
Letters To My Dying Friend
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Are the other guys sending letters? I can’t really tell. Things slowly seem to be getting back to normal around the house. Yoongi got in contact with someone who wants him to produce for them. He was really happy. He spent the last week emailing different people in the music industry, showing them his stuff. A lot were actually interested, but didn’t want to take the risk because he doesn’t have a name for himself yet. But I know he’ll make it big. Hobi is back to dancing, even though the doctor recommends he lay off his bad ankle so much. The guy’s got too much energy though. And passion. Ah, I don’t blame him. Oh! Another thing! I’m delighted to inform you Jimin successfully proposed to E. You know, after three years of him playing mister shy-guy, who knew he’d actually have it in him? Especially since the two of you fought over her way back when. Man, good times. It felt like I was an audience member on the sidelines of a drama shooting. I’m glad you two settled things right after, though. That was back when we all formed our pact and nicknamed ourselves Bangtan. Good, good times.

Jimin wants to send you an invitation when the time comes. He really wants you to make it. Our little Chim-Chim is going to be a groom! I think things will be really interesting around here. Hope to hear back soon!

Take care, Jin.

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daniaza #1

I'm not crying nope
I-I can't.... I can't old back my tears.. T__T one of the saddest fanfics I've ever read! too emotional and sooo good! so much FEELZ! loved it so much <3
<3 <3 <3
ELFairy #3
Chapter 12: I'm crying WTF ;; this is the saddest I've ever read...
But it's so well done, I loved it <3