S U P E R M A N// chanbaek


Baekhyun is a swimmer. In fact, he loves swimming. Reason for that is the super good-looking blackhaired male from another schoolteam. He watches him every time but when the other male looks at him, he just blushes and starts swimming again.



This story is writen in Baekhyuns PoV and in a diary sort of style. I hope you like this story! <3<3

Updates: Mondays and Wednesdays.

English is not my first language but I hope my grammar isn't to bad




Monday, 26. 06. 2017

Dear Diary,

today something happended. The guy from the other school team looked at me! It was so embaressing ("//-//") He was looking in my direction and then directly into my eyes! I thought I would never come out off my journey into his dark eyes. Kyungie saved me (thank god!) He told me to stop spacing out and tickelt me. We started a fight...


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