hard it is to even make a 5second video? Whatever. This is going to be a long way to go.

fast forward to the project

"Annyeong!" Yoona said waving to me. They were all there sitting.

"Sorry for being late here." I said pulling one chair to sit.

"let's start already." Jimin said. "So Me, Taehyung and Yoona are acting up for this and Yoongi will help us with it so don't worry. Since Jungkook are horrible actor and yoo too Liz according to what I've heard so you can just help with the editing."

Not this again, well for Jungkook he don't't even care about any of this. I gave a glare to Yoona showing a you-plan-this face and she just shrugged.  Whatever we all decide to do so and not complain about it.

When we finish V and Jimin went home leaving us three to edit the video. To top that Yoona said she'll be taking a bath which leave me and Jungkook alone.

"Okay! Let's just get this done already." I said and lean back on my chair. Awkwardness then took place despite that I don't really know how to do anything leads it to a situation that is worse.

Jungkook stayed silent and kept on replaying the video back and forth making sure the lighting and everything is fine.

"This is it." He said. I thought he was saying something about the video but well nothing goes your ways all the time. "This is you."

"Ne?" I asked back understand nothing about what he just said.

He leaned back on the chair resting his head, "I thought you were much harsher according to what I heard and see with my own eyes." He said.

So it was really him, huh? Okay, now that I know it's him it's kinda feels okay like I'm okay with whatever is happening right now.

"it was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that for no reason." I said. "I shouldn't even help you, it was none of mt business but I don't know." I shrugged and he just smiled. 

"if she would have known she wouldn't do so since no one really want to messed with me." He said proudly.

"Well that's a warning for me since I don't want to mess with you too." I said.

His face showed a little disappointment. "I didn't mean for you not to mess with----

"I didn't mean it either." I said chuckling.

He took in a deep breath before saying, "so, are we good now?" 

"I'm sorry. Did we have an argument just then?" I asked.

"Ani! I just feel weird since you're only friend too Yoongi hyung and not me." I laughed at his childishness.

"What?" he said looking at me with a 'what so funny?' face.

"Because you think I'm friend with Yoongi and not you, you asked me are we good now?" I asked still holding my laugh. 

He nodded.


So, this is the second chapter. Jungkook decided to show up as a very weird person.

Next time when you just met a person that really want to know for a long time be sure to ask them, "Are we good now?"

Next chapter will show more of Liz how she think about herself so be sure to stay tune.

sorry i didn't get to check this chapter. but please support it. You have alot of jam. BA-ii BA-ii! love ya

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