
My supa luv

I woke up to CAP's alarm on his phone. I swear that boy doesn't know the meaning of a day off but he was the leader after all. I rolled over and moaned out of all the people I chose to share a room with I chose the guy who gets up the earliest. Yet he sleeps the most out of any of us.

"Hyung, it's Saturday, turn off your alarm." I said turning to look at him and of course he was still asleep. Ugh I sighed annoyed with him. I reach across him causing him to wake up and causing me to fall on top of him since he scared me when his eyes opened. CAP flashed me a cocky smile while my face was inches away from his. I pushed myself off of him and punched him in the chest. There was no point in trying to go back to sleep now since I was wide awake thanks you CAP. I got up making CAP get up too since this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him. We woke up the rest of the memebers leaving our maknae, Ricky, for last because we like to play pranks on him. CAP, L.joe. Changjo, Chungji and I all made our way to Ricky's room. I opened the door quietly so it wouldn't wake Ricky up. He was sleeping peacefully, almost made me feel bad, almost but not quite. He had a smile on face which I tired to hold my laughter in, must be a good dream. I walked up to him and before I put the ice (that was starting to make my hand go numb) down his shirt, he started talking in his sleep.

"Changjo, stop it! What if they hear us?" He said turning over. We turned towards Changjo who just stood there with his mouth wide opened and blushing.

"It hurts!" Ricky whinned but it was followed by a moan. We all tired not to laugh but before we all lost it, I quickly throw the ice down Ricky's shirt causing him to wake up screaming and hitting his head. We all busted up laughing tears filling our eyes, except for Changjo of course. "It's not funny!" Ricky pouted.

"So, Ricky, sounded like a good dream you were having, what was it about?" L.joe asked with a smile. I noticed that Changjo hadn't said anything. I started to wonder about him with the way he was blushing if maybe the dream had been real, after all they did share the same room. Ricky just blushed and didn't answer. We left Ricky but Changjo decided to stay behind. I could hear him talking to Ricky about something; did it have to do with the dream? I walked into my room grab some clothes when I walked in I saw CAP without a shirt on and for some reason I couldn't stop staring at his perfect body.

"Niel, what are you staring at?" CAP asked. I felt my face turn hot right away. Why was I so embarrassed I've seen him without a shirt on many times why did this time feel so different? I just grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom to shower, Afterwards we decided to go practice our new dance for the songs on our mini album. The whole time I kept screwing the dance up and I couldn't lip synic to my parts right in the song. I also couldn't keep my eyes off of CAP. I only figured it out when he came over after we called it a day and hugged me after my awful practice. I liked CAP, I had always assmued I was straight but I wasn't I realized. I think I had always liked CAP since the first day but I didn't really want to admit it. I was gay and surprisingly it wasn't that hard to accept but how was I supposed to tell the band? Most importantly how was I supposed to tell CAP of my new found feelings for him? I hugged him back realizing I was too caught up in my thoughts.


Sorry! i did not realize it was going to be so short! :( Hopefully my next few chapters will be longer! I apologize for the bad grammer and spelling in advance! :) Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy my story this is my first fanfic so I am willing (always) to accept things to make my writting better :).

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ukwonbias09 #1
Aww thanks :) that means lot to me!
Bunta_x3 #2
It was nice, I loved it *-*! You are a nice writer :3
fional #3
what will cap say when he hears niel is gay and loves him??????????????????? please update soon