Movie night

My supa luv

That night we all agreed to watch a movie. Of course it was Ricky's turn to chose the movie so he picked "Sleepless in Seattle" we all groaned, not another chick flick! He never chose attaction movies ever! Just once could he chose something other than a chick flick?

"Remind me again why we let him chose?" CAP remarked. Ricky just gave him a death glare but of course what can Ricky do to CAP? Let's see...NOTHING!

"Oh come on! It's a good movie and it's so cute!" Ricky said only earning himself more groans. He just stuck his tounge out at us as he made his way back to Changjo who let Ricky snuggle up against him. I suddenly felt a pang of jealously, just before the chosing of the movie Ricky&Changjo had confessed that they were gay and a real couple.

*flash back*

"Ricky! It's your turn to chose the movie!" CAP yelled from the chair next to me. I couldn't sit by him without getting nervous. i had to make some lame excuse about why I was moving. Then Changjo and Ricky came out hand in hand fingers interwined and everything.

"We have something to tell you guys." Changjo said squeezing Ricky's hand. I was really jealous of them right now. I looked over at CAP who just shuggred at me. He looked good in the blue skin tight long sleeve shirt he was wearing. He also had on loose sweatpants. I couldn't help but sneak a glance at his muscles one last time.

"Well, if it's that you're a couple and gay, we figured it out, now sit your asses down!" CAP said motioning for them to move

*flash back ends*

I never wanted to snuggle close to CAP so badly before. The movie started and I tried to focus on the movie and not think about CAP and his gorgeous smile.. there I go again, bad Neil!! I tried to keep my eyes on the movie but they kept wondering over to CAP. At one point I spaced off in CAP's direction. I hadn't realized I was smiling too. CAP looked at me lefting one eyebrow and snapping his fingers.

"Neil! Neil!" CAP whispered it took me a minute to realize what I was doing. I blushed, my face turning completely red.

"Sorry, I was spacing off." I whispered earning some glares from the everyone else. After that I tried not to look at CAP, but failed because I gave him a few quick glances that he didn't seem to notice. This movie was actually better than I thought. I actually loved it and Ricky was right it is a cute movie. When I got up my hand brushed against CAP's I quickly pulled my hand back and hurried away without looking at CAP. I crawled into bed and faced away from CAP. I let all my tears out, I had never felt so much pain. I kept thinking there was something wrong with me, but everytime I looked at CAP it felt right to feel this way. Then I remembered he didn't know and didn't feel the same way even if he did know. I heard the door open and pretend to be asleep. I heard him lay down, but he wasn't sleep. I rolled over to see CAP staring at me, He had that look on his face like he was thinking about something that was important.

"Why are you acting weird?" CAP finally asked me.

"I don't feel good." I lied. Now was not the time to confess my undying love for CAP (not really undying though). I rolled back over to face the wall. I was glad that he couldn't see my red eyes from crying.

"Why do I get the feeling you are lying to me?" CAP whispered. That is because I am, you idiot, I want to say, but held back. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with tears streaming down my face.


Thank you so much for the subs!! :) It really makes my day to know people are actually reading my story :) and you guys will find out how CAP reacts if Neil ever gets up the strength to tell him the truth :). I will update as much as I can! :)

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ukwonbias09 #1
Aww thanks :) that means lot to me!
Bunta_x3 #2
It was nice, I loved it *-*! You are a nice writer :3
fional #3
what will cap say when he hears niel is gay and loves him??????????????????? please update soon