
My supa luv

I was shaken awake by CAP the next day. A groaned escaped my mouth when I saw the time, 5:30 am?! I was pissed, no, I was beyong pissed.

"What the hell?! You better have a damn good reason for waking me up this early!" I yelled but still in a whisper.

"Go wake up the other members we to talk and this can't wait." CAP instead getting up and hurried to wake L.joe and Chungji up. I headed for Ricky and Changjo's room. CAP was luckly I was in love with him other wise I wouldn't done this.

"So, I have gathered us here today---"

"CAP, we are not at court or meeting with the president or whoever get to the point!!" An impatient Chungji said rubbing his eyes.

"Okay, I will then. I want to switch rooms with Chungji." CAP said. Suddenly I wasn't sleepy anymore. Why? Did he know> He couldn't, could he?

"Why me?!" Chungji whined looking as awake as I felt. I felt like screaming at him is it because I am gay?! Is it?! But of course I held myself together.

"Well, I can't take staying with Neil anymore, he is driving me crazy. Plus, since Ricky and Changjo are a couple I feel wrong seperating them." CAP explained. Wow, what a jerk, I could tell he was lying to everyone. What was he hidding?

"Well, you can't take me away from my L.joe." Chungji blurted out his face red as can be. L.joe beamed and got up planting a big kiss right on Chungji's lips. Jealously shot up through me. I saw CAP smile in success. So, this was plained out I guess. CAP turned to me and smiled at me. I blushed and looked away.

"This is great! I am going to bed!" Ricky said clearly pissed off.

"I swear to god, CAP if you do this again I will beat you!" Changjo threated. CAP just laughed at him. "You just wait." Changjo said glaring.

"I'm so scared of you." CAP rolled his eyes. I just sat there off in my own little world. I didn't notice CAP was calling my name until his face was inches away from mine. I jumped suddenly at seeing his face.

"You scared the crap out of me!" I exclaimed pushing CAP away trying not to show that I had butterflies when he did that. I started to get up, but CAP pushed me down.

"What's up with you lately?" He asked me putting his arms on either side of the chair so I couldn't escape him or his eyes.

"Nothing is up with me! Why do you keep asking me this?" I snapped trying to act cool when clearly it was not working,

"You've been actting strange ever since you went to talk to Ricky. Did he upset you?" He asked me suddenly looking worried.

"No! Nothing happened! I was just telling him that he needs to start bringing his clothes out more to be washed." I quickly made up some bullcrap reason which wasn't a lie Ricky didn't bring his clothes out a lot of the time.

"You're lying to me again! Why are you lying to me?! And about what?!" CAP demanded to know. I couldn't admit it not to him, not now. He couldn't know, there was too much at stake if I told him. Plus at the moment I really didn't want to face rejection. I sighed wanting him to drop it already.

"Stop worring about it. I'm fine there is nothing wrong! I'm not lying about anything!" I snapped. I was trying to convince myself this was the right thing to do, keeping it from him. But I was starting to crack from pressure.

"Neil! Cut the crap! I know there is something up, so just get it over with. You are always acting weird around me and I have no idea what I did to make you act this way." CAP said looking upset like it was his fault. It wasn't his fault that I liked him or that I was gay.

"I'm gay!" I shouted tears already coming down my face. "And I've been in love with you since the first day I saw you! There are you happy now?! I told Ricky because I had to tell someone before I exploded! There now you know can we just drop it now?!" I yelled and stormed past him. I grabbed my bedding and crashed on the couch. I didn't want to be near CAP right now and I'm sure he feels the same way. It wasn't supposed to come out like that I never plained on yelling it at him. Then the anger turned into pain. I started crying myself to sleep for the second night in a row.

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ukwonbias09 #1
Aww thanks :) that means lot to me!
Bunta_x3 #2
It was nice, I loved it *-*! You are a nice writer :3
fional #3
what will cap say when he hears niel is gay and loves him??????????????????? please update soon