If Only It Were Just a Joke

The Sound of Heart

“Dad, what actually happened with mom?”

"She had been working so much these days. She told me once she and her friends would hold a big reunioun with her highschool mates. I hope she is okay.”

“But... what is it with the hemorrhage? Is it that bad?”

“It’s because she got a cyst, an ovarian cyst, that’s why...” Mr.Cho heaved a deep sigh. “It’s not for the first time and doctor had actually told her not to tire herself. She becomes weaker and weaker,” his eyes became teary as he remembered about the suffering which his wife had been through.

The boy just nodded solemnly, as gloomy as the older one.

“I hope she didn’t  lose too much blood.”

“Uhm hm...” responded the youngster.

“Wait, but why didn’t you know your own mother’s sickness?” asked the father in confusion.

“She has never told me about it,” Kyuhyun shook his head vigorously.

“You must have known it yourself, even though without her telling you, you pabo !!” Mr.Cho hit his head roughly.

“Ouch, dad~!!” the youngster whined like a little kid before stood up and went away.

“Where do you think you’re going??” the father shouted.

“Get some drink!!” he answered loudly without even turning his head.


“Yeah, why didn’t I know? I’m the one who spent most time with her. I’m at home almost every time,” I kept saying it to my self while standing in front of drinks vending machine

Maybe I was there all the time, but not my mind. Never did I really think about her, neither somebody else. I did always just think about my self, my game, and my own happiness.



It was a bright afternoon. The sky was blue and the sun shone brightly, but not very hot that could make one’s body soak of sweat.
The weather was just fine like a young man’s heart, who walked down the street while humming a random song.

“Hmm... the weather is so good,” he said. And as he enjoyed his path to the hospital, he remembered her mother’s favourite breads. So he tried to find the nearest bakery to buy ones.


He was in the good mood and had a good news to tell his lovely mother as well. Without his parents knowing, he had joined an online game contest last weekend. And not for his surprise, he got third place and a brand new videogame console as a price. He also got a quite much money—or at least, he considered it as much, as he was just an average high-shooler. He wasn’t a professional gamer, but his skill was like one’s, because he spent hours in front of PC and was always willing to stay up until late night only to finish his game. And this day, the contest organizer had told him, that the price had been delivered to the his domicile. Furthermore, the math teacher had returned the test papers to the students this morning. Again, not to his surprise, he got the best score in the class, not to mention in the entire third class of the school as well, even when he spent much more time to manage his game than his study.


That day, he was just so lucky, happy, and felt blessed for everything he had got. So he decided to do something which he usually didn’t do; buy her mother a bouquet of flower.



As I reached the hospital to see my mother, I found my father stood in front of her ward, leaning against the wall, head hung with the blank stares. And I could sense his swollen eyes, which i rarely see.

“Son, “ he said softly, almost like a whisper, as he realized my presence.

“Yes, dad...” I answered, before I was told the most ridiculous bull I had ever heard, while the pack of breads in my left hand a flower bouquet in my right felt down.


“WHAT??” I looked around my surrounding absent-mindedly, holding back my tears which wanted to barge out anytime now.

“Daddy, you’re kidding me... right?” I faked laughter until i couldn't do it anymore.

I gulped and face him; he and his teary eyes. Never did I see him this devastated, but so was I. I was even much more devastated with this holy bull.

“...right?”, I shook his shoulders to get the answer I wanted to hear. But my father would never lie, especially in this kind of situation.

He shook his head slowly, “she is, son... she is...” his answer was destroying me even more.

He then hugged me, warm as fire. The hug i longed for years, which I had always been avoiding since I stepped in my teens.


This was the most lame joke God had ever teased me.

I sobbed hard in his shoulders.

“no way...”


God, do You hate me that much?

What is it? How could You...

I know I’m not a good boy, but this is just unfair.

How could You turn my life to be like this?

You could take every thing away from, but not her



not her...



Writer's Note

Sad chappie :''(

but don't worry, happy moments will come later


and I actually don't know much about cyst, but I did some search and even asked my mother, lol

sorry if you find any mistake regarding this, but feel free to tell me


please do comment :))

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btw, have you guys heard aboutthe Radio Star? Our evil magnae was soo cute!! Let's spazzing :D


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Chapter 9: ckckck.. why are you being a naughty boy, kyu??
Chapter 8: whoaa... this story is really daebakk!!!!
please update sooon...
Chapter 8: Nice update really enjoyed it plz update soon
Vanessa- #4
Chapter 7: omigod!omigod!omigod! seokyu!~
Chapter 7: waaaa!! new reader and fan~

i like this fic!! and i like both kyu n jonghyun!!
yeah why couldn't he touch her?
omo omo omo,,how jonghyun can see seo?? Update soon
aigoo seokyu!!
Nice chapter really loved the jealous kyuhyu update soonn pls
Eycha_sk11 #10
Omo jonghyun can see seobaby ?! Update update !!