Love Is Blind

Markjae Wonderland

"You need a boyfriend."

"I'm sorry, what?"

Mark looked up from his homework and stared with a raised brow at Jackson, who was in the middle of getting ready for a date with Jinyoung.

"I said that you need someone in your life, who will cure you of your loneliness. I mean, look at you," Jackson gestured to the scattered papers in front of Mark, "You're actually doing homework. On a Saturday. Instead of going out and having fun like a normal college student."

Before he could protest, Jackson cut in again. "Homework that's due next month, because you already finished the homework that's due next week."

At this, Mark went quiet and turned his head away from Jackson. He didn't have anything to fire back, because in all honesty, it was true. Mark was lonely, and it was sort of 100 percent his own fault.

Sure, Mark was a handsome motherer, and sure, he had good grades and an amazing personality, but all of that doesn't seem to take away from the fact that Mark was also too shy to ask anyone out. That and the people that ask him out are people that he isn't all that interested in.

"Look, I know how much of a shy hermit you are, so your awesome best friend, aka me, has taken it upon himself to set you up on a blind date."

Mark whipped his head around, his eyes wide and his face contorted into one of disbelief.

"You know how much I hate blind dates. Why would you set me up on one?"

"Because you need help with getting a date."

Mark sighed deeply. "But why does it have to be a blind date?"

There was no particular reason as to why Mark absolutely hated blind dates, other than the fact that it was just an hour or so of plain awkwardness. He never knows what to talk about with someone he's never met before, nor does he have the extroverted social powers of keeping a conversation going.

For instance, what can he talk about that won't bore the person to death? What can he joke about, without accidentally offending them? What if the person isn't his type, and he's stuck with them for a couple of dreadful hours? What if the person was a ing psycho? 

See, these are the things that Mark is afraid of and rightfully so, considering blind dates have a 50-50 chance of being successful. Poor Mark always had the displeasure of his dates going south. 

"The date is in an hour at the campus cafe, and it's a casual coffee date, so dress... casual."

"Wait, what? It's in an hour? I didn't even agree to this!"

Jackson kept his head down as he typed something on his phone, most likely texting Jinyoung. "Too late. We already set everything up. The deed is done. You're going on that date."

Mark gave Jackson yet another 'what the actual ' face, and he swears he almost lunged at him.

"Mark, I know about your extreme dislike of blind dates, and I only did it because I care about you. So please, just give this one a chance. I have a feeling that this one is the one."

"No," he deadpanned.

"I knew getting sappy wouldn't convince you," Jackson said, his disappointment shown in the long sigh he released.

"You're clearly bent on not going, so let's put it this way. If you don't go, you'll be standing up a poor, innocent person, who'll be left waiting and waiting, only to find out hours later that they were just stood up by a complete stranger. They'll feel terrible and start to question their life and possibly have an existential midlife crisis and--"

"FINE! I'll go. Just stop guilt-tripping me." Mark got up from his desk and went to grab his shower supplies.

"If this turns out to be another failed date, I'm putting hair dye in your shampoo and showing Jinyoung your high school mess of a haircut."

With a nervous chuckle and a wave of his hand, Jackson went ahead and started to leave.

"Oh, by the way," he reappeared in the doorway, almost forgetting to inform Mark of a valuable piece of information, "He's the cutest blond you'll ever meet, with an oddly attractive mole under his right eye. Knowing him, he's most likely going to be wearing an over-sized, black hoodie. You can't miss him."

"How is he going to recognize me?"

Jackson pursed his lips as he thought about it, almost as if it wasn't something he had thought about before. Mark rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he waited for an answer.

"Oh! He loves the color red, so just wear your red hoodie or something. I'll text him and tell him."

With one look of his watch, Jackson mumbled something about being late and left Mark to wallow in his own anxiety of going on this date.


When Mark arrived at the cafe, he wasn't surprised to see that there were already many customers filling up most of the tables. After all, the cafe was a popular hot spot for students wanting to finish up assignments in a calming place, have a nice cup of coffee, or just wanting to hang out. Mark just hoped that his date already had a table for them, because he was sure the waiter had just given out the last available table.

He scanned the cafe for anyone with blonde hair and thanked god when there was only one person with that hair color. He walked up to the stranger and hesitantly tapped his shoulder.


Now, Mark wasn't one to instantly fall for someone's looks, but when blondie turned around and looked up at him, he was suddenly a little glad that he agreed to this date. In short, blondie was cute, way too cute for Mark to believe that this date would be even close to successful.

"Are you Mark Tuna?"

Mark blinked once, then twice. "Did you mean Mark Tuan?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The boy got up from his chair and bowed his down in shame. "Jackson hyung told me your name was 'Mark Tuna'. It must've been a typo. I'm really sorry."

A dry laugh came out of Mark as he assured the boy that it was okay. In his mind, he was thinking about what color would look worst on Jackson's hair, because he knew that the little meant to get his name wrong.

Jinyoung had texted Mark blondie's name beforehand,too, and he trusted that Jinyoung gave him the right name.

"You're Lorenzo Choi, right?"

By the way blondie froze on the spot, Mark realized then and there that he couldn't trust either of the two little devils. A match made in Heaven? No, no ,no. It was a match made in Hell.

"Sorry! Jinyoung told me that your name was Lorenzo..."

Mark heard blondie sigh before putting on a blinding smile and raeching his hand out to him.

"My name is actually Youngjae Choi."

Mark looked down his outstretched hand and took it into his own. 

"Mark tuan."

Not that he was trying to be a creep or anything, but Mark may or may not have held onto his hand for a much longer than necessary time. He only acknowledged his creepiness when one of the waiters came by to take their orders, causing him to hastily detach their hands.

"I'll have an iced Americano, please," Youngjae said, going back to sit down. Mark followed suit and sat directly in front of him.

"Make that two iced Americanos, please."

Right after the waiter left, the two were left to their demises, which would've been fine if it wasn't so damn awkward. No one seemed to want to speak up, so they were both just sitting in an unsettling silence and looking everywhere but at the person across from them.

This uncomfortable atmosphere is exactly why Mark disliked going on dates with people he hasn't gotten acquainted with first. For once, he just wished that he'd have some luck with these dates, more specifically, this one.

'Maybe we'll get to talk as time passes.' Mark thought to himself. 

That didn't happen at all.

With two empty glasses of coffee on the table, the two received an achievement of exchanging less than 100 words. Sad, but also quite impressive. You'd think they would've hit it off after 20 minutes of just sitting there, but it appears that their timid natures are too strong.

Time was being wasted, and Mark couldn't take it anymore. He hated the silence. He hated the awkwardness. He hated not being able to comfortably get to know the adorable being you call a human that was sitting right in front of him. He especially needed to get something off of his chest.

"Can I be honest with you?" He asked almost desperately.

Youngjae finally looked at him directly, something Mark thought he was ready for, but he felt his mouth go dry at the mere act of him tilting his head to the side. He swears he's not in love. Yet. 

"No offense to you or anything, but the only reason I agreed to this date was because my friend forced me to," Mark sheepishly admitted. 

He was expecting some kicked puppy expression from the boy, but instead, he was surprised to see that he was laughing. 

"No way! My friend forced me, too," he managed to say in between giggles. "Something about being a lonely hermit?"

"I see we're in the same situation then," Mark mused.

"Indeed. It's not my fault that I'd rather play games than go out with people."

Mark's ears perked up. "What do you play?"

"Lately, I've really loved Overwatch."

Mark's pretty sure his heart just skipped a beat. "You play?!"

Youngjae's heart definitely skipped a few beats just then as well. His eyes even grew to the size of saucers. "You do, too?! We need to play together sometime."

It's amazing how the mention of something as simple as a video game can lead to even the shyest of people talking animatedly to each other as if they weren't sitting in deathly silence moments before.

"How about right now? We can go back to my dorm room."

Youngjae rested his chin on his hand and let a playful smile make its way onto his face. "That's not your version of Netflix and chill, is it?"

Mark felt his cheeks warm up just a little bit. It wasn't helping at all that Youngjae was staring at him, the amusement clear in his eyes.

"I promise it's not," Mark denied, his flustered state leaving as quick as it came. He gave Youngjae a smile of his own, his composure wavering once more when the blonde across from him told him he liked his smile. If only Youngjae knew how crazy his own smile made Mark feel.

Again, it's not love, but perhaps infatuation.

"Oh wait, I don't have Overwatch on my computer, and I only have one console," Mark said dejectedly.

"Don't even worry about it." Youngjae lifted his backpack, which literally came out of no where, onto the table and patted it affectionately. "I brought my laptop and my CD."

"In case the date went terrible?" Mark asked, trying to hide a laugh but failing miserably.

"You know me so well." 

They both began to laugh together, not caring if the other customers stopped and looked at them funny. Truth be told, some people only stopped to stare, because they were mesmerized by their unique laughs. 

Once the hysterics were over, they decided to pay for their drinks and relocate to Mark's place.

"After you, Mr. Choi," Mark said in a terribly fake posh voice as he held the door open for Youngjae

"How gentlemanly of you, Mr. Tuan, but you do realize that I don't know where your room is, right?" 

"What a shame. I guess we'll just have to walk around until we somehow find it. Maybe it'll refresh my memory if we stop by the convenience store to buy some snacks, but I'm not entirely sure."

Youngjae shook his head, the corners of his lips tilting upward. "You could've just said you were hungry."

Mark just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. "It's more exciting this way."


A shrill scream echoed throughout the dormitory, and heavy footsteps were quickly approaching Mark and Jackson's room. Mark, knowing that scream all too well, grinned smugly, while counting down the seconds until he came.

"3... 2..."

"WHY IS MY HAIR NEON GREEN?" Jackson screamed when he burst through the door. "YOU SAID THE DATE WENT AMAZING!"

Mark spun his swivel chair around after pausing his game and looked the man in front of him from head to toe. His eyes then landed on the the damp, neon green locks that lay on his best friend's head. 

"That's for telling Youngjae that my name was 'Mark Tuna'."

Another ear-piercing scream sounded from Mark's headset.

"Just be glad your hair isn't hot pink, like Jinyoung's."


"Then I guess you can introduce yourself as Jinyoung's Cosmo."

The joyous laughter of an angel was then heard from the headset. "Good one, Mark hyung!"

"Don't encourage him, Youngjae!"

Jackson and Jinyoung may have been a match made in Heaven (or Hell, if you think like Mark), but Mark and Youngjae were a match made by God himself.

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Chapter 3: That's not trash, that was a cute and funny story haha
Chapter 2: Love that kind of story :o
It's beautiful!
Chapter 1: OMG, so cute ><
Simple but it works well.. I like the story, it was a pleasure to read it, it made me smile hehe
A nice way to approach your crush lol
Chapter 16: Awww no :’(
Chapter 16: awhhhh now i'm crying!!!!!! but once again great written!
ivytlz #6
Chapter 15: awww everyone loves youngjae! I hope he IRL knows that too :)
Chapter 15: So glad the members still celebrated Youngjae's birthday~
Chapter 14: All of these stories are so adorable! Your story is truly a MarkJae wonderland and I'm excited for upcoming updates~
Chapter 14: im crying my parents are to cute!! youngjae ah you perfect and you are a princess ,mark forever princess <3
Chapter 13: dang this so cute! hahahha jackson and jinyoung the prankster and obviously my markjaeeeee