Part 1 -Chapter 3

Our sweet little secrets

Anita's P.O.V

Jungkook told me to date Kim Taehyung. He told me to date my own xxxxing cousin.

Yes, of course Kim Tae Hyung didn't confess to me. He is my own cousin- I just don't prefer to show our relationship to other people to prevent being in the spotlight. Plus, he is gay and has a crush on Jimin Park who is his driver's son.

I just put up an act to Jungkook, because I want to know if he feels the same way as me.

Yes, I love him. I have loved Jungkook since probably primary school? I don't know why, but I find everything he does adorable, and I dream of becoming his bride one day.

Evidently, Jungkook doesn't like me. How would a boy tell the girl he likes to date someone else?

I am heartbroken. The person I have liked for nearly 10 years doesn't like me a single bit.

Jungkook... maybe I should leave you.

My feelings cannot grow even stronger. There is no chance for Jungkook to like me, I have used so many years to try to make him like me, and obviously if a guy likes you he would've confessed to me already.

Plus, he treats me like a 'bro', not even a girl.

I love him, I freaking love him.  He loves me too, but as a best friend.  I won't be his bride, although, well, I might be the first person he invites to his wedding. I don't WANT that. I don't want to see him with ANOTHER girl other than me. I don't want to.

I'd rather not see him and hopefully my feelings for him would die down in a few years.

Oxford gave me an offer to read English Literature, and I just need to take it and leave Jungkook.

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