Love me, love me not

My supa luv

I woke up the next morning feel sick to my stomach. I didn't know if was because of last night or if I was actually just sick. I found out a few minutes later when I was in the bathroom throwing up everything I had in the toliet. I didn't know why after someone was sick you would cry, I wasn't even upset (okay, I was but I didn't feel the need to cry about it right now). I felt another round coming on, I quickly leaned my head in the toliet and did it all over again. My hands were shaking, I felt awful. I did the samething over again about 3 more times but it felt like 10 all together. I couldn't stand up, I was stuck on the floor shaking. My stomach was turning in ways it shouldn't be. The bathroom opened causing me to jump and then throw up once again. I quickly flushed the toliet before someone got grossed out (I already was past that point). Unluckly the person who entered the bathroom was none other than CAP. He gave me a worried look while sitting beside me. I moved away not wanting to be near him after my out burst last night. He looked at me with confused eyes.

"Please just go. I don't need symthay right now. I feel awful already." I said trying to stand up but the minute I did I fell back down only to be caught by CAP. His strong arms bracing me so I wouldn't fall over. I looked away from his eyes and I saw myself in the mirror, my face was as white as chalk. I already looked skinnier than I already was. I couldn't stop shaking. CAP gentely set me down on the ground again, great CAP I'm back at square one! He removed some matted hair from my face, and place his hand on my forehead. I hadn't realized I felt really cold and hot at the same time until I felt his burning hot hand. "Ouch! Your hand is really hot!" I whined removing it from my head. My eyes were closed to where I could only see the outline of CAP. Then everything went black. I woke up in my bed back in my room with CAP sitting beside me with the rest of the band. I groaned not from the stares but from the pain in my stomach. CAP quickly touched my shoulder. I brushed his hand off and tried not to groan but the pain was too much. I realized that it was 12:00 in the afternoon, when I had woken up the morning it had been 7:00 am, had I been out that long? As if CAP could read my mind he said.

"You've been out for three days. You look a lot better though. Your color in your face is back and your fever is gone too. Also, you aren't shaking either. How are you feeling?" CAP asked placing another hand on my shoulder. I didn't have the engery to brush this one off so I ignored it or tried to ignore the feeling it caused me.

"I feel like crap but that's better than before." I said turning to the wall. I thought about trying to get up and eating something but when the idea of food came to my head I felt like repeating the first day of sickness all over again, which I really didn't want to go through again. I started to get up, I was shocked when CAP's hands steadied my body from falling over. "If you don't mind I'd like to change my clothes." I gave them a give hint but they all gave me blank stares. I sighned how stupid can they be?! Pretty stupid obviously. "As in please go away so I can change without eyes watching me!" I snapped at them. They all blushed and hurried out of the room. I stripped my shirt off throwing it off to the side, I was about to take off my pants when I noticed I wasn't alone. CAP hadn't left, I blushed at him seeing my skinny body, it wasn't tan and perfect like his was. I quickly pulled my hands away from my pants button. I reached for a clean shirt and quickly pulled it on and waited for CAP to leave but it didn't look like he was going anywhere any time soon. I moved pasted him to go change else where. I could feel his gace on me as I walked away. I took a nice hot shower and changed into clean clothes, I felt tons better after getting all that sweat and whatnot off of me. I reached for a towel as I turned off the water but my hand found nothing. I yelled for someone to bring one but no one came. You have got to be kidding me!!! Are they deaf? Wow..I got stuck with a bunch of idiots. I searched the bathroom for a towel with no success. I opened the door to see if anyone was out there, the only person I saw was CAP who was focused on a TV show. "CAP? Can you bring me a towel please?" I asked but he didn't hear me. Wow, he really was deaf or he was just ignoring me. "CAP!" I yelled louder this time, he turned around and blushed when he saw me standing there dripping with water. I looked down to see the door hadn't been covering all of me, "Shot!" I said quickly hidding behind the door. My face went red I was so embarrassed, way to go Neil, way to go. I wanted to die right then an there!

"Umm yeah hang on." CAP said getting up from the chair in a few seconds a hand was reaching through the door with a nice clean white towel. I took it from him and slammed the door. I did not want to get out of the bathroom and face him. I quickly got dressed and slowly walked out of the bathroom. I avoided his eyes not wanting to even mention what had happen earlier. I went into my room I hadn't noticed I was being followed until I felt strong arms around me holding me close to their body. I knew instantly that I was being held by CAP. I tried to wiggle out of his hold. "Why do you keep avoiding me?" He asked hurt filled in his voice.

"I didn't think you would want to be near me." I said placing my hands over his. I was nervous with him this close to me. I removed my hands suddenly feeling stupid for putting them on his. I didn't know how to do this.

"Neil, you may think we are idiots but did you know that you fall into the idiot category as well?" CAP said smiling at me. He rest his chin on the crease of my neck and turned his head sideways. With his face that close to mine it was hard to breath and not just kiss him right then. "Here is a lesson for you in the future when you tell somebody how you feel you should stick around to found out what they have to say." He said pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was nice a soft, I felt his tounge brush against my lips wanting inside my mouth. I opened my mouth him and the kiss deepened. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling back for just a second so I could stare into his beautiful dark brown eyes. He smiled at me pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips to mine. I never felt so happy than I did in this moment right here. I was glad I had told CAP of my feelings. At least I could scratch love me not off the list because I was sure he loved me. :)

The end :) hope you guys enjoyed it! :) I will be putting another fanfic up very very soon!! :) Love you all! :D

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ukwonbias09 #1
Aww thanks :) that means lot to me!
Bunta_x3 #2
It was nice, I loved it *-*! You are a nice writer :3
fional #3
what will cap say when he hears niel is gay and loves him??????????????????? please update soon