
let me (be your man)

i am sorry, I haven’t given this a once over. until then. haha


For someone like Jongin, the man surely likes attention. Not that Sehun has any problem with that or is even remotely complaining about it. Jongin looking like he wants to have attention on him is a sight too adorable to miss or despise.


Although Jongin is not asking for attention, he's just innocently sitting on the sofa kept in a corner of the room while Junmyeon and he are engaged in a conversation of how they could stop this mess, Sehun believes the younger’s wandering eyes around the room only to stop at them is quite an indication that he wants to be seen.


The thing about Jongin is that he doesn’t ask for attention, he doesn’t beg for it either. He just naturally demands for it, without speaking anything. As if the attention solely belongs to him; naturally belongs to him. He isn’t even trying, that’s another thing to ponder over.


“I would much rather have you pay attention to what I am saying then you ogling Jongin as if you want to eat him.”


“Excuse me,” Sehun says with a frown, though red colours his cheeks at the sight of unamused Junmyeon. He clears his throat. “I am sorry, I-I was looking outside the window.”


“I am sure outside of window isn’t Jongin’s face.”


“It isn’t. I am sorry.”


Junmyeon sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I am sorry, this is all my mistake. I shouldn’t have kissed Jongin.”


“Not entirely yours, too, Junmyeon. You didn’t know some would be waiting for slip up from your side.”


“I wouldn’t call kissing Jongin slip up,” Junmyeon says, although offended he still smiles a tight-lipped smile.


“I am sure you would not.”


A ring fills up the silence of the room before Jongin quickly gets up from the couch he had been sitting on. “I-it’s my call. I will just be right back,” Jongin says, pointing to the phone in his hand. The two businessmen shrug at him, so Jongin, with a quick nod passed to them, walks out of the room.


“I don’t know why I am saying this.” Junmyeon laughs, and taps his index finger over his bottom lip. “I think you should stop staring at Jongin like that.”


Stunned silence fills the room. Sehun stares at Junmyeon at what seems eternity before frowning ever so slightly. “Like how?”


“Just, like that—” Junmyeon stops to let out a loud sigh. “Just stop looking at him, for once and all.”


“I don’t understand why you would say that to me. Jongin is my PA.”


“Exactly PA,” Junmyeon presses on the word. “So treat him like your PA only, look at him like your PA only, and nothing else.”


“You’re sounding like a possessive .”


“Well, I am not one. So that’s unfair for you to say.”


“You do sound like one—you should see your face.” Sehun points to the elder’s face, smiling awkwardly. “You always sound like this whenever you have your eyes set on something.”


“I have my eyes set on your PA. On Jongin, isn’t that clear enough?” Junmyeon sighs. “I like him, and I want him to know that. I want to bring him on dates, kiss him, and make love to him. I want to pamper him. I want to give him whatever I have. Isn’t that clear enough?”


Sehun unconsciously clenches his jaw, clearly not liking where the conversation is going. Or maybe, not liking what Junmyeon feels for Jongin.


“Look, I kissed Jongin there because I wanted to confess to him. That didn’t happen and I know that I should have asked him before kissing him, but…” the man runs a hand through his hair. “I like him, I like him very much. I have never met someone like him before! I have met so many people—so many girls and boys equally—but there’s something different about him, and I don’t know what it is. I-I want to find that on my own, knowing that Jongin could be mind. Jongin would be mine, if he agreed. If he happen to feel anything for me. Anything. Something, at least.”


“He is hard to understand, he is difficult. He doesn’t feel anything, no matter what you do for him. I-I guess it’s because of loss of his husband, but I-I want to help him open up. I want to know him, I-I can’t explain why. I can’t explain anything to you because I am mess myself. I don’t know what I do in front of him, what I feel in his presence. I-I just want to be with him, and love him.”


“That’s it,” the man ends.


Sehun clears his throat and looks at the door just in time Jongin walks inside, phone clutched tightly in one hand. He stands up from the couch, Junmyeon watching him with wide eyes, before asking Jongin to follow him out, and that Junmyeon and he are done talking. Jongin doesn’t ask him anything, neither Junmyeon nor Sehun explain him anything.


“Where are we going?” Jongin asks when he’s bored waiting and sitting silently beside his boss in the car for nearly an hour since they left Junmyeon’s place. “I don’t know this way.”


“Remember the place I took you a few weeks back?” Sehun asks after a few minutes of pensive silence from his side. Jongin answers that he remembers the place. “We are going there—or if you don’t want to, I can drop you off at your place.”


Sehun curses the motorcyclist who almost bumps into his car; not because he could have died on him, but because he could have left a scratch on his car. Sehun is extra pissed off today. Jongin has no idea about what the reason could be.


“If it wouldn’t be any trouble, I want to go home.”


Sehun stops the car, thankfully its red light at this moment. He looks surprised, almost offended, that Jongin has rejected his offer. No one rejects his offer, and this, this is—


“Jin would be home by now. I want to talk to him about what’s happening, what people he should talk to, and what he should not. I am sure some of them would soon find out that I have a son, and some people are just so heartless that they won’t think twice before running to my son.”


“I-I am sure some people would do that.” Sehun nods, not really listening to the younger. The mere reminder that Jongin has rejected the offer to spend some time with him, unlike the last time, angers him, confuses him and somehow makes him feel desperate for something, anything. He doesn’t know what that is, though. “Um, I will take a turn from there.” Sehun points to somewhere, Jongin nods then.


“Thank you.”


Sehun sighs and then, “Yeah, welcome.” Then sighs again.


“Hyung,” Jongin calls when they have reached the latter’s apartment. Jongin doesn’t step out of the car, yet; he hasn’t stepped out of the car since Sehun stopped the vehicle exactly fifteen minutes ago (Sehun has been keeping his eyes on his watch since then).


“Yeah,” he prompts, throat dry that he hasn’t spoken for such long time.


“It’s late,” Jongin says. Except it’s not. It’s only nine in the evening, but it is an offer from the younger. Just when he’s about to ask why the younger is offering him such, Jongin speaks up, “whatever you wanted to talk about there, we could always do that here. It’s silent and decent neighbourhood. You won’t hear people quarrelling with each other.” He says that almost innocently as if he doesn’t know what each word coming out of his mouth are doing to the beating organ inside Sehun.


“Besides, Jin would be happy to see you, too.”


Sehun laughs, not exactly believing what’s happening. Suddenly, Junmyeon’s face crosses his mind, and he almost feels sad for his friend. Junmyeon would be sad if he heard this: Jongin offering Sehun to stay over at his apartment with the pretext that’s not really the actual reason. He knows they won’t talk about what he has in his mind because truth to be told, he himself doesn’t know what he wants to talk about.


Sure he felt a little pissed off by what Junmyeon said earlier, and maybe more than that, but everything inside his head is just messed up. So much that he himself doesn’t know which thought to consider the focal point.


“No, I would much rather sleep at my place than disturb you for another night,” he says just so see the sad frown appearing on the younger’s face, that and the cute sad pout that he gives with his wide watery eyes. He clears his throat to keep the smile that’s threatening to appear on his face because oh God, Jongin just did what he thought he would do.


“You don’t disturb me, though,” Jongin says, looking down at his fiddling fingers on his lap. Then, “okay, as you wish. I won’t force you. Good night, hyung!”


Sehun almost screams bloody murder because he was just kidding, Jongin doesn’t need to take it as his final answer. So when Jongin proceeds to open the door and hence climb out of the vehicle, he grabs the younger’s wrist. He almost points out that Jongin’s wrist is too bony for someone of his age, but keeps the remark to himself. He doesn’t know if Jongin would like to hear such thing from someone he isn’t particularly close with.


“Now that I think about it,” he begins, ignoring Jongin’s wide inquisitive eyes that set on his face. “I am feeling rather tired, it would be awesome if you gave me some place for the night.”


“Do you even know how you just sounded like?” Jongin asks, giggling, but doesn’t explain when Sehun asks him what it is. “Nothing. So let’s go?”


“Uh, yeah.”


Like the last time, Jongin gives him the same room, apologizes for its blandness. Making sure that he doesn’t say anything hurtful to the younger like the last time, Sehun keeps his mouth shut most of the time. Sehun hums when Jongin says that is he’s alright sleeping in the same room he had slept the last time. The room, much to Sehun’s amusement, has changed. Jongin has decorated it with expensive wall hangings, new curtains (he is surprised that he remembers the curtains last time were different), then there’s two plants sitting in one corner of the room, a comfortable rug sits below the coffee table, a snake plant sits innocently over it.


“Um,” Jongin says, breaking Sehun from his trance. “I hope you’ll not get uncomfortable like last time.”


Man, Sehun thinks to himself, Jongin definitely knows how to decorate a room. “Wow—this is pretty,” he hums to himself. “Did you do this by yourself?”


Jongin blushes, and then timidly nods. “My son helped me a little, too.”


“You two are brilliant!” he praises. “Why don’t you try to be an interior designer instead?”


Jongin looks like he’s about to burst into laugh, his red cheeks and wide eyes indicating that. “So I should resign from the PA—”


“Oh, no!” Sehun shakes his head, furiously. “You don’t need to, I was just kidding. Haha.”


“So that means I am not good at decorating—this is not good—” Jongin stops and points to his room with his index finger. The younger pouts, Sehun instinctively feels bad about what he said earlier.


“Oh, no, I was kidding. Haha. Please, don’t feel sad.” Sehun awkwardly laughs.


“Were you kidding the first time or the second time?” Jongin asks, teases, only Sehun doesn’t realize that the younger is actually teasing him.


Sehun stops, with wide eyes he stares into Jongin’s teasing eyes, wondering what he should reply to that.


Jongin laughs, wholeheartedly, before shaking his head and clutching his stomach with both hands of hard he’s laughing. “Oh my God, hyung—” he wheezes, laugh turning into adorable hiccups. “You’re so cute, hyung! I can’t even—” Jongin laughs some more before stopping altogether, realizing what he just said. He chokes, happy tears still shining brightly in his now wide orbs.


His cheeks are flushed a deep shade of red, plush lips parted to let out the remaining laugh (although this time embarrassed ones), the hands that were earlier clutching his stomach are now his own white shirt. He looks pretty, and adorable. Sehun might die if he didn’t let out the squeal threatening to come out of his own mouth.


He regains his composure at the last minute, and smirks.


“Haha. I-I should go. I have some work to do!—”


“Cute, huh?” Sehun asks, stepping a little ahead. Jongin instinctively steps back at the close proximity. Sehun keeps smirking, his smirk turns wide (if possible, that is) when Jongin looks to the door acting as if he’s a deer caught in headlights. “What about you, though, Jongin?” He pokes Jongin on one soft cheek with his fingertip, only now realizing that he has already caged the younger between himself and the wall. The memories of the past suddenly come rushing down to him, at once, of how he used to the same with someone special long years ago. Things have changed, a lot; even the person, and the situation too.


Jongin is not his; they are definitely not in any romantic relationship. Jongin doesn’t like him, like that, and probably wouldn’t like him, ever.


Shoving those unwanted memories behind, and the face of a particular man, he leans a little down, now face to face with the younger. Jongin looks up at him to speak something. He doesn’t though, maybe stunned by the closeness between their faces.


“Who’s cuter?” In any different circumstance, Sehun would have found himself with his potential bed mate for the night. Jongin is definitely not his potential bed mate, and although his hands are itching to hold the waist of the younger (or anything), he stops himself in time. “Pretty, would you tell me who’s cuter?” Jongin goes red to his ears, Sehun leans down, almost k i s s e s him—


“Papa! Uncle!”


Jongin pushes him away, and turns around to be greeted with the sight of his son standing just beside the door with his neighbour.


Jin. Ah, Sehun has never hated a child this much before! He could have kissed Jongin; he could have felt those soft, plush lips against his own for the first time. He could have fulfilled his fantasy for the next one year or so!


He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, almost petulantly as if denied of something he really wanted to have. Truth to be told, this was definitely not the first time where he felt the need to kiss the younger. Jongin is attractive, beautiful beyond words could ever describe, and for the month and days they have spent together only attracts him to his PA more, and more. If possible, that is. Most of the times, it’s mere attraction—the innocent kind of attraction—but there are moments where he feels the need to touch and and kiss and bite everything Jongin is hiding behind his clothes.


He doesn’t even know how he’s keeping his alter ego at edge in the presence of someone so delectable.


Although at the sight of unamused Lucas, he can’t help but feel smug.


“You two are here. I am sorry I didn’t come to pick him up, Lucas.”


“That’s alright.” Lucas passes a tight-lipped smile to Jongin. “We were coming back from the store, and I noticed the lights switched on. I even called you... but you didn’t reply.”


Jongin blushes, walking up to his son to kiss him on his cheek. “I-I am sorry, I was showing hyung the room.”


“Yeah, showing the room,” the student murmurs, eyes digging holes into Sehun’s face.


Sehun almost snickers. The boy is acting like his younger self, the times when he used to get jealous as at everyone for coming close to his crushes or love interests.


“Then, I should go?” Lucas says, asks.


“No, stay for dinner?” Jongin suggests, standing up from the floor before taking his son’s tiny hand in his bigger one. He purposely avoids Sehun’s eyes. “I am going to make dinner now, anyway.”


“Would that be alright?” The student asks even though he’s already setting his bag on the nearby table.


“Yes, why not? Come on, just wait for some time and dinner would be ready.” Jongin turns around to look at Sehun, and shyly asks, “is there something you want to eat, hyung?”


Sehun smiles. “No, I am fine with whatever you make.” Then as if remembering something, “do you want me to help you in the kitchen?—I don’t know much, but I can follow whatever you say.”


“Ah, please help Papa, uncle.” Jin prompts, his small five-year-old body bouncing in excitement of something that the adults can’t decipher. “Papa always works alone, and he never allows me to help him. He needs help too.”


“I am sure he does.” Sehun nods at the child, cooing internally at the adorable look Jin passes him. He is cute, like his father. He shuffles out of his suit jacket, loosens the tie around his neck before uncuffing his cufflinks. He rolls the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows, unaware of the three pair of eyes following his moves. “Let’s go?” He asks as soon as he’s finished.


Jongin nods, eyes none too subtly fixed on Sehun’s arms before looking up in the elder’s eyes, a little dazed expression sitting on his cute face. “Yes, let’s go—” he turns around to his son and neighbour before ruffling his son’s hair. He doesn’t notice the shake in his hand. “You and Lucas wait in the living room, yeah? We will cook something fast.”


“Yes!” Jin bounces on the balls of his feet before running away from there and toward the living room. Lucas follows his son a few seconds later.


“I forgot to tell you,” Sehun says, almost crying out loud in pain and anger at the smell of the onion. God, he hates this vegetable with a passion. “I hate cutting onions.”


Jongin laughs from where he’s stirring something in a pan Sehun can’t bother to pay attention to. “It was you who wanted to do that.”


“Liar,” Sehun accuses, laughing along.


“Hey! I am not a liar,” he squeaks, wondering to himself if he could hit the elder with the wooden spoon he has in his hand. “You said how you want to do this because you’re adult enough to cut onions.”


“Haha,” Sehun laughs, and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. God, he didn’t need to act this courteous. Jongin probably does this every day—cutting vegetables and onions—he could have done something else. “How many are left?” He asks, not opening his eyes to count the onions.


“Two,” Jongin answers, putting the lid back on the pan. “Let me do this, you can go and sit with the others.”


“Ah, no, that’s fine.” Sehun shakes his head, and then opens his eyes only to close them back again. “I hate onions.”


“You told me that already,” Jongin laughs, gently taking the knife out of the elder’s firm grip. “Go wash your hand, and don’t touch your eyes with your hands—” Jongin stops at the first cry that comes out of Sehun’s mouth. He doesn’t know if he should slap Sehun at the back of head or laugh or move his legs fast to reach Sehun when he realizes the elder has done the same that he asked him not to do. “Oh my God,” he cries out, placing the knife on the counter before walking to the elder. “Did no one tell you, you should not touch your eyes after touching onions?!”


“Oh, ! This ing thing—ah! My eyes!”


Jongin breathes heavily through his mouth before gulping down the anger and annoyance growing in his throat. He kind of wants to slap Sehun on the back of his head for being this foolish. it. He goes along with his feeling, and slaps Sehun at the back of his head. In annoyance. Sehun cries out at the pain, Jongin doesn’t apologize. Instead, helps Sehun sit down on the stool kept in the kitchen before filling a bowl with water.


“Let’s wash your eyes with water, yeah?”


Sehun doesn’t wait for anything, instead blindly reaches for the bowl of water before splashing it over his eyes. He wets his whole face, his clothes, but isn’t able to stop the irritation in his eyes.


God. Jongin breathes. What is he even? “Can’t you wait?” He asks, almost shouts. He pulls Sehun toward the sink with a hold on the elder’s arm; Sehun wordlessly follows him, before turning on the tap and asks Sehun to wash his eyes there. There. “Keep splashing water over your eyes. I will bring a clean towel, yeah?”


“Uh, yeah.”


“What happened to uncle, Papa?” Jin asks from where he’s standing. Lucas stands behind the five-year-old with yet another unamused look. “Why is uncle crying?”


“Your uncle is stupid!” Jongin provides with an angry huff before walking past them toward his bedroom. “I don’t even know why I agreed on letting him help me...” he continues blabbering. He comes out of the bedroom a few minutes later (because , he couldn’t find a clean towel in the mess that is his cupboard). Sehun’s cries, fortunately, have ended.


“Dab it over your eyes. Gently.” He passes the towel to the elder who takes it with a smile, and presses the soft cloth over his eyes. “How are your eyes now?”


“I guess better than what they were some time ago,” Sehun answers, voice a little shaky. “Thanks, Jongin.”


Jongin feels a little lightheaded at the smile that the elder passes him, unaware of the blush that decorates his cheeks at the gentle look. “Yeah, yeah, welcome. No go and sit with the others. I will cook everything myself.”


“Are you sure?” He asks, although he’s already following the other two out of the kitchen. “You don’t need any help?”


“Not from you, though,” Jongin answers, rolling his eyes at the elder. “Thank you for whatever you did just now.”


“Welcome, honey!”


It feels oddly weird, and homey to Sehun. The way they are acting, like a bickering couple; Jongin acting like the perfect spouse, and him acting like that dumbhead spouse who doesn’t really know a lot deal about cooking and likes.


The thought brings out a smile on his face. Jongin’s son points that out, asking why he’s smiling when just seconds ago he was crying in pain. Sehun doesn’t answer him, instead ruffles the soft hair of the child before pulling him on his lap.


“I guess I know what you’re doing,” Lucas says all of a sudden.


“What?” Sehun had forgotten about the student’s presence until he spoke up.


“Nothing,” the boy answers with a shake of his head. “Not that it really matters.”


“Nothing you say matters, anyway. So keep it to yourself.”


Lucas looks offended for the first few seconds before he scoffs and stares ahead at the movie Jin had decided to watch some time ago.


Sehun rolls his eyes. “,” he mutters to himself. If Lucas hears, he doesn’t say anything in return.


Jongin prepares the dinner by ten; the dinner, however, is tensed and mostly silent except the moments Jin opens his small mouth to talk about his school, and tell his father about what’s happening there. He tells Jongin that he made some new friends, and that there’s this student in his class that always teases him without any reason. Jongin asks him if the student hurts him, too. Jin answers with a shake of his small head.


“Yoongi and his friends laugh at my Princess schoolbag.”


“They are mean then, don’t listen to them.”


“They are really cool, though!” Jin exclaims. “They play football, in this small place. Teacher says we are too small to play in a big ground,” the boy adds.


“Grow up and then play in the big grounds, yeah?”




“You have a Princess schoolbag?” Sehun asks when he’d done listening to the father and son. “Like, really?” He asks when the child nods at his previous question.


Lucas laughs from where he’s sitting beside Jin. “He loves pink things, and Princess things.”


“That’s not what boys like though,” Sehun says, scrunching his nose in distaste. Princess Schoolbags are for girls, for God’s sake. He has been hearing so ever since his school time.


“I told him the same. He doesn’t like hearing that.” Lucas joins Sehun.


The two engage in a conversation of what a young boy should take him with school (or anywhere else), and doesn’t pay mind to the sad expression that sits on the kid’s face. Jongin looks distraught, and angry at the two of them before silently cursing them for making his son sad. Some men are just so mean. They should think before opening their useless mouths in the presence of children.


As Jin’s only father (or mother, whatever), Jongin knows his son’s likes and dislikes more than anyone else could ever. Sure the kid likes pink things more than any other, but that’s his choice. He will probably start liking something else when he will grow up. People need to grow up and learn what they should say and what they should not. It should be started with the adults, in Jongin’s honest opinion. Adults are s, and are hence insensitive most of the times.


“Done talking?” Jongin asks when he has enough of their s h i t. “Let’s finish eating.”


“I am not hungry anymore,” Jin says when his father asks him to finish his food. He places the spoon back in the plate, but doesn’t get up from the chair, yet. Table manners, his father had taught him how he should always wait for the others to finish. He kind of wants to get up from there, and run into his bedroom to cry himself to sleep but doesn’t. He knows his father won’t like it, especially when they have guests at home. “My little belly is full.”


“You haven’t eaten anything,” Jongin says, taking the boy’s spoon in his hand to feed the kid himself. “Open your mouth and eat. Otherwise, we both know you will wake up in the middle of the night for food.”


Jin pouts, but opens his mouth nonetheless. “You love me, don’t you Papa?”


“I do, of course,” Jongin answers, smiling kindly at his son.


That’s it, that’s exactly what he wanted to hear. If his father loves him, then he doesn’t really need to hear what anyone else is saying. He pokes his tongue to the other two adults before going back to eating. Sehun and Lucas only laugh at his antic.



i kissed him


you did WAT?






Oh my freaking ing God


i am so proud of you i can’t even say


when did you kiss him?


where did you kiss him?


how did you kiss him?


rench kiss? You better ate his face out


did he kiss back?


how was he like???!!!


Sehun, tell me something




almost what?


What do you mean by almost?


did you two almost ?


what is it?


i kissed him




you’re not making sense fyki


i almost kissed him


is it clear enough?


Baekhyun, but we were THIS close


and i could have kissed him


you know i could have kissed him


i have work to do


keep you boring stories to yourself


btw you failed yet again


lmao. as if i care about your boring games






Sehun looks up to find Jongin almost hovering over him. He quickly locks his phone back, hoping that the younger hasn’t read anything between Baekhyun and him. “Hi, done tucking Jin in?”


“Yes,” Jongin answers with a smile before sitting beside him when he pats the spot next to him on the couch.


Within seconds they find themselves in the same situation as one day ago.


“W-what is it that you wanted to talk about?” Jongin asks, biting on his thumb. Sehun doesn’t know if the gesture means that the younger is nervous about something or not. Why would he be nervous about anything, in the first place? It’s not like Sehun has kissed him or something—oh, kiss. They almost kissed just a few hours ago.


“Nothing,” he shrugs. “I have nothing to talk about.”


“You have nothing to talk about?” Jongin asks, sceptical. “Are you sure—I thought you wanted to talk about something when you said you wanted to go to that place.”


“Yeah, but I didn’t know what I wanted to talk about. I just wanted to visit it for some time. It’s been time since I last visited it, anyway.”


“I am sorry if I stopped you. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t know you wanted to visit it that much.”


“I didn’t want to visit it that much. I just wanted to visit it.”


“Still,” Jongin says with a heavy pout resting over his lips.


Sehun doesn’t even know what they’re talking about anymore. It’s still amusing though, how they are conversing without any topic; careless and pointless talks in the night, in the silence of the night, and in the presence of the stars, and with this heavy feeling over their hearts.


“I am sorry for what I did earlier,” he says when he’s certain that Jongin’s mind is somewhere else. He doesn’t exactly want Jongin’s complete attention when they’re talking about that. They almost kissed and Sehun is worried he might blurt out that he still wants to kiss Jongin, and if Jongin would give him a chance to kiss him now. Because he’s dying to touch those lips with his own. Plus, after all those biting on his lips makes Jongin’s lips look more scrumptious (if possible, that is) and softer and Sehun is dying.


“What you did?” Jongin asks even though they both know that the younger knows what the elder is talking about.


Although they didn’t exactly kiss because of a certain someone, Sehun still thinks he needs to apologize and make sure that he hadn’t crossed his boundary. “I almost kissed you, and I think I shouldn’t have done that. Without asking, that is.”


Jongin hums but doesn’t say anything. Sehun looks to his right, and silently observes the younger. Jongin has his eyes closed, and he’s staring ahead, and the breeze is blowing and Jongin’s hair is flowing with it, and it makes him look lovelier. Somehow, it does.


“I don’t understand why you don’t want to try in modelling,” he says, eyes fixed on Jongin’s cheek.


Jongin immediately stiffens but he doesn’t say anything for some time. “I don’t want to.”


“Why? Y-you’re so pretty, and you will—”


“I don’t want to, isn’t that clear enough?” Jongin stands up immediately to, probably, leave the place. He passes one last stern look to Sehun before turning around. However, even before he could walk out, Sehun catches his wrist. Firm and determined.


“What is it that’s stopping you from trying when it’s clear that you yourself want to give this a try?”


“That’s none of your business,” Jongin snaps, trying to pull his hand away only to no avail. “Sehun,” he almost whines.


“Tell me,” Sehun says.


“Tell you what?”


“Tell me what it is. I want to hear you, I want to know what’s this thing or person or whatever that’s stopping you from trying.”


“You’re being ridiculous.”


“That won’t stop you from speaking, would it?” He stands up too, hand still wrapped tightly around the younger’s wrist. “I am ready to hear it, Jongin, because truth be told, this is ing annoying.”


“Sehun,” Jongin sighs. “I don’t want to talk about,” he says, tears shining in his wide orbs.


Sehun gulps the rising bile of annoyance and anger down his throat. He releases Jongin’s hand before shoving it in the pocket of the pants Jongin had given him earlier. “As you wish—I won’t ask anything.”


He proceeds to walk past the younger, and it’s only when he’s about to disappear behind the wall that Jongin calls him.


“Fine,” Jongin says, fiddling with his fingers. “Let’s talk.”


“Are you sure?”


“Yeah,” he says with a nod. “It isn’t pretty, though.”


“I am all ears.”

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Ghadino94 #1
Chapter 20: Where is the epilogue 😭😭😭
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
taeahran #3
Chapter 13: Your stories give me joy .. i like your writing style so so much. The feelings and all. It’s the reality. You know how to turn emotions into words very well. It’s your stories bring me some sanity from busy schedules of mine. Im excited to come home and read a story everyday until it’s 3am in the morning. I don’t know whether you see me comment authornim. But don’t stop writing.. 💕
eriealin24 #4
Chapter 3: Omg this so in cuteeeeer
Palak27 #5
Chapter 20: This was so amazing! I enjoyed it a lot!! I loved the plot, drama the characters, everything!
Thank you so much author for this wonderful read! Stay safe!! XOXO :)
Palak27 #6
Chapter 18: So cuteeeee!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 15: FINALLLYYYY YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 13: I really love this story!! It's so well written! Thank you author!!! :) Stay safe! XOXO
Palak27 #9
Chapter 8: Wow this was fun. How all of them were after Jonginie!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 7: Okay Sehun, I know you like Jongin and but don't push him away like that. He's hurt and it's not his fault he has two men falling for his charm.