
The Sound of Heart

Kyuhyun was on the rooftop of his school, smoking. He skipped the last two periods after the fight with Yonghwa. It was one of the biggest fight he ever had with him, not that he constantly fighting with anyone. He puffed the smoke out of his mouth, the ciggaret hanging in corner of his mouth. Remembering the last fight, he punch the railing in front of him.


I did you a favor, you bastard!

Why did I ever listen to her anyway?! She never did any good to me since she came to my life! He thought furiously.



"Don't ever get near her, you son of b..."

"You like her," Kyuhyun said with calm expression.


Younghwa stared at him furiously, his fists clenching so hard his knuckles became white.


"What's so hard about telling her? You're popular, people like you, even a bunch of idiot girls,.." before the sentence finished, Younghwa already grabing his collar and punching him hard on the face.


"You're not telling me anything, you bastard!"


Kyuhyun wiped the blood, before saying in mocking tone, "If you don't think you deserve her, then leave it! Don't act like some sort of protective hero to her, because you're not!"


That only earned him another punch. Furious, he then retaliated the punch three times, making the poor guy fell hard on the floor.


"I might be a bastard like you think, but I'm not a coward like you..." he said before leaving.


He was walking while wincing in pain, when he realized that the cause of the fight, Shinhye, standing in front of him in horror.


"I-I wont tell on you..." she stuttered. Kyuhyun only nodded briefly.


On the end of the hallway, he vaguely heard her complaining, “Come on, I’ll bring you to the nursing room. Why you always bother him anyway?”






Kyuhyun plopped himself on the couch in front of the tv. His bag lied messily on the floor. Closing his eyes, he tried to ignore the nagging pain all over his face and his right knuckle. Seohyun sat down beside him and enthusiastically told him about how she spent the day, how the drama she followed went, and so on, and so on. Too enthusiastic that the bruises didn’t catch her attention. He didn’t get much after all, since he was the one who execute more punchs. She kept talking and talking until she realized that there was something beneath her thigh poking. She moved aside and found a box of cigarettes. She brought it to her face, opened it and looked what inside.


"You smoke?" she asked in horror.


Kyuhyun glanced at her, and upon seeing what she held, he snatched it immediately from her hand. But Seohyun was smart enough not to easily let it go and hid it behind her back right way.


"I'm soooo disappointed on you! How dare you do this, Kyuhyun?! How if your father finds out?! You're a minor, for God's sake!!" she said almost shouting.


"He's in Japan or Thailand or Philiphine or whatever country it is. He's not here! Even if he is, does he ever care?" he said nonchalantly while grabbing his backpack and went upstairs.


"You better not do this again!!" Seohyun shouted from downstairs, before throwing the box away.




The next morning was quite eventful. Seohyun should stop herself from watching the calm, peaceful face of her sleeping 'foster' boy. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the bruises didn't seem so obvious anymore in the middle of the dark room. And her mind was too preoccupied of the peaceful look two feet away from her who had just mad herself crazy—oh, surely not in the romantic way, it was because of the tobacco thingy. She wondered, how in the world someone with that kind of face did something so aggravating.


Her mind wandered at many things. At the living body in front of her, at the live in the house before her coming, and at his life itself before everything happened. How his mom died and left him all alone, how his father acted indifferent, though she knew better that Mr.Cho wasn’t all better than his son. He just masked his sadness and loss of the loving wife behind his office desk, behind all the overseas trips and behind the cold act toward his only son.


And her attention was back to him, Kyuhyun. She observed the sleeping face and wondered if such a face could be called cute. But isn't the term 'cute' only for little kids? But Jonghyun once called her cute, then maybe it is also for girls? Then again, Kyuhyun was neiter a little kid nor a girl. She sighed and leaned back to the desk chair in the room she occupied. It was when she glanced at the alarm clock and almost literally jumped. It was already 7 a.m, and school started at 7.30 a.m. She then frantically woke Kyuhyun up, helped him prepare the uniform and books—after two months living with him, she finally knew exactly how to do that, while he washed himself up. And he did what she told him to, despite his grumble about not wanting to go. And then she saw it, among the messy pile of books. A Playboy magazine.


She took it and sighed heavily. What happened with this boy?, she thought. When she felt everything was quite alright after two months, he came home with ciggaretes, and then magazine. She was so upset she forgot to make him breakfast.


Kyuhyun came back to his room only with towel hugging his waist. He was a bit surprised to see her still in her room, clutching some magazine and frowning.



"What is this?"

"Oh you found it?," he chuckled lightly, "I've been looking for it for, like, months. It's not mine anyway, if you're so curious."

"Why is it here?"

"It's already been here before you came, Seohyun." he answered, getting annoyed.

"And why?" she pressed.

"Hormones," he shrugged. But his last statement made her even angrier.

"You're not respecting women by enjoying this, you know. And your mother is a woman too."

"Well, those models in there got paid and they did it willingly. I don't see any problem in that."


He was not Kyuhyun, if he couldn't make smart retorts. But that only made Seohyun's frown got deeper. Her face showed that she could strangle anyone then. If only she could-might do it to him.


"I'm a teenage boy, what do you expect?" he said in attempt to finish the fight.

"And I'm late, if you still expect me to go to school. Unless you want to see me here."


Seohyun was already so furious her breath got even and she couldn't even move an inch. Her fist clenched in either of her side as she stared at him in disbelief. How could he be that indifferent?


"Seems like I'm not the only one with such hormones," he said looking at her as he tested her, pretending to unwrap the towel. Seohyun's eyes widened and she stomped her feet out of the room.


"I'm so upset with you!" she said with clenched teeth as she walking.






When he came home from school that day, Seohyun was nowhere to be seen. He looked over the entire house, and finally found her leaning against the railing in the balcony. He called for her, but she never answered. He then stood beside her and tried to start a conversation. But she kept silent that he didn't know anymore what else he could bring up to make her talk to him.


As smart as he thought he was, he had apparantly a pretty dense side, too. Only a few days later, or rather on the weekend, he realized, Seohyun had been avoiding him and giving him silent treatment. And as messed up as people might think about him, he felt guilty about it. He never saw her this angry that he got silent treatment. No one ever gave him that. Not his parents, and not even his enemies who tended to crave for his attention instead whenever they were mad at him. So he decided to make a move. Of amends, of course.


He found her at the kitchen, in front of the caunter, cautiously cutting some vegetables and clearly ignoring his presence.


"I know you're mad..." he said slowly.

"But you can't treat me like this forever."






Chop, chop, chop... More ignore from her...


"This might lighten your mood," he continued after sighing.

"I told him..." he moved to her side to be able to gauge her reaction.

"You know, the bast-the Younghwa guy," he glanced at her and saw her eyebrow raise. He knew he got her attention by that.

"I wont continue if you don't say anything."


Silence remained between them for a couple of minutes as Seohyun kept chopping. Kyuhyun heaved a deep sigh, knowing his attemt was futile, and was about to turn his body when he heard her mumble. She mumbled so quitely he almost didn't hear it.


"About what?," her eyes never left the carrot she chopped, as if it were the most interesting creature in the universe. And the corner of his lips tugged upward.


"You know, Shinhye... that he should just tell her instead of..."

"Really?" she now faced him, all the boycott action was forgotten. He nodded. And she smiled.

"And what did he say then?"

"He said I couldn't tell him anything and we ended up fighting." Seohyun frowned, just after she thought he did a good job.

"And you didn't even recognize the wound because you're too mad at me..." he mumbled, looking down at the floor. There was no response from Seohyun for awhile which made him think that his attempt was failed. But out of sudden, her hand reached up and brushed his hair, before she left the caunter to get some pot and started cooking, leaving him a bit surprised, before he smiled.


I must be crazy for updating this fast, lol. But I can't promise you guys any more soon-update

School's going to start soon

Remember that Kyuhyun can't touch her, but she can't?

Seems like she doesn't hide it anymore :P

Where are your comments, guys? :(

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btw, have you guys heard aboutthe Radio Star? Our evil magnae was soo cute!! Let's spazzing :D


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Chapter 9: ckckck.. why are you being a naughty boy, kyu??
Chapter 8: whoaa... this story is really daebakk!!!!
please update sooon...
Chapter 8: Nice update really enjoyed it plz update soon
Vanessa- #4
Chapter 7: omigod!omigod!omigod! seokyu!~
Chapter 7: waaaa!! new reader and fan~

i like this fic!! and i like both kyu n jonghyun!!
yeah why couldn't he touch her?
omo omo omo,,how jonghyun can see seo?? Update soon
aigoo seokyu!!
Nice chapter really loved the jealous kyuhyu update soonn pls
Eycha_sk11 #10
Omo jonghyun can see seobaby ?! Update update !!