
Royal Reigns. (DISCONTINUED.)

"Hyung," Sehun interrupted as he came back into the room, peeking in through the door. Baekhyun teared his gaze away from the beautiul girl in front of him to look at his brother. The man blinked, staring at his younger brother. "Our sister is about to take her leave, she is going to depart in a few hours or so, I don't really know." Sehun shrugged before thinning his lips while walking out. He grinned at Haemin for a split second—while she glared at him for leaving her in the first place—before he closed the door behind him. Baekhyun sighed and turned his head back. 

The Queen blinked, staring at the Prince. "I, um," Baekhyun called out. The brunette sighed and shook her head, raising her hand up. "You can save it, Prince Baekhyun. Apparently I am not welcome here so I will take my leave." She nodded eagerly as she curtsied to make a leave. The moment she reached the outside, Baekhyun was finally in his senses and chased after her.

"Princess Haemn!" 

She sped walked as much as her dress would allow her but she knew that he would catch up anyway. She huffed and carried on. 

"Princess!" He called out once more as he reached out to grasp her wrist allowing her to halt. She looked down at his hand then back at him. He stared at her and realized his action. He yanked his hand away as if her wrist was some hot metal. "What do you want, Baekhyun?"

"I, um, I apologize for my inconsideration about the whole...yelling thing.. I should have known that it was you. You just..." He trailed off, taking her figure from head to toe once more allowing her to furrow her brows and clutch her fist. "Just what, Prince Baekhyun?" The man cleared his throat and shook his head, coming back to his senses once again. "You just—you have grown way too well, Princess." Haemin nodded and turned to continue walking.

"You are forgiven, but if you may know..." she stopped her walking and turned back to the handsome man, "it's Queen Haemin. No longer princess." She smiled, a smile that made his heart skip a beat, and nodded to him while carrying on—hoping she could have a chat with the three brothers' younger sister before she departed for China.

"It is so nice to see you again, Haemin," the youngest royal mentioned as the two girls took a walk alongside the river, "I am just sad that I am leaving too soon for us to catch up like old times." Haemin stared at the girl and smiled. The pair were both the same age so they got along well. Though, she enjoyed playing with the girl's brothers growing up, it was nice to have another female who the Queen can talk to freely without formalities. 

"I know, it's sad that you have to go so soon, dear," Haemin replied with a soft sigh but the girl smiled to the Queen, taking the Queen's hand. "Haemin, you are the bravest girl I know. You are powerful as ever and I know that you are going to be safe no matter what. I am sad that I have to leave but you do have my brothers'. They will make sure you are safe. Have you met them yet?" The Queen scoffed and nodded. 

"I did, but I am quite disturbed."


She paused and stared at the girl: "Baekhyun is still rude as ever. I ask him who he is and when he tells me, I call out his name and the rude part is that he said: 'it's your highness to you'. How rude!" The young Princess of Korea chuckled at the Queen while shaking her head. She understood where Haemin was coming from. Baekhyun was always known to be rough in many ways. He was like their father. Their father being more ruthless than one can imagine. If the King of Korea wanted something, he'd get it without questions or hesitations. 

"You must undestand, Haemin. Baekhyun oppa is much like our father. He is a man of war strategical achievements. He is not very tactical with personal feelings and emotions. You must undestand that." Haemin huffed at the girl's statement and shrugged. She understood that Baekhyun took his job as Prince seriously, but sometimes... he needs to loosen up. "Come now," the girl said, "let's get back to the castle. I am sure one of your future husbands would love to get to know the grown up you better. It is almost lunch time." Haemin choked on air at the statement.

Future husband?

"What do you mean future husband?" Joohyun mentioned with a furrow of her brows while staring at Haemin, who was changing into something less flemsy. Haemin shrugged and sighed. She didn't really want to talk about it at the moment as she asked her ladies to wait for her outside. Her friends helped her with her dress before they slipped out, leaving the Queen to stare at herself in the mirror. She adjusted her crown while sighing once more. 

"Don't drink the wine," a voice whispered. Her head whipped around at the sound of the voice. She felt chills run down her spine as she looked around her chambers. She realized that she was the only person there, but something also told her that she wasn't. 

"Hello? Is anyone here?" She called out. 

"Don't drink the wine, it's poison. I am saving your life, Queen Haemin. Someone wants you dead," the voice whispered once more as she followed it. She made a turn towards her changing area but there was nothing there. Haemin didn't know if she should listen to the voice; however, she had a gut feeling that didn't settle well with her. She couldn't opt out the feel so, in much wiser words, she decided to listen to the dark, anonymous voice that came in good deed to give her a warning.

"Haemin," Yoonmi whined as she barged in, scaring the Queen to death, "are you almost ready? The Queen is waiting on you to arrive in the garden." 

The Queen of France and England shuddered, nodding meekly at her friend as Yoonmi stared at the brunette. "Is everything alright, Haemin? You look pale." The girl looked at her friend while clutching her stomach in fear but nodded in reassurance. "I am fine, Yoonmi. Come, let us get going to the garden." Yoonmi blinked before smiling with a nod to the Queen as she took Haemin's hand; leading the pair out to the garden where her friends stood. 

"There she is!" The Queen hollered excitedly as the three princes stood up to greet the Queen. She smiled meekly to their mother while bowing her head to the royal family. "Come, come, sit with us, love." Their mother called out, pulling Haemin with her with a smile. She pulled the girl towards Joonmyun, who smiled at the brunette. She smiled uncomfortably as she took Joonmyun's hand. He moved to pull out her chair as she sat while moving to sit next to her as Baekhyun stared at the pair with envy—though, he kept the thought to himself. 

He turned his attention to his parents, who made a conversation with the Queen of England and France. The servants came around with wine when Haemin's expression became pale. It made Baekhyun stare at her with worry but no one else has seem to realize her expression since they were all chatting about nonsense and the departure of his younger sister. Haemin then inhaled a shaky breath, motioning for the servant to bring her water instead. 

Don't drink the wine.

She heard the voice ring through her head. 

Don't drink the wine, it's poison.

The thought wouldn't leave her head as she stared at the glass of wine shakingly. Her hands rested on her stomach while she fiddled with her fingers. She was uncomfortable and they didn't know that she was. 

Except... one person did and he was sitting two seats away from her. 

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Chapter 3: I really like the plot so far, can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 3: Someone want to kill her :(
Chapter 3: Who is that person
Chapter 2: I knew it! Prince Baekhyun has a different charm that other don't have
Chapter 2: Omo she meet sehun and baekhyun. Hehe
Chapter 1: Prince Joon! Can't wait for my bias Baek ❤
Chapter 1: After prince joonmyeon next will be prince baekhyun. I'm so excited with the next chapter .
Chapter 1: I'm so hyped for this ff! I love love AFF with this theme but I haven't found any recently, so I'm actually so hyped no joke!
Fudgeeee this three how can one girl choose either this three